Chapter 36

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Hello loves! So I apologize in advance for this chapter if you don't celebrate Christmas. I thought Id take a break from the heavy and let us enjoy a nice chapter, seeing as how it's Christmas eve.

Anyways! Happy Christmas everyone! Or whatever you celebrate! Or if you don't celebrate have a good day!

I love you all!


I sat down in a coffee shop, throwing off my hat. My newly forming wavy hair sprung up everywhere. I tried pressing it down, but failed miserably.

I sighed and pulled off my jacket after that. A cup was set in front of me and I look up, frowning a bit.

A girl stood In front of me smiling a little. She was short with warm brown eyes, and purple hair bright like a highlighter. "On the house.... You look like you had a hard morning."

I gave a little laugh. "Yeah, you could say that."

"I'll go get you a muffin." she said, disappearing. I took a drink of the mystery liquid, finding out it was tea.

I happily kept sipping and looked out the window. Soon purple girl was back and smiled at me, handing me a muffin.

She slid down across from me. "Do you need anyone to talk to? Cause I'm always here for someone in need."

I smiled. "Nah, just the normal relationship issues."

She looked at me with a softer look. "hey I'm sorry. Can I hear the story?"

I nodded my head and began to tell her the story of what happened this morning. After I finished she looked to me with thoughtful eyes. "I don't know, maybe you should look past this. I mean, you guys need to set aside these silly arguments. You sound like you really love him, and he sounds head over heels for you."

I let out a sigh. "Maybe."

"For sure." She let her eyes wander to the window and a small smirk appeared on we face. "Just hear him out."

The bell rang, signaling someone just came in. She winked at me and patted my arm. She quickly stood up and walked off to go take someone else's order.

I let out a groan and slammed my head down onto the table.

I closed my eyes and let my head rest on the cold table. It was only noon, but I was already tired.

I could already tell a long day was ahead of me.

"You look rather tired."

I looked up to see Ross in front of me. I rested my chin on my hands and gave him a look. "Hello."

He put a thin smile onto his face. "I figured I'd find you here."

I raised an eyebrow. "oh?"

"It's the closest coffee shop with cake."

I smiled a little. "true."

He fiddled with his thumbs for a little before letting out a large sigh. "I'm sorry. I wasn't right to yell at you, and I'm really sorry."

I nodded my head. "I'm sorry too. But all of this is... gonna take some getting used to. I think we should take things slow for a while."

Ross nodded his head. "Understandable. Now c'mon, let's get you home."

He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. We walked out to his car and I got in.

"So.... Was Hope freaking out? Or is she okay....?"

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