Chapter 11

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"Can I make youuuuuuuuu eggs?"

"I hate eggs." I mumbled.





"Seriously Dani you need to eat. Ok I'm sorry about Hope. But would you rather see her with Rocky and Riker? No, so quit your bitching and eat the food."

I grabbed a cup and started to pour some apple juice for myself, ignoring the looks Ross was giving me. He sat down next to me with a plate of French toast and turkey bacon.

I managed a fake yawn. "Ohhhh I'm so tired Ross."

"It's only 8. How are you tired?"

I shrugged and yawned again. He stood up stretching and picked me up. I didn't object and snuggled into his chest so it looked like I was sleepy. He set me down and closed the shades and flipped off the light.

He eventually crawled in next to me. I heard him call someone up on the phone. "Hello? Hey Delly...... how's Hope? No I don't care. I'm not turning soft! No I don't like Dani,...... Just put the damn kid on the phone Rydel!" He let out a frustrated sigh but his voice quickly turned soft. "Hey Hope,.,,.... Oh yum I bet she makes really good pancakes. Are you having fun? That's good......" He laughed at something she said as his fingers twirled my hair. "she's asleep right now but she's really sad she couldn't say goodbye.,..... Yep she's right here next to me. She said she loved you sooooooo much and goodnight." he let out another little laugh. "I'll watch out for her. Night kid."

I heard Hope call out a 'good night, love youuuuu!' But Ross only shifted his weight and cleared his throat, uncomfortable. He hung up and threw the phone onto the table but it missed and hit the floor.

He pulled the blankets up and cuddled down in them. He was restless for about half an hour, tossing and turning, till I finally put my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him in a tight embrace.

Within the hour he was out. I managed to wiggle my way free and went into the closet. I pulled out some skinny jeans, combat boots, a sleeveless tight white shirt and to top it off a leather jacket. I started to walk out when I tripped over something and Ross moved around.

I looked down and saw a phone. ross' phone. I quickly picked it up and grabbed his keys. I ran out onto the gravel road and into his car. I got in and pulled out. I didn't know exactly where to go....,,.. I mean Riker told me where my dad was the other night but he could've been lying. It could be a trap.

It took me a while but I eventually found the place he was talking about. It was smaller then I thought it would be, and waaaaay old and run down. I parked the car and ran over to the building. I climbed ontop of a wood stack and looked in. it was to dark to see much at first. But I eventually made out a girl nervously pacing back and forth.

She's beautiful. curly brown hair, shorter skinny and bright blue eyes. "Rat I thought you were done with the Lynchs!"


"No! At first it was the tattoos and the drinks and the drugs and the girls but now this is to

Far! You have a person! Ratliff you have a actual real life person tied up here! What the hell is even so important about this girl anyways?"

"Hey babe come here." they started to make out hard core and I wanted to throw up. I looked over a little and my heart stopped. My dad sat in a chair, bloody and tied up. I stood on my tip toes to try and get a better look when a rough hand grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the rough wood.

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