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I grabbed Noor by the wrist and led her to the salon where the bride was being decked-up in. A lot of girls were already in the room,most of whom I know not. Either Asiyah's friends or Humayrah's and some,my long distant cousins whose names' I don't know,Asiyah's been telling me though. Now that Noor is here,I need not stick to Asiyah anymore.

Noor couldn't wait to see the bride and she was hopping and clapping and doing whatsoever even before we could see Mayrah.

"Noor,get a grip on yourself" I tightened my grip on her hands.

"I am just too excited" she squeaked.

The make-up artist won't allow anyone to get a glimpse of her until she's done. We all sat back and each familiar group engaged themselves in a little chat. Noor and I also thought it was the best time to talk about our results.

"I got promoted!" We said in one go and all eyes got turned to us.

"Sorry" I smiled sheepishly and dragged Noor out to a lonely corner.

We talked and talked and talked. The fact was,we were both happy with the outcomes of our exams and that's what made it cool. The situation would've been otherwise if one of us didn't get what we wanted. I had a slight higher GPA than Noor but it was all Shukrulillaah.

"Let's forget school stuff and enjoy the ceremony first" Noor said and walked in. We just stepped in and got welcomed by the glowing face of the beautiful bride who was also my favorite sister. The touch-up on her face just blends with her beauty and she was looking just perfect! Ebrahim has got a whole Queen to deal with. The groom has already occupied his grand seat and couldn't wait to see his bride,judging by the look on his face.

"Is that human or Jinn?" Noor gaped at Humayrah.

"As if I have ever seen a jinn to be able to differentiate from the two" that made her laugh and we went in.

"He's also gorge" she added,referring to Ebrahim. That was true. I just said an 'uh-hm' and kept quiet.

We took our seats and Noor decided to click some photos on her phone. She's got a pretty cool mobile with a glittering cover on it. I had a hunch that she got it from the super bro- Sir Mahmud.

My eyes just idled around and stopped when I saw Asiyah sitting right beside Sir and smiling comfortably. I'm sure she felt victorious because she got what she wanted. I could see sweat running down Sir Mahmud's forehead and I giggled quietly. It looked funny how his anxiety was quite visible. Asiyah!
The giggle was not so quiet because Noor heard it and she asked...

"Why are you laughing?" I thought 'why not tell her and make it our little secret'.

"Just don't tell anyone" I looked away from Asiyah.

"Come closer" I gestured with my hands and her ears were already getting into my

"Look right....where Sir Mahmud is sitting" she nodded "look at Asiyah right beside him" she nodded again and turned to me.

"What are you thinking?" She made a scrunched up face.

"Something seems to be cooking there...not from your brother though,he is quite decent" I said to not make her feel bad.

"Even your sister is decent" she added.

"Not that much...and" I stopped and looked around us,a lot of people were there so I pulled Noor towards me and whispered in her ears "she has a crush on Sir". The next look that Noor threw me was a surprised one and one would think her eyes were coming out of their sockets.

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