Arlo 🌀

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I looked at my reflection in the mirror

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I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Two cinnamon-coloured eyes blinked back at me, brown with hints of red. They looked tired thanks to my lack of sleep and I wanted to punch my way through the glass just so I didn't need to look at myself anymore.

Readjusting back on my meds was always hard. The first day or so I felt so completely overcome with irritation. This anger trapped within me had no place, no place to release, no reason for being there. Just anger.

My mom was on a work call when I entered the kitchen this morning. She was fighting with the waffle maker whilst balancing her phone on her shoulder. I waltzed in and took the waffle maker out of her hands, plating up her waffles and adding blueberry compote.

She smiled at me, quietly expressing her gratitude for helping her out but her smile faded when I took her waffles and went to eat them in the living room.

"Arlo! They were for me!" She yelled once she had hung up on whoever she was speaking to. I ignored her and continued eating.

"Hey!" Jamie called, letting himself in through the back door. I ignored him too.

"Hey Jamie," He kissed my mom on her cheek to greet her. "Maybe you could teach Arlo some manners." His blue eyes landed on me and he laughed, I just chewed harder.

"Sup?" He leaned forward to take some waffles off my plate and I slapped his hand away.

"Nothing." I replied bluntly. "I'm just, I'm not feeling great today. Avoid me."

"Kinda hard when you're driving me to school." He shrugged.

"Then don't fucking speak to me." I snapped.

"Jeeze."  I got up throwing the uneaten waffles in the trash and went to get my bag from my bedroom. On the way out my eye sight lingered on the pot of anti-anxiety meds. I hated them but I loved them. They made me, loopy.

"Fuck it." I decided against them, I didn't want people to notice.

We drove to school in silence, everything was pissing me off. The people driving around me were idiots and I felt unbelievable road rage.

"Fucking goooooooo!" I yelled at my window.

"Arlo, give her chance the lights only just turned green."

"Oh it's a woman driver." I rolled my eyes and honked my horn.

"Sexist." Jamie muttered under his breath.

"Just pointing out the gender, the fact you're insinuating I meant otherwise makes you sexist." I smirked at him and he clacked his tongue off the roof of his mouth.

We pulled up at Lakeland, so many happy fucking faces smiling and waving at me before I had even left my car. School was not a great place to be with your mood running riot.

"Hey dickface!" Lexi called to me from across the parking lot and I laughed.

Finally, a girl I could tolerate.

She ran up to me and jumped into my arms, I spun her around and gave her the biggest hug.

"Hey asshole! How was it? You bring me back a gift?"

"Amazing! And yes! I went swimming with dolphins and helped baby turtles find their way to sea. I had dinner in the middle of the ocean at sunset and we went wild shark watching."

"What you get me?"

"A guy-bracelet with my name on." She smiled at me, the mouth piercing bobbing up and down inside her gum.

"I don't want that." I laughed.

"Sure you do."

"No food?"

"I got you a bag of fudge."

"Better." I said with a nod.

"Talk later dickface." She bounced off, a whole group of people following her.

"She's so hot, you're so lucky." Eli slapped my back and I frowned at him.

"Ew, shut up."

I looked across the busy parking lot, locking eyes with Blossom. She was staring right at me, how long had she been watching? I raised my two fingers up to my head and gave her a small salute. Her whole face screwed up to give me a sour look and then she turned away, disappearing into the school hallways.

She was different, the girls swooned around me here and although I could clearly see that she was attracted to me, she didn't give me the time of day. She rejected every advance I ever made towards her. She made me nervous because I wasn't used to that, I didn't know how to be around that.

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