Chapter 22

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"Okay. You can pass on three truths. But for every one you pass on, you have to take off a piece of clothing. And if you pass on a dare, you strip and jump into the lake." Jack said, as we settled down next to him.

"That's a bit unfair." I said.

Jack shrugged. "You agreed. And since you're complaining, you get to go first. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." I grumbled, a bit afraid if what the dare could bring me.

"If we both asked you right now, and you had to say yes to someone, who would you have sex with?"

I took a long moment. "Ross.... I guess."

"Ha!" Ross smirked. "Wait you guess?"

"Ross." I smiled. "truth or dare."

"Dare, baby."

"I dare you to kiss Jack."

His face turned a bright red. "No."

"Then go strip." Jack said.

I laughed. "Strip or pucker up."

Ross placed a quick peck in the side of Jacks face. "You didn't specify where. Jack, truth or dare."


"When was the last time you kissed a girl."

"2 days." He said. I frowned, thinking of a girl he could've kissed. "Dani, truth or dare."


He rolled his eyes. "buzz kill. Would you ever get boob implants?"

"UHM no!" I scowled. "Never."

"Besides. They're greaaaaat just the way they are." Ross smirked. I kicked him and he spilt his drink all over himself. "Jack. Truth or dare."


"Sing a song for us."

He gave me a look. "Really?"

"Hey! I never said I was good at this game!"

He sighed. He started to sing a Blink-182 song, and we laughed at his accent. After he was done he went to Ross.

We went back and forth for a while, the dates getting rather dirty. By the end of the night Jack had lost his shirt, Ross his shirt AND pants, and I only lost my shirt.

But it came down to the last question. Jack smiled. "Ross I dare you to let Dani give you a make over."

"No way." Ross said. so he ended up naked, standing on the dock to the lake.

"It's freezing out!" He yelled. "I'm not doing this!"

Jack laughed. "You have to!"

"Screw you all!" He yelled, jumping in. Within seconds he surfaced, gasping and yelling. I laughed at him as he quickly waddled onto shore, trying to cover himself. I threw him a shirt and his boxers, which he pulled on. He punched Jack full out in the face and walked inside.

"Are you okay!?" I asked, running over to him.

He was smiling. "Never better." He laughed. "We should do that again sometime."

I rolled my eyes and we went inside. Ross was in his room all grumpy because we actually made him jump in the lake. Jack went to take a shower and Hope was asleep, so I was left all alone with Ross.

"I'm gonna go to the store and get some ice cream. Wanna coooome?"

"No." He scowled, folding his arms. "I'm drenched in lake water and need a shower."

I laughed. "Alright. But don't crash it or anything."

"Don't worry. I'm a great driver." I smiled. I went out to his small black car and started it up, driving away. I turned on the radio, trying to find a station that appealed to me.

It wasn't long before I got to the store and I went in. I found some ice cream, peaches, and chips. I bought them and went out to my car. I saw a book store across the street, and decided to go in. I hadn't been to one in forever.

It was huge on the inside. 4 levels. It wasn't that busy. But it was opened all night so I was in no rush. I walked around and went up a couple floors.

I grabbed a book and started reading the back. Soon I was lost in the maze of books, totally zoned out.

I turned around to look at more books, but bumped into someone. "Oh I'm.... Sorry...."

I looked up to see a familiar brunette. My heart skipped several beats and I felt ready to throw up. "Rocky...."

His eyes were slightly wide and he snuck a book behind his back. He didn't know I was here.... He came to get a book.... "Dani." He said.

I didn't know what to say. What should I say? He said I had to go with him in three days. Sure I have two left but does that matter to him.... "I...."

"Don't worry. I'm not here to take you."

"I'd like to see you TRY and take me. In a public area."

"You still have two days. I'll get you in those. but I'd like to have some fun and hurt my brother when you chose not to."

I stayed silent and looked down at my shoes. "So what do you want."

"Let's get a coffee."

I laughed, making him jump. "You want to get a coffee with me!? And you think I'm gonna do it?"

"Well why wouldn't you?" He asked, annoyed.

"Because I hate you. Rocky, you ruined my life. You broke up my family. Not to mention what you did to my dad!"

"Well I don't think you're in a place to

Object." He grabbed my arm and started to pull me into him. "Now it can be done the way way. Or the hard way. You pick, darling."

I bit my lip and nodded my head. He smiled and snaked his arm around me. We walked out of the store and across the street to a small shop. He got us drinks and muffins.

We sat outside at a rusted metal table. It was past 11 and very dark. He passed my my drink and food. We are in silence for a while till I opened my mouth. "What do you plan on doing with me?"

He frowned. "What?"

"When I .... Go with you. What do you want."

He sighed. "It's not as fun when you don't put up a fight babe." He want to caress my face but I slapped his hand away. I was done being afraid of him. He ruined my life, and I want answers.

"I don't know yet. I just want you. You're MINE. Now he back home. They'll be missing you now. And don't mention you saw me tonight. Or else."

He placed a kiss on the side of my face then walked off. As soon as he turned the corner I ran as fast as I could to the familiar black car. I got in and slammed the door shut.

My shaking hands fumbled with the keys until I started the car.


Soooo what do you guys think of her random meet up with Rocky!? Do you guys like Rocky?

And on a different note, please look at my new books



These Things I've done

Thank you all! love ya! PEACESKIES!

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