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We maneuvered inside the compound and I couldn't wait to release my weight on my bed and go off till tomorrow morning inn shaa Allaah.

"Good night Bayy yaa" I walked in my room and closed the door,not before seeing Bayyaa laughing at my situation. I was hella tired and there he was laughing,he enjoyed himself no doubt especially with Asiyah at his aid with whatever he needs. I am still in shock about the fact that Asiyah has a crush on Bayyaa but I will think about it tomorrow,right now...all I want is a GoodNightSleep!


I opened my eyes to the call to prayer and closed them again...Alhamdulillaah I am in off-Salaah mode because I was too tired to get up. I drifted to my beauty sleep with no intention of waking up soon.

"Cattie Noorie"

"Wake up Cattie"

"Hey Noorie"

I heard faint voices in my sleep and decided to ignore them. The noise died down but not for so long,before I realised it...a sharp pain had attacked my arm,just as sharp as an ant bite. I looked up and saw Bayyaa.

"Bayyaa! Let me sleep...and why were you calling me Cattie Noorie?" I jabbered and stretched my little short legs.

"You never listen to me when I do the same request" he stood akimbo.

"I called you Cattie Noorie because someone called...umm" he paused and reached my phone on the nightstand...he looked at it and nodded... "Zakir,yes,someone called Zakir texted you and just said Cattie Noorie,I think it's a cute...." he kept on talking and I just dozed off.

"Noooor!" I never imagined Bayyaa being this irritating. I cried and threw my legs around. When Bayyaa did not move from his place,I just shouted 'GOOOO!" and before you know it,he was already out. I looked at my phone and saw that time was 9:30,I still need to sleep for an hour more. My body was not used to so much up and down movements done in weddings.

As decided,I lifted myself from the bed at 10:30 and walked out. I ordered for my breakfast to be done before I walk out again because I was starving. I went back to my room and got into a fresher me. I wrapped my loose hijab over my head and was about to walk out when Sally,our new cook walked in with my freshly cooked breakfast. I took it from her and walked to Bayyaa's room. I knocked the door but no one answered. I walked in and called but no one answered again...Bayyaa was not at home.

"Sally...have you seen Bayyaa?" I called Sally who was going to the kitchen.

"Sir has announced that he was going to visit his friend"

"Ok,thank you" Bayyaa has gone to Umarr's. When did he start going there without me? Maybe he left because I was asleep and he didn't want to disturb me. But I really wanted to see Umarr,it's been a while and my eyes haven't been set on that guy with the cute face. I let things slide and got ready to fight with Bayyaa whenever he returns. I sat on the sofa in his room and placed my breakfast on my laps. I took my phone out of my pocket and intended to reply some of my messages whiles munching on the food.
A lot of messages popped up on the notification bar,my girlfriends and chatting during holidays! I replied them all and got to the last one

⊙Cattie Noorie⊙

I knew immediately who it was from and a small smile crept on my lips.

⊙missing me already?⊙

I replied and concentrated on my food.
I was somewhat done eating when a message popped up again.

⊙Yes,in your dreams!⊙

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