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I held Noor's hand and we sat on the chairs trying to catch up. The way we missed each other was inexplicable. Bilal served us newly cooked food and excused us.

"Do you know that he is the best cook in town?" I asked Noor.

"The fact that you said it before I could even hurts! I knew it!" She said. "How did you know him?"

"Will you believe that he was my kidnapper?" I giggled. "He's the guy who always throws me on his shoulder and takes me to Mr. Farouq" Noor's eyes were like saucers upon hearing that.

"And now he named his restau after you?"

"Unbelievably yes! He has become a brother to me. I can bet he is the best brother in the world!" I was not exaggerating.

"I don't agree...Bayyaa is!" Of course Noor would say that. Her Bayyaa was her everything.

"Yes,to you. But for me,Bilal is. Bayyaa is your Bayyaa after all and he is my Sir" I giggled again. Noor just kept quiet and formed a tight lipped smile.

"So tell me...where have you been staying all these while and what has been happening in your life?" I told you we've got a lot of catching up to do right?

"Uhrmm uhrmm" I cleared my throat and blushed.

"No! No Ayesha! It's not what I am thinking...right?" She was also smiling so hard.

"I think it is" I sniffed.

"Love? You're in love?" She asked incredulously. I nodded with a pout.
"Awwwwwwwwn!" She cooed. "How does it feel?"

"Superb! It feels...huh" I sighed. I definitely don't have words to use. "It's a different thing. It makes me feel as if life has become more colourful than before" I laughed at my choice of words. "It also makes one set standards for herself you know. When you are not in love,you don't care! But things change the moment it creeps in. To be honest! I cannot also believe I have fallen in love!" I shook my head,

"Who is he?" She was eager to know.

"I'll tell you...but only on one condition!" I stated. She nodded almost immediately. "You'll also have to tell me his name,your guy"

"Ok. Done!"

"Where do I start?" I put a finger under my chin. "Ok. I first met him when I escaped from Mr. Farouq. I was running for my life and without looking forward,I bumped on a huge tree. I lost my balance and was about to fall but he held me by the waist..."

"Ohh Ohh Ohh!" Noor began fanning herself with her hands. "I know it wasn't intentional" she said amidst laughter when I threw her a funny deadly look.

"Then,I realised that he lives in the same home that Bilal took me to. He is the grandson of the physician who was responsible for my wounds"

"This is called the work of Destiny!" Noor exclaimed.

"Ohh Noor! Aaaand...what else? I think that's all" I dusted my hands.

"If you don't give me all the details I might slap you" she frowned.

"Ok Miss,I also went on a simple date with him though it cannot be called a date. He took me around the village and showed me many things. He cooks for me! He helps me! And most atimes,I catch him staring at me"

"Yuuuuuuuuuu!" Noor practically wanted to spoil my ears. "Like seriously Ayesha,this guy is in love with youuu!" She enthused. I was blushing,I didn't expect to hear someone agree that he was in love with me and that feeling was...something else!

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