Chapter 13

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I quickly told her that I was at Rikers and them hung up, and went upstairs. ""Find everything princess?"

"They're beyond ruined...... So I don't need them."

He kinda nodded his head and turned away from me. My stomach was at the point where it hurt beyond belief and I felt like I was gonna pass out so I wandered to the kitchen to try and find some food. I went into the fridge and pulled out an apple and sat down at the counter.

"So your mom and dad. Where are they?" I asked as he came in and grabbed himself a drink. Ross didn't really tell me anything about them, but u wanted to hear Rikers side of that story.

"I...... I think they live around here actually." He said.

I nodded my head and took another bite of my apple. Maybe if I pretend I'm tired he'll let me go and I can find a way to get out and find Ross and..... Ross has no idea what's going on.

My stomach twisted and I set down thr apple.

"Riker I'm-" the doorbell rang, interrupting me. I frowned. Who could that be.....?

Riker went to the door and I followed behind him. He opened the door and a middle aged man with big bushy eyebrows and dark brown eyes looked up and smiled. "Pizza." He said in a dark, creepy voice."

Riker smiled. "Zachary! Come in please."

He followed him into the kitchen and I frowned. Who the hell is this guy.......? How does Riker know him? I opened my mouth to start questioning them when a hand clamped around my hands and body, pulling me out the door.

"Scream and you'll ruin everything." A deep voice said. He put something on my head and I flinched, till I realized it was just a helmet. I was thrown onto a bike. "GRAB MY WAIST!" The guy yelled over the loud noises of the motor cycle.

I promised my dad is never go on one of these. My stomach clenched up as a car pulled into the drive way. Rocky got out of the car and did a double take of me.


I grabbed on tightly to the guys waist as we tore outta the driveway. I squeezed my eyes shut and wrapped my arms as tight as I could around his waist.

I hate motorcycles with a passion. They make me so nervous ...... Especially with this guy as a driver. I have absolutely NO idea who he is, or what he wants with me. he could be worse than Rocky for all I know......

He drove for a while and stopped once he reached a small eating area. I jumped off and backed away, as he slowly turned off his bike.

He slid off his helmet and I couldn't help but stare. He had stubble on his face, big dark brown eyes, and spiky black hair with a big patch of blonde. He smirked. "I'm Jack. Someone said you needed help and...... Wow was that an understatement.

"Who.... Was it Rydel?"

"Riker actually."

"Where are we going?"

"Well....... I'm going to keep you invisible for a while. A couple weeks. Then I'm gladly dropping you off to Ross, and leaving."

"Why are you helping out? Why not just bring me back to Ross?"

"It's not safe yet. Rocky knows your alive and he's gonna look for you at Ross's first."

I nodded my head. "ok..... Why did riker call you......"

"And tomorrow I'm taking you into town so we can....... Change you up."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

He smirked. "You'll have to wait and see."

He led me to a small motel across from the eating area and got us a room. it was crappy. Two beds, roach infested bathroom, and a small dirty kitchen when a run down table and broken chairs.

I sat down on a bed and dust rose up, which made me sneeze.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna grab us some food. Do you have any requests?"

"UHM no not really..."

He nodded his head, threw me a phone, and left. I grabbed it and quickly dialed Ross's phone.

"Hello? Who is this?"

He asked lightly, like he had just dosed off to sleep but the phone jerked him back to reality.

I looked at the clock and saw it was past midnight. "UHM...... It's me. Daniela....."

"Dani! Oh my god..... Are you ok?"

"I'm fine..... I got someone to help me......"

"Help? What do you mean! Where are you-"

"I don't know. Don't come looking for me. It's safer if we're ...... apart for a while."

"What do you mean." His voice turned tight.

"I mean...... Rockys out looking for me and I don't wanna

potentially put you in danger."

"Daniela, where the HELL have you been?"

"I tried to help my dad....... But it kinda backfired. And then riker got me and...... It's a long story. I'll explain it to you when I see you next."

"Dan what are you talking about?"

"I have to go......" I quickly hung up and the door opened. Jack tossed me a bag and handed me a malt. I took a sip ad opened up the bag to find a burger and fries.

We finished eating and then jack turned off the lights. "You'll need to get some sleep for tomorrow."

I nodded my head and pulled some blankets around me. Jack rolled over like he was going to go to sleep, but his breathing pattern indicated he was in fact still awake. but no one spoke. It was so silent you could hear the various bugs scuttle across the floor.

I shook my head and closed my eyes, desperate to block out that noise. Within the hour I had somehow managed to fall asleep.......

The next morning I rolled over to see big brown eyes staring at me. "Morning."

I jumped up and jack gave a lazy yawn. "You sleep in really late."

"Well I'm tired....."

Jack smirked and rubbed his hands together. "Alright. Let's change you up."

I frowned nervously.

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