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As Noor left the house,I also went to my room to get myself some quality sleep. I flopped on the bed and got cosy with the blanket.

"Hufff! Life is so tiring,Alhamdulillaah!" I said aloud. "Can't wait for Jannah to make us forget all such hardships" with that said,I allowed sleep to consume me.

My sleep got disturbed by the ringtone of my phone. I sluggishly stretched my hand towards it on the nightstand and recieved it blindly.

"Hello As'Salaamu alaikum"

"Wa alaikumus salaam my child" Nna!

"Ohh. Nnaa. How are you?" I sat up properly.

"I am fine Alhamdulillaah dear. I am just not happy with you. How can you just go back home without telling me anything."

"Ohh Nnaa,I am really sorry. I wanted to come and visit you this weekend and tell you about it all but you know it already"

"Yes,Bilal told me" I removed the phone from my ear for a split second and saw that we were talking through Bilal's dial.

"I'm sorry Nnaa,please forgive your baby" I pouted as if she was seeing me.

"It's Ok dear. I understand. Alhagie has also gone home" My heart skipped a beat on hearing his name but I sighed it off.

"Yes I know,I even met him. He is my brother's best friend" I told her.

"Really? So you both will know each other better now" I just smiled as a reply and hummed. "Ok dear. We'll see each other when you finally visit inn shaa Allah. Ma'as Salaama"

"Ok Nnaa" I wanted to hang up but someone was shouting 'Doll!' I giggled and put the phone on speaker before placing it on the bed.

"What's up Goon?" I asked.

"Goon? Doll I am now a good person" he explained and I chortled.

"I know,calling you goon does not mean you are one,I just felt like calling you that"

"I seeee."

"Why did you tell Nnaa that I have returned? You should have waited for me to tell her on my own"

"I'm sorry doll"

"Sorry won't solve anything!"

" about taking you for dinner?"

"Hell No! Come for dinner instead" I invited

"Hmm,Ok. That's no big deal. I'm on my way,bye" the call ended and I walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower and perform ablution. I went to the prayer room and met BaaiJaan praying so I joined him.


"I feel overjoyed knowing I had the chance to pray with you and I did" BaaiJaan held my hand as we walked out of the room.

"Me too. Where's Sister Twin? She's not back yet?" I felt the need to ask. Noor went out 5 hours ago and she's still not back? Unbelievable.

"Are you missing your 'Sister Twin'?"

"Not that much. I just thought she won't be able to stay an hour without you" I joked and we both laughed. Knowing Noor and her closeness to her Bayyaa will make anyone think they are glued to each other.

"That's true but not when she's with you or Zakir... a.k.a Cattie"

"I normally hear her talk about him once or twice but don't know him much"

BOLD AND SERENEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora