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I have been kinda sad these days...I mean,my goon brother has taken a distance away from me. I do understand him and hope that he'll show up soon. I miss him already. I was sitting in my little hut thinking of how to get to Bilal when I heard the salaams of Zainab.

"Alaikum salaam Zainab,please come in" she entered with a smile plastered on her face and a bowl in her hands.

"I brought you some food" she placed the bowl and turned to leave.

"Who gave it to you?" She looked at me weirdly but answered nonetheless.

"Nnaa did" I nodded and she left.

I opened the bowl and the decoration filled my eyes.

_EAT IT PLEASE : )_ Was written on it with the use of legumes. I smiled and realised the food was from Alhagie. Nothing was gonna stop me from eating it anyway,since Bilal was mad at me.

I was enjoying my food when I saw a shadow coming from the window.

"Who is it?" I frowned. Nobody answered.

"If you don't show yourself,I'll meet you there,break your arms and nothing's gonna come out of it!" I deadpanned.

"Will you do that to someone who easily throws you over his shoulder like a bag of rice?" Bilal!

"Even to his boss!" I grinned. He jumped through the window and sat on the other side of the bed.

"Why did you abandon me?" I pouted. "Am I no more your black doll?" He dragged himself close to me.

"Hey,don't talk like that...I'll never abandon you doll,trust me!" His eyes held sincerity. I looked away and smiled.

"Alhagie's food again?" He frowned. "I brought mine too" the frown turned to a smile.
This was not going to be easy but I must eat Alhagie's. I cannot hurt him again. For Bilal,I've been eating his food since so long,he'll have to understand.

"No Bilal,I can't eat your food today. I'm eating this one" I pointed to Alhagie's bowl. "You can join me if you want" I shrugged.

"You are not fair doll" he frowned and turned away.

"Of course Bilal,I am Black" I smiled and continued eating. He picked a morsel and claimed to taste the food,before you know it,we were eating it together.

"Bilal" I called.


"You've never told me anything about your family"

"That's because I don't have any" he shrugged.

"Be serious"

"Hmmm... It's not easy to say yaar." He sighed for three times. "My parents died in an accident when I paid a visit to my grandma" He paused. "Years after,My grandma passed away too" I was shocked! Poor Bilal!

"My other family members wanted nothing to do with me because they termed me as 'bad luck'!" He spat. His eyes were already bloodshot.

"I was saved by Musa. He did everything for me. Enrolled me to school,fed me,cloth me. The only thing I did for myself was to learn my deen. After school,I'd come here,Nnaa Fatimah taught me everything that I needed to know about islam. I knew her a long time ago,that's why I introduce her to you as my grandmother." Ooooh! This was why the connection between Bilal and Nnaa was very strong.

"I've always hidden my job from her. I never wanted to betray Musa. I was indebted to him. Things took a turn when you came into the image. Doll,I couldn't just sit and watch you suffer in his hands. I don't know how but...."

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