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_16 years ago_

Sitting in his duplex house,he stretched his arms on the sofa and inhaled the sense of the sweet delicacy his wife was preparing. He was unaware of the shimmering heat outside for his house was being cooled by the conditioner. He released a tiring sigh and decided to throw all his worries in the gabbage for once and live this little leisure moment he had. He'll get to his troubles later,at the moment...he was just waiting for his angelic wife to bring him something to satisfy his grumbling stomach.

He rested his head on the sofa and closed his eyes,this dunya and its problems were not going to get him insane for sure. A gentle tap on his shoulder made him rise up and a peaceful smile curled up his lips.

"Ya Maryam" he called. His wife returned the same smile to him and placed the plate of food on the stool. Bismillaah was what they started with but before they were able to let the Alhamdulillaah flow from their mouths,a fierce knock filled their ears.

"I'll check who's at the door" Maryam said and walked out. Habeeb's mind went back to those days that Iqbaal,their guardman was working for them. He'll rush to the gate whenever they had a visitor and will walk him to the house. Gone are those days. He no more has the means to pay a guardman and that made Iqbaal quit working there. He needs him more at the moment especially with the condition that his wife was in.

"He's back Habeeb" the worry laced in Maryam's voice was enough for him to know who it was,who else if not Musa.

"Oh Lalaa Yaa are enjoying the comfort of your home,make best use of it for you will vacate it soon. You've got to pay my money or leave the house in two days,if not" he walked closer to him with his black coat flying behind him "I'll make you rot in jail!" Habeeb believed every word he said and he knew he meant it all. All that was left with him was to beg Musa to give them some more time. His business was not running well anymore and he has a family to feed,what'll happen if they lose the roof covering them?

"Please give me some more time Musa,I promise to pay you in two months,please" Habeeb's hands were already folded as he made the plea.

"You've been saying that for a year now,I cannot take it anymore...immediately after tomorrow,some men will come and throw all your stuff out!" He turned and paid no attention to the calls or pleas Habeeb was giving
"BAAMM!"  He slapped the door back and that collided with Ya Maryam's shrilled voice.

"Aaarrrr" her eyes dilated as she used her hand to support her back.

"My water has broken Habeeb,it's time!" Habeeb realised that it was her due date! He ran upstairs and picked his purse and ran down again.
"Go back upstairs,wake him up and bring him along,we cannot leave him here alone...Musa is capable of anything!" Maryam added.

"Son,get up,we have to go to the hospital" Habeeb shook their seven year old son who was sleeping peacefully. He gently got up and followed his father downstairs.

They got into Habeeb's last car that was left after he sold all the others out of need.


Habeeb could not stay still with every passing second that his wife spent inside the room. The doctors and nurses were running here and there and none of them was telling him anything. He prayed to Allaah for everything and hoped for the best. His little son has already fallen asleep on the chair and saved himself the trouble.

"I don't know what's with him and sleeping" he muttered underneath his breath albeit it being of no disturbance to him.

A doctor finally came towards him and asked him to go in for his wife wanted him to be there.

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