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I woke up to the fizzling sound of the ceiling fan in the room that I was in. I was lying on a huge bed in a grand room and I was oblivious of how I got there. My eyes rummaged the room carefully but nothing seemed familiar. I tried to recall what might have led me here but as far as I could remember,I had slept off after prayer in Mr Farouq's store room when he kidnapped me and now,I am here. Could this be one of the rooms in his house? Why the sudden transfer? My mind was battling with many thoughts when the door to the room went open. I paid great attention to the door and a girl of my age came in. She fluttered back as if she had just seen a ghost...maybe she was not expecting to see me here and that startled her.

I faced the wall and ignored her when she stood still on her position and kept on looking at me from corner to corner. For a normal person,I should have felt uncomfortable under her gaze but since I am Ayesha,it was normal. It's not everyday that you get blessed to find a dark skinned lady.

At last,she moved from her place and sauntered towards me.

"Wh...." she tried to say something when i cut her short

"It's disrespectful to look at someone like that" I turned towards her and for a moment,I believed someone has to teach me to act nicely towards unknown people.

"I am sorry,it's because....ummm,this is my room and no one told me we had a guest" she fumbled with her fingers. She looked adorable and I felt bad for acting malevolent towards her.

"But who are you?" She asked when I didn't say anything,I don't know what to say actually.

"My name is Ayesha and just like you,I also wonder what brought me here" I shrugged.
She blinked for a good number of times and widened her eyes as she shouted,
"Bayyaaaaa" and dashed out of the room. Quite childish!
Since I couldn't understand what was happening,I just sat quietly and waited.

I couldn't help but think she might be a sister to Mr Farouq since she said Bayyaa and that means brother.
I was thinking about the cute little girl-as if I am older than her- when she came in again,this time,someone was coming behind her. To my surprise,Mr Jamal walked behind her. I got more confused.

"Sir" escaped from my mouth as my eyes dilated and I sat properly.
"Hi Ayesha,how are you?" He asked with a smile never leaving his face.
"I am fine Sir...erhhh how did I come here?" I asked.

"We managed to save you from the goons and I brought you home to get you properly treated by our family doctor. He injected you before leaving and I believe that's what kept you sleeping for hours. How are you feeling now?" He asked after a brief explanation.

"Thank you Sir,I am feeling better" I smiled.

"Where is my dad?" I asked knowing he would be so worried by now

"He knows you are here and will come to pick you up tomorrow inn shaa Allaah" I smiled and tried to come out of bed.

"Noor,please get her something to eat" Noor smiled and held both her hands below her navel. She paid no attention to what Mr Jamal was saying,as if she was in reverie. Her action was so funny that I started laughing. I looked at Mr Jamal who shook his head in pity for her.
Our reactions brought her back to her senses and she walked out with a scrunched up face.

In a minute,she was back with a plate filled with all kinds of snacks. Expensive ones for that matter.
She placed the plate on the bed and sat opposite me. Now the plate was in the middle and even before I picked a morsel,she picked one first.

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