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(The most requested pov💃,enjoy😉)

I never allowed any girl in my life or my heart before. As always,I gave all my time and concentration to my studies. I am the eldest child of the family and I had to study hard to make maman and papa proud. We were not poor,my parents made sure to give us the most comfortable life ever. I have two siblings,Khalipha and Khalid. Khalipha was just three years younger than me and Khalid was our baby king,the most handsome of us all.

I was a responsible boy since early stages of my life. From school to Madrasah and back home again to study both Madrasah and school books. My parents were and are still proud of me,just like I wanted. The thing is,now my life is not very simple. I have something bothering me and I can't find a solution to it.

It all started when I came across the bubbly girl in school called Noor,when I realised I was developing some weird feelings for her,I avoided her and made sure to shun her thoughts from my mind whenever they crept in. It would have been easier if she complied but either unfortunately or fortunately,she was always there in front of me. Wherever I go,I'll see her smiling at me and forcing me to be her friend. According to her,friendship with boys was better than with girls and she believes I was the perfect one for that friendship.

I couldn't send her away from me since the last thing I could do was hurt her. She was everyone's favorite in class,but I was her favorite. I didn't know how I let my guards down and allowed her in my just happened. Then I would disturb her even when she does not do it. I started missing her more than I missed my books,even though I never admitted it to her. She was my bestfriend but I am looking forward to something more. The funny thing was,no matter how much close she gets to me,she never gets a hint of what I want. She was so innocent,my Cattie!

I study a lot and try to understand every topic deeply,just so that I could explain it to her easily. I wanted to be an outstanding student but I wanted Noor to be one too. When I study,I turn my phone off and try to imagine whatever I was studying so that Noor won't show up in my head. It got to a point that I began thinking I was obsessed with her.

For the first time,I had to admit that I missed her,she was so distant. Even during graduation,she was not the bubbly Noor that she used to be. The Noor I knew would have caused a lot of fuss during the programme but this Noor was just occupied with something else. She did told me about the lost of her 'new bestfriend' and I believed that was what was bothering her. I was so jealous of that bestfriend,She got so close to Noor in a blink and even made her forget me. I made a mental note to fight with her for that. Things got clearer when she revealed that the 'new bestfriend' was her twin sister. I was glad and I got my place back.

After she dismissed me and went to the police station with her Bayyaa,who always gives me the 'I know you are not just a friend' look. She didn't get back to me. I was going's like I have lost the bestfriend relation that I had with her the moment school ended. Maybe I was just overthinking. I decided to call her.

"Salaamu Alaikum Cattie Noorie" she recieved on the second ring.

"Wa alaikumus salaam Zak" she replied in a subdued tone. These days are tough for her and I could feel it.

"Where are you lost?" I asked.

" are you?" She asked.

"I am not fine yaar...I think I've lost someone close to my heart" I was not feigning sadness,I was actually sad.

"Hey,Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'un" she exclaimed.

"I didn't say I lost someone,I said 'I think'." She giggled.

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