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I've gone to study at my favorite likkle corner and as usual,I met a group of girls sitting at their place and just ranting about any random topic. I always use the other door and sit in an empty room to avoid distractions. Unfortunately,there is only one class opened today and I've no other choice than to share the same class with them. I entered and greeted them with salaams and headed to the back of the class. All this while,my head was lowered as if there was something important on the tiles. I occupied my seat and opened my novel to help myself with new terminologies.

To think I would be able to study here was just a dream. These girls would have been the noisiest people in the world if Asiyah was not a human being. I opened my bag and put my book back then I put my head inside my bag and closed it in a way that only my head could fit. At least that was better,but only Allah knows how I was seeing the notes. When I got tired,I just laid my head inside my bag and took a little rest.

Almost five minutes later,I felt a small tap on my shoulder and heard someone say 'hey dear'. I removed my head from my bag and looked out. In front of me ,stood a tall pretty girl with few pimples on her face.

"Hi dear,are we the reason why you are hiding your head there?" she said pointing to my bag.

"Yes you are" I bluntly uttered.

"Uhh-ohh sorry,we were not aware of your presence" She struggled to talk,maybe because I had looked at her in a very scary way.

"It's ok if,if you'd decrease your noise" I looked away.

"We will for sure" she assured me and turned to her friends "hey y'all,even today we have to be quiet,Noor is not here but there is a new serious fellow with us" She chuckled a bit.

"All the other days,we normally come here with our friend Noor and just like you,she never allows us to make noise,anyway...I am Halimah,you?" I didn't ask her anything. But hey,I think Sir Mahmud's sister is also called Noor.

"Nice to meet you Halimah,I am Ayesha" I introduced myself and turned to my book to avoid being too verbose with her.

Alhamdulillaah the noise subsided and they sometimes murmured to each other but I was able to read to my hearts content. Huh too bad I couldn't come with Waleed,he had fallen sick and needed rest so I allowed him to do that.


I was tired of reading and reading and just reading. I got up and picked my bag in an attempt to leave.

"Are you going home?" The girl called Halimah asked.

"Yes I am,till tomorrow Inn sha Allah" with that,I went away.

I was walking on the streets in a moderate pace and music came to my mind. Staying away from music has been one of my biggest battles. I sang a nasheed to stop myself from singing a haraam song.

"Waaan day,when I have tooo leave. I promise wan day,we'd be close! Up in the heavens,beyond the sky we'd be there for the rest of our lives!🎵......" I kept on singing and distracting myself till I reached our junction.

I saw a well built man coming towards me but I believed he will pass and mind his business. I immediately stopped singing and increased my pace. We came directly opposite to each other and he stood in front of me. I moved to the right and he did the same. I looked up and searched his eyes but I can swear that there were no emotions alive in them. Then I realised something bad was about to happen. I turned back and made use of my heels. I ran as fast as I could and he ran behind. As if I was a competitor in the olympics,My speed skyrocketed with every minute. I don't know whether I will escape or not but for sure,his energy will finish before catching me,nyaww!

I have been serious all my life and today that my life is at stake,I am being unserious,ohh Yaa Allaah!

I was praying on my mind so that I won't get caught but it felt as if I was praying for the opposite. That exact moment,he grabbed my small shoulder and for a moment I thought my clavicle was going to break. I gave in a little to save my bones. He effortlessly lifted me up and threw me on one shoulder. As if I was a bag of rice,he just went his way. And surprisingly,there was no one on the way and it was mid-evening. I shouted and screamed and scratched his back but I believed his nervous system was not working. I kicked his chest with my feet and grabbed his flesh which was covered with his shirt,with my mouth. At least he felt that and put me down. He looked at me as if he wanted to devour me at that point,ewww!

"Behave!" He croaked and put me back up again.

"In. Your. Dreams" I enunciated.

For a minute,I was acting all cool. As if someone asked me to start again. I started screaming gibberish words. To say that he was irritated would be an understatement. He started walking faster and faster.

I wonder where in the world was he taking me but it was very far. We came in front of a big black pajero and he stopped. He opened the door and threw me in. I released a breath and looked around. The driver's seat was empty but someone occupied the seat beside it. I tried to see the person's face through the mirror but I was unsuccessful. The giant guy occupied the driver's seat and he started driving.

"Put me down! Put me down!" I started screaming again. Actually,I believed nobody was going to hear my voice but I never gave up. Whatever situation you ever find yourself in,just Never give up. And do it classically.

The car came to a stop in front of a huge compound. The anonymous guy alighted from the car and the driver did the same. He came with something like a veil and tied my eyes with it. He lifted me up and Allah knows where they were taking me.

"Put her in the room inside the store room so that no one would hear her screams" for the first time,the man,who I assume to be the boss,spoke out.

"Ok Sir" was all the giant guy said. Can you imagine? With all his big size he was actually good for nothing.

"Your size has no benefit for you,I'll suggest you go donate some of your body to the wolves" I attempted to hurt his ego but maybe he doesn't have any. He just kept quiet.

"Your courage is in your genes,just like your mother!" The boss,who was still there,said.
Well that was true,my mother is the human definition of courage but I wonder how he knew my mum.


They put me in a dark and dusty room which was far away from people I believe. To my surprise,they untied my eyes and didn't tie me to any chair like bandits normally do. A bigger surprise was,there was a big shelf which has numerous books which I can read. I will not read them though. I took a seat on the floor even though there was a chair. I have made up my mind on not using any of their materials except water for ablution. That reminded me,I didn't pray Asr. Ya Saboor!
This room has everything that one needs for a day to day life. I noticed the door to the bathroom and I went in. Albeit the dusty environment,there was water in the tap. I performed ablution and went back to the room to offer my namaz,that too on the floor. There was no Quran for me to read but Alhamdulillaah,I still have my memory with me.
I recited my favorite surah,Surah Maryam. I just lied down on the floor and prayed to Allah to my heart's content.

My mind flew back home,I wonder what my family must be going through,dad,mom...Waleed and maybe,Humayrah and Asiyah.

The door opened and he came in with food,I'll only eat this in his dreams!
I didn't move from my place.

"Have some food" he uttered
"In your dreams" I replied.

"Hey why so much attitude?" At last he got irritated.
I just smiled and looked straight in his eyes.
"I have never seen someone in trouble and at the same time,showing attitude. Are you not scared for your life?"

"Scared!? My life is in the hands of Allaah,y'all can do nothing about it" I replied with so much confidence. He dashed the plate on the floor and it flew to me. I pushed it away. He didn't say anything and went away. I was not very hungry so it was easy for me to handle the situation.

I don't know what they need from me. I am just a quiet,short and a beautiful likkle lady with too much melanin to flaunt for goodness's sake. This world and it's evil people should just not put me in their business,yaa Robb!



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