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    "Do I really have to go?". I'm irritated would be an understatement.  I'm beyond frustrated. Why?.

    In less then 2 hours, I'll be meeting Jin's parents. I should nervous but I'm not. I'm totally mad at him fr saying that 20 mins before.

    I hate them. They aren't nice and humble people. Just like my bullies in school.  They hate me.

     "You have to...my lovely sis...just suck it up and move on....". Wow...nice encouraging words.

    With a sigh, I pulled my knee length black dress with matching high heels and bracelets. You see...Jin's parents are rich as fuck but my man always stays simple and cool.

     They maintain utter discipline and manners only before others but not to me.  They insult me and even manipulate me to break things off with their son.

    Wanting their son to marry a human women in their status and to get profit from both companies. Like fr real....come on. Its 21st century.

     We're dating....we don't plan to marry soon....actually we didnt even talk about marriage. We're enjoying each others company and basking in the love which they never try to understand though Jin fought a lot with them.

     We're both high school sweethearts and that .....they didnt like.

    They don't like my black hair nor the blonde strips which I did. They don't like my walking style nor my dressing style. Anything you name it about me....they don't like.

    A glare towards the handsome man in front of me who shivered but held his hand forward to walk me to the car. He's dressed in his blacks suit which does its best job of making him even more handsome.

   Hey..... He's a walking God on earth.

    The ride was silent. Tension can be cut with a thick knife as I prayed that Jin's parents don't get killed by me today. I'm calm....to be frank....so calm unless they provoke the sleeping vampire inside me.

    "I'm sorry.....I should've said before but I didnt wanna make you worried fr a long time".
"Its not like I'm worrying now....I'm fearing fr their lives....not to get my hands dirty".I replied checking my painted nails. He chuckled and held my hand in his.

    I always find it hot when my baby drives with single hand, his veiny hands and long irregular fingers.....I love it. I adore his imperfections.

    We've never been intimate, only kisses and sometimes long make out...other than that no....both of us are not ready to that level. I mean yeah....I get all horny seeing him and he's same but the race between us always puts a full stop.

    Each knuckles of mine got kisses from his pink plump lips, heat traveling to my cheeks though the car is freezing.

     Parking the car in its place, a grand 5 star restaurant in display to my wide eyes. I must say...they have good taste in food at least.

    Taking my hand in his, kissing them feverishly, lips devoring each other to calm the nerves, we walked hand in hand towards the couple who's seated as if they're the king and queen of the world. I admire their confidence but not over confidence.

    "Hello mom and dad".
"Hello Mr and Mrs. Kim". We both bowed in respect but the couple snapped their fingers fr us to sit without any word.

     There was a really beautiful girl seated beside Mrs. Kim, her eyes shamelessly raping my man as he sat just opposite to her.

    "Pls my dove...just fr a while....". With a kiss to my neck, he mumbled and sat straight to face his parents. I can see smoke blowing from their ears with Jin's behavior but who cares. Even the girl'd eyes flew from its socket seeing my man kissing me.

     "Veronica.....". The women's voice so soft but filled with poison. Taking a smile, I lifted my eyes to stare straight at her, which i know fr sure will irritate her.
These rich people doesn't like people who's low class than them looking straight in their eye.

     "I remember telling Jin that.....no black during dinner meetings nor any meetings....my dear". I know...but I love getting on her nerves.

     With a sly smile, I nodded and stared at the crystal water, waiter coming to take orders. Jin and me ordered chicken salad with a bottle of wine while they ate their wish.

     "So jin...meet Ruby......". Mrs. Kim pointed towards the girl who has heart eyes at Jin,

"Your future wife.....".

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