Chapter 2

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"What's your name........"

He smirked. "Ross. Now. Do you need a ride." He asked, a little more impatient.

"Uh..... No I'm gonna get a ride from someone I know."

"Looked like you where getting ready to walk."

"I'm fine. Really......."

"It's midnight. A girl like you shouldn't be walking all alone."

"Yeah..... But I really shouldn't be getting rides from strangers......"

"C'mon." He gave me a sly smile that I knew couldn't be trusted. But he was right. I can't walk around alone.......

"UHM..... Yeah. Sure......"

He looped his arm around my waist and started to walk me to his car. He opened my door and I got in. It was a nice car. Small, black, comfy, and warm. I leaned back into the seat. It was getting hard to keep my eyes open.

"So where do you live?" He asked. I gave him my address.

"So...... Did you just move to Minnesota?" I curiously asked.

"Yeah. From LA."

"Mom and dad get a new job or something."

"I don't have a mom or dad."

"Oh..... Did they........"

"I don't stay in contact with them." He said.

"Any siblings move with you?"

"Nope. I'm an only child."

He tensed up as he said it, like something bad happened...... Or he really did have siblings......

"You look tired." He said.

"I'm fine. I just really wanna get home."

"You can fall

Asleep. I'll wake you up when I get to your house."

"Ha. No thanks."

He rolled his eyes. "Suit yourself princess. So what's your name?"


He nodded his head and we drove in silence. He turned the heat up a little more and turned on some soft music. Within Seconds I was out.

I heard a loud buzzing and sat up, gasping. I was in my own bed. Tucked in. How....... I quickly grabbed my phone and read the message.

You passed out and just looked so peaceful I didn't wanna wake you. Till next time;)

He must've gone into my phone and gotten my number,..... I shivered and got up. It was around noon. Wow I slept late...... I wonder how Clara slept.

CLARA! I left her all alone at the party without a ride! I quickly dialed up her number. "Clara!"

"Mmmmm hello?"

"Are you ok! Where are you?!"

"I'm fiiiiiiine. Some nice guy let me spend the night. And I have your car keys so I can leave wheneeeeeever I want."

"How did you get my keys,,,....."

"I took them

Out of your purse. Don't worry they're safe." She giggled. "Now I gotta goooooo."

"Wait Clara don't-"

She hung up. Super. I went downstairs and started to eat some gogurt. I got a call from Connor.

"Hey wanna go to the mall?"

"Sure! Come get me in ten."

I ran up to my room and changed into some

Clothes them we left to the mall.

First we shopped around for a couple hours then got bored and decided to go get some food. We got some pop and a pizza to share, then sat down in the food court.

"Hey kiddo. What happened to you at the party?"

"Oh I decided to go home early...... Didn't really like the party."

"Who gave you a ride? I noticed your car wasn't there."

"Uhhhhh some guy from the party..."

"Do you know him! Who is he!?"

Defensive Connor......

Someone wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Ya know usually, you thank people for giving girls a ride home safely."

Ross. I looked over at him. He was in his usual right shirt and leather jacket. But today he had lost the aviators revealing dark brown eyes. He looked down at me and smirked. "Uh Connor this is Ross...... He gave me a ride home last night......."

Connor narrowed his eyes a little. "I haven't seen you around town."

"Just moved here." Ross leaned back in his chair and took a drink from my pop. "I used to go to a boarding school."

"Really? Doesn't look like it." Connor said.

"I got kicked out after I went to Juvi."

Connors eyes got big. "Ok uh I think it's times we go now."

"I can give her a ride." Ross pulled me in closer to him.

Connor laughed. "Yeah no. I can give her a ride."

"Actually...... I wanted to talk to Ross..... I'll be fine." I gave Connor a hug and I could tell he was glaring at Ross. Connor left and I turned to Ross and he grinned.

"This way baby."

"Don't call me that."

He led me out to his car. There was a woman's thong on my seat. I gasped. "THIS IS DISGUSTING!"

He smirked. "Don't worry. Jessica barley even wore it." He licked his lips.

"How many girlfriends do you even have?"

"Mmmm depends. I don't exactly have girlfriends." He winked.

"Oh my god can you not talk!" I tried to flip on the radio but he caught my wrist a little to harshly.

"Your the one who keeps asking me questions."

I pulled my hand away. I looked out the window, regretting the decision to come here. Ross sighed. "So who was that guy?"

"A friend."

"Really just a friend? Because he seemed pretty........."

"We used to date now he's like a brother. Why dont you give me a ride home?"

"You talk so much." He pulled up to my house. He practically jumped across the car and onto me, crashing his lips into mine. My jaw dropped from the shock and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. I pushed him back and tried to slap him but he caught my wrist and kissed it. I tried to pull away but he held me.

"Ross let go that hurts!" I yelled.

He pulled me close to him again.

"Don't try anything dumb." He growled.

"Please......." I whispered.

He let me go and I scrambled out of the car and inside. I slammed the door shut and leaned against it, breathing heavy.

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