Chapter 3

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My heart raced every time I got a text, fearing it would be Ross. He knows where I live......

But he wouldn't come here alone....... Would he? I sighed and went downstairs. I wouldn't let this get the best of me. I called up Connor.

"Heyy princess!" Connor yelled.

I laughed. "Where are you?"

"Over at Justin's. We're out by the pool. What's up?"

"Oh I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to uh....... Come

Over for dinner?"

"Oh sure! I'd love to. When do you want me to come over?"

"Mmmm around 5? Is that ok with you?"

"Yeah. Perfect. See ya then, bye."

"Bye." I smiled and started some pasta and meatballs. Someone knocked at the door. I frowned. It was waaaaaay to early for Connor to be here....... Right? I walked to the door and opened it. Ross stood on the other side of the door.

"No." I tried to slam the door but he caught it. I'm not exactly the strongest person, and Ross is pretty Muscley.

"I just wanna talk princess." He said.

I leaned against the door and tried to shut it. "Get. Out!"

"Oh c'mon. We can have dinner."

"I'm already making dinner."

"You mean the thing on fire?" He sniffed. I froze and heard the smoke alarm. I ran into the kitchen to see somehow my noodles had started on fire an the sauce had bubbled over.

Ross stopped the alarm and I put the fire out.

"How'd you manage to start a fire in water......." He asked.

I gave him a look and threw my food into the garbage. "Great. Now what am I supposed to make for me and Connor?"

"Mmmm yeah about that......"

"About what Ross....."

"I ran into Connor on the street and he isn't coming to dinner. So I'm gonna take you out."

"What did you do to him!?"

"Nothing relax oh my


I gave him a look. "I don't wanna go eat with you."

"Well to bad. Your going to. Now c'mon let's go."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out into his car. He drove me to a nice small little place to eat and we went into the back, getting a secluded table. We ordered and Ross stared at me. I but my


"So UHM..........." I searched my brain for questions to ask him, to get off the awkward silence and make this night go faster. "Have any girlfriends back home?"

"I was at a all boys school. What do you think?"

I shrugged. "Well-" the look he gave me made me close my mouth.

Our food came and I started to eat. "So how come

You wanted to take me out for dinner......."

"I like you." He shrugged.

"You like me?"

"I find you....interesting."


"As in other girls beg me to screw them.... But you.

Your different. Very different." He said, eyeing me up.

"Wow...... Thanks....... Ya know I've had a great dinner but-"

"Shut up."

My jaw dropped. "UHM excuse you but-"

He shoved a menu in my face and held one up to his face too. "Don't put that down." He hissed.

"Ross what is going on!"

"I need you to go to the bathroom when I say so. Don't look back. Just go to the bathroom. There should be another door leading outside. Get in the car. I'll be there in a minute."

"What's happening!?"


I got up and went to the bathroom. As I was about to go in, I glanced behind me. Two guys had just entered. One had blonde hair..... Kinda looked like Ross. And black sun glasses. He had on a ripped sleeveless tshirt showing off muscles and tattoo sleeves. Another boy also with him. He had longer brown hair, and brown eyes. He locked eyes with me and whispered something to the blonde. I quickly went into the bathroom.

I opened the door and ran out to the car. I got in and quickly

Locked it. I pressed my face against the window, looking out to try and spot Ross. A loud banging came from the window and I jumped. Ross was standing there with a scared look on his face. I quickly unlocked the car and he jumped in, flooring the car. I gripped my seat.

"Ross who where those guys!"

He glanced in the rear view mirror and made a sharp left.

"Where are we going!?"

"I'm taking you home." He growled. "Now stop talking."

I nervously clutched my seat belt and tried not to get sick. He took some wowed way through the forest which was taking hours. But eventually he slowed down.

"You look scared." He muttered.

"Who where those people Ross......."

"Just some friends from Juvi."


"I owe them something and they they won't stop until they get it." He pulled up to my house. He had been gripping the steering wheel so tight, his knuckles where white. "Just do me a favor and lock your doors tonight."

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