Chapter 20

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Move. Yell. Get away from the window. Daniela don't be stupid hang up! Get Ross! THIS IS BAD! "Rocky...."

"I'm guessing that's not your shirt? It looks a little big on you."

"Where are you?" I asked.

"You have three days. After those three days, I'm coming back. And either 2 of these things can happen.
1. You come with me with no fuss.
2. I kill everyone you live that's left. Jack, hope, and Ross.... All gone. But honey this is up to you. And don't think about any funny business. Or people will get hurt."

"Please.... Please don't-"

"Three days." The line went dead. I set the phone down and sank down against the cabinet. I put my head between my knees and choked back the tears and bile that were rising. I couldn't lose everyone again. I can't.

A warm arm slid around me and a body slid next to mine. I opened my eyes to see a sleepy looking shirtless Jack looking at me. "Hey.... What's wrong?"

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and I let them fall.

"Hey Dani please no don't cry." He pulled me into his chest and held me, trying to calm me down. "What happened?"

I couldn't tell him. I couldn't risk Rocky hurting him or anyone else here. "I - I miss my dad."

"Hey.... it's okay. don't cry. C'mon you should go back to bed okay?"

I nodded my head and he helped me up. I made my way back up to the room and crawled into bed where Ross was still sleeping. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was.

He was tightly holding a pillow in his arms, and was resting his head on it, which made one side of his face pushed up and chubby. his hair was a cute slightly damp mess. I pushed it out of his eyes and it stuck straight up. I couldn't help but laugh as his nose and face crinkled.

I gave him a kiss and cuddled under the covers. His arm pulled me into his chest and he sighed, smiling more. Soon I drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up to Ross singing and playing with my hair. I smiled and nuzzled into his touch. "You actually sing very well."

He blushed a little. "Thanks.... Sorry did I wake you up?"

"Noooo. You didn't. Did you sing at all in school?"

"I was in choir in order to graduate but I kinda purposely threw my voice when I found out I was good."

"What why?"

"Not uh.... Not exactly what I'm about.... Ya know?"

"That seems kinda dumb Ross. You're so good! You could've done something with your voice."

He laughed. "Yeah.... I'm not that good."

"Ross I really think you could've."

"Oh yeah! I could've started a family band!" He snickered.

I rolled my eyes and sat up, stretching. "I'm gonna make some food. After I get dressed."

I changed into jeans and a long ripped white sweater. I pulled my hair into a bun and went downstairs. I saw Hope jumping up and down on Jack yelling. I laughed and scooped her up.

"Wanna get something to eat?" I asked.

She giggled. "Yes!"

I set her down and she ran into the kitchen. I nudged Jack a little and he groaned. "I wanna sleeeeeep."

"No. You're making some pancakes."

He groaned some Unaudible words and got up, and went into the kitchen to cook. I smiled and got up following him.

We made some yummy pancakes with kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, and a bit of lemon on the top.

Ross came down a little bit later, in of course, only his boxers. He sat down next to me and stole some of my pancakes.

"Ross!" I laughed. "Get your own!"

"So what are we doing today?" Jack asked.

"We should do something fun." I said.

"WATER PARK!" Hope squealed


Hey GUYS! Don't forget to comment and vote. Also inbox me cause I love you all and wanna talk so we can all be best friends and stuff. Alright that's all. PEACESKIES!

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