Chapter 38

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* 4 months later*

"Daniiiiiiii!" Jack yelled out. I glanced away from Ross who was busy painting a room blue and pink

"Hm?" I called, turning my attention back to Ross. His long , floppy blonde hair was hanging in his eyes, his tongue hanging out just slightly as he concentrated on not getting paint on the ceiling.

"Can you come hereeeeee?!" He bellowed out.

Ross turned to me with a crooked grin, his warm brown eyes lighting up. "I'll be fine, go on."

I raised an eye brow. "Will you though? I don't know...."

He rolled his eyes. "I've painted before, babe. I've got this."

I smiled and walked off, down to Jack. He was sitting on the couch, texting someone.

I walked over and sat down next to him, resting my hands on my growing belly. "What's up?"

He let out a sigh. "Well, I was thinking about.... Maybe moving out?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I mean, with your baby on the way, it would get cramped. And I thought maybe I should get out so you guys can have your room, plus, the boys would love to have me."

I sighed. "I'd hate to see you go, but, we really will need the room."

He smiled. "Well at least you only have one baby to worry about."

"Well.... About that...."

He groaned. "Daniiiiii. Twins?"

I nodded my head sheepishly. "Don't tell Ross."

He frowned. "Well when ARE you gonna tell him?"

"We're having dinner with his parents and family tonight, so I thought I'd tell everyone then."

"Who's all going?"

"Ell and Kelly, Rydel, and Riker. The normal."

He nodded his head. "Try and stay out of trouble. I'll be out tonight, but please video tape their response." Jack said, smirking.

"Response to what?" Ross asked, coming down the stairs. He had on a large sweater and dark pants. Hope was attached to his leg, several dolls in her arms.

I smiled. "Are you guys all ready to go?"

Ross nodded. "I just have to get her coat."

I nodded my head. "Alright, I'll go get dressed and then I'll be back."

I ran upstairs and threw off my old, dirty, sweatshirt and pulled on nice jeans and one of Ross' sweaters, finding it the only comfortable (and fitting) thing for me.

I lifted it up a bit to inspect my belly. Someone came up behind me and rested their hands on my belly. "Are you supposed to be this big at four months?"

I smile a little. "Everyone's different."

He raised and eyebrow. "Hmmm?"

I smiled a little and gave him a shove. "We better go or we'll be late."

He placed a small kiss on my neck and then grabbed my hand, pulling me out of his bathroom and down the stairs.

Jack handed me Hope and she wrapped her hands around my neck and I gave her a piggy back out to the car.

I set her into her car seat and buckled her in, then got in shot gun and Ross started up the car. "Are you guys ready?"

"Yes!" Hope yelled, a smile spreading into her face. "Is Delly gonna be there?"

Ross smiled as he pulled out of the driveway and started to speed up. "Yeah! And Momma Lynch."

She squealed with delight and happily played with her toys.

Ross stopped at a red light and started looking around. He'd changed ever since he found out he was really gonna be a dad. It's like a switch in him flipped.

What was once hard and crude was now gentle and loving. He had become extra careful now. He had nothing to do with his old bad boy life. He cut it all off. He acted better, and was a lot more cautious. With everything.

Especially driving.

"So what's the update on Jack?" He asked.

I smiled. "the boys want him to live with them."

He smiled. "That's Great! Is he gonna do it?"

I nodded my head. "He seems very excited. I think he's gonna leave later this month."

Ross nodded his head. "It'll be good for him to be with his old friends again."

I let out a sigh. "He's a pain in the ass, but I'm gonna miss him."

"That's not a nice word." Hope cried out. "You owe a dollar to the swearing jar."

Ross smirked. "I've lost about $400 to that jar."

My jaw dropped "Ross Lynch!"

He smirked and pulled into his parents driveway. "Let's go guys!"

He helped hope out and we all went to the front door, where Stormie ran to give us hugs. Hope ran off to go play with Rydel and Ross found his dad, the two talking about football with Ryland.

Stormie pulled me into a tighter hug. "oh honey, you look great! How are you? Ross better be taking good care of you!"

I smiled as she linked arms with me and lead me to the kitchen. "He is! He's a wonderful man, Mrs. Lynch."

"Oh please! How many times do I have to tell you, you can call me Stormie, or mom! None of this Mrs. Lynch nonsense."

I smiled and gave her a small hug before easing myself into a chair and Riker appeared next to me. "Woah, a lot happened since the last time I saw you."

"Good to see you too, Ri."

He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "How have you been?" He handed me a cup of water and I took a drink.

"Busy. There's a lot of stuff to install and build."

"I'm always here to help with these bad boys." He pulled up his sleeve and showed off his muscles. I started laughing and rolled my eyes.


"Come and eat everyone!" Stormie called.

The food was layed out on the table and everyone started to dig in and enjoy the food, making small talk.

Rydel was cutting up food for Hope, Ross was playfully arguing with Riker over some sport related topic, Stormie and Mark were off in their own world and Ryland was busy trying to explain the concept of time traveling to anyone who would listen. I smiled a little at the perfect group of people who I was lucky enough to now call my family.

It's now or never..... I told myself.

I stood up and cleared my throat. Everyone's talking died down at once and all eyes turned towards me. "So, I thought side we were all gathered here, it would be the perfect time for an announcement."

Ross looked to me with a look of confusion on his face. "Wha....?"

I took a deep breath. "Last time I went in for an ultra sound, I was all alone because Ross couldn't make it.... And I got some news after that..... I'm having twins."

Everyone yelled out in joy. Ross ran over and gave me a large hug, spinning me around and showering me with kisses.

Hey guys! So the next update will be the last update in this book, but it won't be out for a while as I'm going to New York and won't have much time to write and have a very busy schedule after that.

But I did come out with a new story called creating monsters, so go check that out! It would mean a lot to me:)

Thanks lovelies!

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