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"Fearne" Jordan smirked at me, why did I get the feeling like I was walking into some kind of trap?

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"Fearne" Jordan smirked at me, why did I get the feeling like I was walking into some kind of trap?

"He's in bed, go right up and stay as long as you'd like." He stepped aside and I sheepishly entered the house.

Jordan had Liams game on the big screen and he couldn't quite keep his eyes off the television. Only supporting his friends my ass.

"He's not going to like this." I heard Tia whisper to Jordan. I glanced behind at them timidly.

"This is what he needs." Jordan smiled cockily and nodded towards me to carry on walking.

"Well I'm gonna blame your ass when he kicks off over this. You need to stop meddling."

"Most valuable player in the game baby." She hit him and he laughed, rubbing the spot her hand had touched.

I neared the top of the stairs and hovered outside his bedroom. I could hear the loud humming of rock music, it was basically just an annoying growl rather than music. I wondered why he played this atrocious song if he had a migraine.

I lifted my fist and knocked on his door but the sound of my knock got lost under the sound of the screaming song. So I opened the door just a crack and peeked in.

"Arlo?" The drapes were drawn and the room lay in darkness but I could see a mound of human under the bedsheets laying in a heap right in the middle of the bed.

"Arlo, it's me Fearne. Can I come in?" The heap moved but otherwise didn't respond so I walked in and closed the door behind me.

Arlo's room was the messiest I have seen it yet. Clothes lay everywhere, food plates sat untouched. The room was clammy, dark, dank and the music played loud enough to not hear myself think.

"Arlo?" I tried again.

The heap of bedsheets moved on the bed but he didn't answer me. I walked over to the music and switched it off. Then I reached behind the curtains and opened the window letting in some fresh air. I got his desk chair and moved it to the side of his bed and sat down.

"Would you like me to get you anything? A drink maybe?"

"Go away Fearne."

Fearne, never a good sign.

His voice sounded low and muffled. I pushed aside the lump of bed covers to make room for me and then sat myself on his mattress carefully. 

"Your dad said you had a migraine." He didn't answer but I took his own advice, just because he didn't communicate with me didn't mean he never wanted to be communicated with.

I watched the blankets rise and fall through his suffocated breathing. Every now and again there would be a sniffle coming from beneath the covers.

"So Jamie's girlfriend is in love with Liam. How twisted is that?" I attempted to make lighthearted conversation.

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