Chapter 27

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DONT forget to vote and comment! And the Gif above is Jack in the story. So yeaaaaah.... I hope you guys enjoy!



"Ross will Dani be coming home soon?" Hope asked, continuing to color her picture. "I don't wanna spend another night without her."

I know I'm terrible for not telling her, but what should I tell her? How do you break a kids heart so young? You can't. I've been trying to think of what and how to tell her, to no avail.

"Hey c'mon, I'll let you watch some Disney tonight! Aaaand let you have candy in bed."

She giggled and clapped her hands together. "Yay!" She gave me a hug them went back to coloring in her book.

I heard the door open and quickly rushed into the kitchen to find Jack throwing his keys onto the table. "Did you find her? Or hear anything about her? Has she tried calling you or-"

"Ross! If she wanted to tell you anything she'd get ahold of you. Let it go."

"Jack I can't let it go.... I love her so much.... She's the most important thing to me...."

"If she means so much, then you should respect her decision. "

"I can't! What if she's hurt,or in danger, or something went wrong?"

Jack got a weird look on his face. "Er.... Yeah...."

"Jack.... Do you know something I don't?"


"Jack if you do, you need to tell me. Think of what's best for her!"

He sighed and sat down.

Daniela's POV

"Hey!" I said, greeting Ellington and Kelly at the door.

Ell pulled me into a large hug, lifting me off my feet. I giggled as he set me down. "What's up squirt?" He asked, ruffling my hair.

"I wanted to talk to you guys about something...."

"Where's Rocky?" Kelly asked.

"Out with Riker." I closed the door and showed them into the living room, where we all sat down.

Ell sat down down on the couch and pulled Kelly with him as she giggled. She sat on his lap and he rested an arm around her, smiling as she blushed and turned her gaze to me.

"Okay, what can we do for you."

I sighed. "Well.... Why do you think Rocky wants me here?"

"He likes you. He wants someone to mess around with." Ell said, twirling around Kelly's hair.

"And what if I got someone he loves?"

Kelly frowned. "I'm not following."

Ells eyes got big. "Woah.... That might just work...."

"What?" Kelly questioned . "Does he love someone? is he wen capable of it...."

"Alexa." I said. "Rocky really liked her.... Loved her.... And still does. And she obviously really likes him. So if I can brig those two together, what point would I be to him?"

"That's so crazy.... It might actually work!" Kelly smiled. "Now we just have to get them together!"

"Tomorrow, you guys come over to sleepover and invite Alexa with you guys . We can have a movie night."

"We're happy to help in any way we can!" Ell smiled and I thanked them, and then they left.

This plan could work. I decided I should probably call Jack. I wanted to tell him that I could be coming back. And if I did, I'd need help trying to figure out what to tell Ross.... Should I be honest? Or go alone with the lie? But how....

I quickly went up to my .... Rockys.... Room and grabbed his phone. I dialed in Rockys number and waited for the answer.

"Hello?" and all too familiar voice called.

I froze and my heart skipped several beats.

"Who is this? Looks Jack is taking a shower so he can't talk." Ross said.

A weird squeaking noise escaped my lips as I sat frozen.

"Daniela...." Ross whispered. "Babe please.... where did you go? What's wrong.... Please come back.... I'm a mess." He said, his voice breaking. "I'm so sorry for what I did.... Please we can work this out.... I just wanna know you're safe.... Where are you? babe please.... I can come get you or-"

I quickly hit end and threw the phone, tears coming down my face.

I hated this. I hated being apart from him. I missed him like crazy. I just wanted to be able to hug him, and cuddle with him, and rub my fingers through his blonde mess off hair.

A weird feeling came in my stomach and my hand flew to my mouth . I ran into the bathroom and threw up.

As soon as I was done I brushed my teeth and put my hair up into a bun. I found my way back to bed and collapsed onto it.

I fell asleep almost instantly.


I woke up the next morning, still with a slight stomach ache. But I have things to do so I forced myself out of bed.

I pulled on ripped jeans and a large sweater and then did my morning routine and went downstairs to see Rocky isn't up like he normally is.

I walked over to the couch and saw him passed out still. He was cuddling a pillow and soft snores were escaping his lips . It was kinda.... Cute.

I grabbed a blanket and started to cover him up when his eyes fluttered open. "Mmmm?" He dropped the pillow and pulled me into his chest.

"R-Rocky no...."

"I'm cold." Me mumbled, still half asleep.

"Het c'mon.... Wake up please." I wiggled around trying to get out of his grip but it only tightened as he held me closer.

"Shhhh no I'm tired." He said.

I rolled my eyes and positioned my mouth by his ear.

"ROCKY!" I screamed. "GET UP!"

He jumped up and I went flying off of him, and onto the floor. "Ouch...." I grumbled, rubbing the back of my head .

"I'm so sorry!" He rushed over to me and helped me up.

"It's fine.... I shouldn't have yelled."

"C'mon.... I'll make you something to eat."

The thought of food made my stomach freak out again and I groaned, clutching it.

Rocky frowned. "Are you sick?" He felt my forehead. "No fever.... Maybe you should go lay down."

I shook my head. "No. Im having people over today. I'll be fine later . I just want some water and to sit down."

I plopped down on the couch and he quickly left to get me water. What's gotten me so sick? I didn't eat anything put of the normal.... Or drink too much....

I took the glass of cold water Rocky brought me, and watched as he flipped on the tv for me.

"Who's coming over?" He asked.

"Oh uh Kelly, Alexa, Ratliff...."

His eyes lit up a little. "Lexa's coming?"

I smiled. "Yep!"

"Oh.... Uh.... That's cool. Have fun...."

"We're doing a movie night. Wanna join?"

He smiled. "I'd love to."

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