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I have lived through a very hard phase of my life. I had to accept that Noor was just a friend and nothing more. I wished I had to go to school. That way,I would have been occupied with books and studies and free my mind from these thoughts. Nonetheless,I have chores at home to busy myself with.

I had asked mom to give a holiday to the workers and allow me to take care of the house. She was so proud of me.

One afternoon,I was busy washing the dishes when Khalipha came and started disturbing me.

"Why are you so childish!? Stop it,as you can see,I'm busy" he always wants to be joking around.

"Yes I can see. These days you don't even have my time. If you're not busy with these chores then you are in your room sleeping. I am not used to this new you Da" well,he was right. I just needed some alone time.

"You are right but I need my solitude. I want to be alone for sometime"

"Why? Are you heartbroken?" He said that and started laughing. "I know you are! That angel who came here the last time,you love her right?" What have I done to deserve such a mischievous and cunning little brother?

"I have an advice for you. Whatever the case is,just fight for your love!" This guy was too mature for his age.

"Hey,how do you know all these? Tell me" I placed the bowl aside and faced him.

"It's a secret,don't tell anyone Da. I have a crush on our cousin Khadijah" my eyes went wide and my mouth agape!

"Whaaaaaat!?! Khalipha....are you crazy?" He tightly held my mouth to make me stop shouting.

"Da,will you calm down. It's just a crush...please don't tell Ummaa" he whispered

"I want you to concentrate on your books! If you fail to do extremely well in your exams then know that I'm telling mom! Small boy crushing,chaaaai!" He glared at me and left the kitchen. I giggled and shook my head,this boy is unbelievable. There is only one useful thing in his jabber...'just fight for your love'. I was sulking all these while but never had I thought of fighting for my love. It might work. If I fight and lose then,Alhamdulillaah. But if I fight and get it....Maaaaa shaa Allaah. I threw a punch in the air.

I quickly washed all the dishes and ran to my room to take a quick shower. I got cladded in a denim jean and a blue T-shirt. I took with me my favorite novel with some snacks and headed to the park.

I took a seat on my favorite bench which no one occupies,maybe they leave it just for me. It was a quiet side and one can just sit there and look at the mobile world. It was so soothing and beautiful. Just fresh air and no troubles.

I decided to call Noor and see how I can keep up the fight...I mean the fight for my love,not our everyday meaningless fights.

"Hello As'salaamu alaikum" she said almost immediately she recieved the call.

"I called you so you should have waited for my greeting instead" I started a fight,as usual.

"I am Noor and you should know I do things in my own way!" She loves being unique.

"In your own weird way instead" her uniqueness is weird but cute too.

"Wait,did you just call me to have a fight with me Zak?" I chuckled and sighed. I did called to fight for my love,not with her.

"I missed our fights Cattie" I am an emotional wreck,I know. Noor suddenly went quiet. "Are you there Noorie?" I asked.

"Yesss...I am here. You? Where are you?"

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