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I was lying on my traditional comfy bed since that's what Nnaa Fatimah forces me to do all day and night saying I have not fully recovered yet. In order to be a good child,I always obey her. I could see the shadow of someone at the door mingling with the rays of the sun.

"You can come in" I permitted. As he walked closer,I realised it was not a girl.

"Salaamu alaikum" the face of Alhagie came to view as he raised the curtain.

"Hmm,Alhagie. Wa alaikumus salaam" he knows the meaning of the hmm.

"Haja Ayesha,how are you feeling?" Haja Ayesha?

"I am feeling better Alhamdulillaah" he smiled. All these while,he's been avoiding my gaze.

"That's cool. I am sorry for leaving you alone at the forest. I just wanted to be obedient"

"Really? That's nice of you. Thank you" Sarcasm dripped off my voice.

"I brought you some food" he placed the bowl beside the bed. I muttered a thank you again and he took his leave.

I was really hungry. I managed to get up and open the bowl. A look at the bowl was enough to make one hungry. Such pretty food decor. I was about to put a morsel in my mouth when the crazy goon came hollering above my head.

"Hey Doll!" I ignored.
"Why is she ignoring me?" He asked himself. I ate my food silently.
"What have I done Black Doll?" He made a pitiful face.

"When you enter,what should you say first?" I asked,not throwing him a glance.

"Salaamu Alaikummm!" He smiled. "Only that? Ohh doll!"

"That's not only and again,stop calling me doll!" This time,I threw him a fierce look. Just that he's not scared of it.

"I brought you some food. You are gonna like it. I made it myself" that was all I need to hear 'I made it myself!' Bilal's food is always the best. I gently closed the bowl that Alhagie brought and anticipated for Bilal's.

"Did Nnaa Fatimah give you that other bowl?" Curious!

"No. Alhagie did." He huffed.

"Don't eat his food. Eat mine. I am a better cook"

"Hey stop bragging. His food tastes good too. Don't degrade people ok"

"Ok ok doll. I'll take my leave. Byeee!!!" He quickly stood up.

"Where are you going?" I pray he never gets back to the bandit lifestyle he was in.

"Secret!" He shushed and walked away.

I started eating Bilal's food and as he said,his food tastes PerFect! I enjoyed every bit of it. I made a mental-note of telling Nnaa Fatimah to give Alhagie's food to the kids,in the evening. I lied back down and got taken away by a light sleep.


"Haja Ayesha,Haja Ayesha...please wake up. It's time for Salaah" I got tapped by a palm leaf.

I opened my eyes and saw Alhagie. The place was already dark. It means I didn't pray Asr and it was Maghrib already! Yaa Rahman!
For a moment,I forgot being sick and swiftly stood on my feet and rushed out of the hut,Alhagie trailing behind me. I felt a little migraine and stopped on my tracks.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I just nodded and continued walking to the wudhu zone.

"Wait,I'll help you" Alhagie offered. He picked the plastic kettle.

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