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My pace increased and I became extremely surveillant. I noticed someone being watchful of my each and every step and I hoped to escape his view. I mingled with the people in the market place. I used numerous different curves and decided to suspend my reason of coming there. I was already out of the market and I believed I was safe for a moment,not until someone jumped out of nowhere and stood in front of me. I walked on but stopped when he opened his arms in front of me.

"Go'way" I breathed.

He acted deaf. I moved to the left,he did the same,to the right,he moved again. I raised my head to throw him a glance and actualized that he was the same guy. The guy that kidnapped me the last time.

"Let me go!" I gave him a daring look and he smirked. Before I knew it,he'd already thrown me on his shoulder like before and walked off.

"Put me down!!!" I shouted.

Few people were walking down the road and I thought of shouting for help.

"Help!!!" I fluttered my hands in the air as the words leave my mouth. My throat felt dry as I breathe in the dry air which embodied too much dust due to the poorly tarred road. People walked away from us as if they never heard any of my pleas. I stopped shouting when I realised no one would come for me.

To my amazement,an able bodied middle-aged man crossed the street and called him.

"Young man,leave her alone" he commanded. His eyes showed he wasn't scared of the consequences of his action. For a moment,I believed that to be my chance. I took him for a knight in shining armor.

"Sorry Sir but this is a family matter. My sister ran away from home and does not want to return. I'm returning her to my mother and that's why she's causing all this fuss" the hooligan lied.

"Ohh,is that it? Girls nowadays prick harder than thorns. The only difference is they prick the hearts instead. They forget the values instilled in them and drag our dignity on the mud. May Allah help you with her" The man concluded and left.

My knight left me in the dark,my hopes ran crashing down! I was done for good,I got saved the last time but this time,they will put me off! I only held on to a small but strong rope,the rope of hope for the mercy of my Robb. As far as one believes,one never despairs of the mercy of Allah.
I didn't try to tell the man that the hooligan was lying for he looked like an inflexible person. I kicked his tigh with every strength in me and kept on being determined to make the journey a miserable one for the both of us.

He reached a place where we became completely surrounded by thick tall trees. It was a quiet place and all you could hear were the chirping sound of the birds and the wind gushing through the leaves of the trees.

"Where in the world are you taking me!?!" I asked the trees and birds because the one with me loves playing dumb and deaf.

He walked with me for almost fifteen minutes more and we reached another side of the country. A town. It was a quiet place with beautiful buildings which were stationed far from each other.

He brought out his phone from his pocket and made a call.

"We are here Sir....yes...ok" he dropped me and held my hand tightly in his.

"Leave my hand!" I struggled to get out of his hold but his hands seemed like some hard igneous rock.

He waved at a man who was standing on the balcony of a high building...probably higher than all the others. The man was in black clothes and his cap was over his face making it invisible. The man nodded and he pulled me in. I kept on resisting which was to no avail for me.

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