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I couldn't believe I was seeing the face of my Ummaa after 17years of living without her. What more can Dad be hiding?...first,it was the truth behind our sister and now the truth behind our mother's death. I would confront him later...for now,I need to know where these rascals are taking my mother.

"Please drive faster" I told the driver and Noor looked at me as if I was running mad. She'd been lost in her own world and I know she has been thinking about the current situation. She never knew mom and suddenly hears that she is alive,she might not believe me at the moment.

Their car stopped and ours did the same. They went into a curve and I followed with Noor and the driver sitting back,in the car. I walked for some distance before hearing Noor's steps from behind.

I took the same curve but bumped on someone. It was the same man that we were following from the start. Yahya.

"Where do you think you're going?" He held me by the collar and pushed me making me retreat my steps.

"Where the hell are you taking my mother?" I replied pushing him too.
He swiftly removed a gun from his pocket.

"Go away before I shoot the life out of you" he pointed the gun towards me.

"I'd rather die than go home without *my* Mother!" I stressed the 'my'.

"Ok,it means you are ready to die" he shrugged and moved backwards.

"Bayyaa,please let them go...we'll come back later,please" Noor beseeched,panting behind me.

"No!" I was adamant.

He started scurrying backwards and held the gun properly. I took three steps towards him and he pulled the trigger. The bullet flew right to my lap and I lost balance. Noor quickly tried to hold me but failed as we both fell on the ground. A lot of blood started oozing from my injured leg.

"Bayy..." Noor tore the base of her khimar and tied it on my leg...she ran to call the driver and they arrived in seconds. I was rushed to the hospital with so much pain coming from my leg. I mumbled several duas in my conscious state and hoped to be relieved from this pain by the mercy of my Robb.


I opened my eyes to a crying Noor with my hand clutched tightly in hers.

"Why are you such a cry baby?" I teased her,trying hard to smile.

"I am crying because you are in pain" she said in an almost inaudible tone and continued sobbing.

"I am not feeling any pain,the doctors have given me anaesthetic drugs already" I reasoned.

"Still,I can see your injured leg" she continued.

"You want me to cry before you stop?" She vigorously shook her head.

"I am so mad at you,you didn't listen to me when I asked you to not follow the bandit" She frowned. "For the first time ever,you've gone against me" she feigned disappointment.

"I'll not repeat it Ummaa" I giggled. She smiled and reached for the bag on the bed. I remembered my mom when the word 'Ummaa' escaped my mouth. Noor pushed some banana's in my mouth after helping me to sit up properly.

"Dad is here" she announced.

"Where? You told him?" She guiltily nodded. "Call him in,I have a lot of questions for him" I really had to ask him why he hid our Mom from us...he might be in this with Mr Farouq.

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