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      Nothing is more peaceful and blissful than being in the arms of your man.....who is willing to do anything.....ANYTHING....fr you.

      The clock beside our bed shows the time as 3:30 am in bright red color, the night adored with a beautiful half moon and millions of stars as its partner.

      My baby....my Jin, sleeping beside me on his stomach, his naked back on display with my nail arts, his board shoulders and neck have my love bites which represents the pleasureful night which had passed fr us.

      Holding the blanket up to my chest to cover my birth suit and supporting my body to the headboard of the bed, I recalled all that happened in this span of 4 weeks.

      My man....is no more a human. He's a vampire who has turned to spend his life with me, who indirectly proposed and got acceptance from me.

      The night after his speech, I turned him as a vampire. The second I released him from the bite,  Jin passed out and didn't wake up fr 3 days but than God....he was alive.

     The next day, I called and informed everyone to never step into our home fr at least a week, as the thirst fr blood will be higher fr new borns and I dont want any incident to take place.

     When Jin woke up from the bite, he had dark red eyes which screamed VAMPIRE. His whole body having such strength and energy which surprised him and other vampires which is me, Kook and Soojin.

      Of course I took him fr a hunt to clench his blood thirst and after a day, he came back to his senses.

     2 days later, Kook volunteered to train Jin, saying that its his time to take revenge fr how Jin broke his toys and fr blackmailing him, but unfortunately that didnt go well.

     In the end, Kook left the house with a black eye and a small sprain in his right leg, though Jin have been changed , he didnt change completely. When kook tried to hit him to see how Jin will defense, Jin just smirked and tossed Kook away like a rag doll.  

      Sulking like a puppy, Kook did maintain a safe space between him and Jin from that onwards.
Me and Kook took turns to train Soojin and Jin as sometimes when they smell human near them, their vampire insists get kicked and they go in full vampire mode.

      So far, both the baby vampires are doing good in controlling their vampire side, but they still have a long way to go. But Jin and Soojin are more than happy that they get to spend their life with their loved ones.

      About 6pm today , Jin practically tossed me on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and caged me in our room, not before screaming at Kook to leave our house and never come before the sunrise. 

     And thats how we ended up in the cluster of sheets, naked bodies tangled with our faces glowing in the aftermath of our deed.

      His smooth blonde hair felt like feathers on my fingers when I played with it, Jin's body posture turning into a relaxed one as I bend down and kissed his shoulders.

     "I love you so much baby.....you have no idea...". Whispering near his ear and biting his ear lobe, I let out a loud gasp when his strong arms wrapped me into his tight hold.

     "Even you have no idea how I love and adore you....My white dove". slowly his eyes opened, brown orbs looking in deep into my green ones, making myself to question how lucky I was to have such a man as my boyfriend....or a half fiancé.

      "May I know why my Dove isn't sleeping when its freaking 4 am?".

     "Admiring your handsome face made me lose my sleep...its your fault...". Pouting my lips, I can see his eyes changing into a dangerous ones....which I'm not ready fr.

      "Maybe....I can help you to sleep...you know". His cold hands tavelled to the blanket which is covering my body from his eyes but I slapped it away.

     "I can't handle more....you're so....urgg!!". Giggling somehow we ended up with cuddling each other till the sun kicked the moon.

     "Dove....within 3 hours....we'll be meeting that Suga vampire.....and get a solution to get out of this shit...".

      And I hope it goes well......

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