Chapter 12

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"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed, grabbing a plate and throwing it at him. He ducked out of the way.

"Woah woah woah! Chill out!"

"CHILL OUT!?" I threw a pair of scissors at him. "YOU'VE BEN HELL BENT ON KILLING ME FOR AS LONG AS IVE KNOWN YOU!" For the first time I realized how...... Tired I am. I was sleep deprived, a migraine was pounding away at my head and the cut burning. My stomach felt like all the ribs had been bruised and the bullet graze hurt worse then anything I've ever felt before. And it hurt to breath from the fire. My voice sounds hoarse and scratchy.

My knees weekend and Rikers sturdy arms wrapped around me. I shook my head. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

He grabbed my food and brought me back up to the bedroom. He set me down with the food.

"Stitching me up, feeding me, letting me live......."

"Why did you save me from that fire?" he answered my question with a question. "You need to eat. Or you will die."

I pushed the food away and glanced at the blank wall. He sighed and grabbed the food, sitting in the chair across from the bed. he looked down and concentrated on eating his food.

I could really see the similarities between him and Ross..... but I could tell Riker was for sure older.

"22." He said.


"You're wondering how old I am." He set the plate on the counter. "comparing me to Ross...... trying to find similarities differences, but don't bother. We're two totally different people."

"So what are you planning on doing with me."

"I don't know yet. I might have a little fun with you first. I might call Rocky right now."

"Why. He was gonna let you die!"

He stood up and stretched. "Showers down the hall. Id recommend you take a shower because you have blood everywhere." He looked me up and down and smirked. "And I mean EVERYWHERE."

I blushed and quickly got up and went into the bathroom that was right down the hall as riker said. I took a long shower scrubbing all the blood off of me and then got out. Riker had left out a new shirt. I changed and then went downstairs where he was lounging on the couch.

"Hobbit or pirates?"


"Just pick one."


He made a face. "why?" He hit a remote and a movie started to play on the tv. I cautiously sat down next to him.

"Well...... I mean Benedict Cumberbatch is in it so...."

"But pirates is so much better."

I opened my mouth to argue more but caught myself. Why is he of all people asking me what I wanna watch..... "You really do look like Ross......"

He sighed. "Yeah. People used to think we're twins."

The movie started and we both fell silent. I looked around the room. It looked like everything here had locks on it..... Windows, doors, drawers, cabinets, anything imaginable had locks on it. "Wow...... You really like protection......."

"Well I can't have you running out on me now can I?"

"Why? Why not let me bleed out or let Ross come find me?"

"Because Ross is an idiot. And you fascinate me." he smirked, his eyes never leaving the tv.

"That sounds psychotic as hell." I mumbled, sniffing.

"I'm not the crazy one. That's you." He smirked. "So what happened? Did your dad make you come back and get me? What a ignorant man."

"He's dead." I said, my voice empty.

"What........." His body whipped around, eyes concerned.

"Rocky shot him......." I wanted to cry but I couldn't allow myself to do that in front of him.

"No.... No.... No that was never part of the plan I-"

"Riker what was the plan? Someone had to die and I'm guessing that was supposed to be me, and would you have just let my dad walk away knowing what you two did!?"

He was silent for a while. "I really am sorry......"

"Riker where are my clothes?" I asked, and idea forming.

"Why would you want those?" He questioned.

"My dad gave me the shirt." I quickly lied.

"Oh..... Right. It's in the basement, would you like help?" He asked.

"No.... I wanna do it alone."

"You have 3 minutes and then I'm coming down regardless of what your doing." He looked at the clock. "Go."

I got up and walked down the stairs, closing the door. I ran down the dark hall, running my hands along the wall till they hit something. Light switch. I flipped it on and looked around till I found a pile of bloody clothes. I ran over to them and searched through the pockets. I pulled out Ross's phone.

I frantically searched the contacts until I found who I needed. 30 seconds..... c'mon c'mon pick up!

"Hello?" A sleepy voice called out.

"Rydel. I need you to listen very closely." I said.


Heyyyyyooooo so a different book I'm writing on here is coming to a end soon, and for very book that I end I always start a new one. And I think I'm gonna make a dark one kinda like this. So if you have any suggestions for story lines or any ideas or preferences let me know. Comment or inbox me because I would L O V E to know. :)

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