Chapter 17

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I woke up to a large crash, my body shoot up. I looked around and was still in pitch black so I knew I couldn't have been out for over an hour. I grabbed one of the flashlights and got up, my hand trailing on the smooth wall behind me.

I carefully made my way down the stairs and swept the flashlight beam across the floor. A vase lay on the floor, shattered. I frowned and walked over to it. I crouched down and reached to pick it up when arms wrapped tight around me, spinning me around.

I opened my mouth to scream but a pair of soft lips quickly replaced them. I was shocked at first, but quickly regained my wits and kneed him in the crotch. He let go and I jumped back.

I put the light on him to reveal a pissed blonde holding himself. My heart skipped a beat. "Ross?"

He groaned. "Jesus. Do you greet everyone like this?!"

"YOU CANT JUST DO THAT!" I yelled, punching his arm.

He smiled. "I missed you too babe."

"ROSS YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" I went to hit him again but he caught my arm and pulled me into him.

"Hey now princess no need to get soooooo" he smirked and gave me another kiss.

I pulled away and gave him an up and down. Not much had changed. He just looked like he lacked about 78 hours of sleep. "Ross.... How...."

"I made a guess and I got it right."

"The roads are flooded how did you get in!"

"I walked."

"Ross!" I hissed. "Are you kidding with me right now!?"

"We need to leave as soon as possible." His lips turned into a worried frown and he kept glancing behind him.

"Ross what's wrong...."

"I don't know when but Rocky is coming here. We need to get out."

"Ross I can't just go, Hope-" a high pitched whizz sound came and the lights flickered on. I quickly went upstairs to my room and found a shirtless Jack sitting up, rubbing his eyes with one hand. Hope curled up with his other arm.

"Dani where ar-" Ross froze behind me. "Why is he in your bed."

I could tell his temper was short, and he wouldn't be afraid to lash out. I turned around and put my hands in his chest, gently starting to push him away. "Ross lets go downstairs okay?"

"No. Who IS THAT!?" He was out of my grip within seconds. I turned around to see Jack against a wall, and Ross had a fist raised.

"Rossy?" A small, soft voice called.

I could see his back muscles tense then soften as he slowly lowered his hand. He turned around and had a soft smile on his face. "Hope."

She threw her covers off and ran over to him, throwing her small little arms around his long legs. "I missed you. Why didn't you visit?"

He rubbed her back a bit. "I'm here now."

Jack was recovering from the wake up and made his way over to me. "Wow. you've got yourself a catch."

I frowned. "He just...." I was at a loss for words.

"So why are you back here again?" Jack questioned him.

He straightened up. "Right. Rocky-"

A loud sharp scream cut off his words. Rydel. Both boys took off and I grabbed onto Hopes hand. "Hope I need you to do something for me okay?"

Her brown eyes were big and she looked like she was about to cry. "Wh-what?"

"Stay in the closet. And hide. Don't come out unless I pull you out if there okay?"

She nodded and I opened up the closet. I covered her up with clothes and quickly closed it. I went out into the hall to see the room at the end of the hall wide open. I nervously made my way down the hall and stepped into the room. It was dark and the only light came from the moon outside. The window was open. A chair knocked over and Rydels mattress torn from the bed.

I looked around but saw nothing. I left the room ad looked at all the others on the top floor but nothing. I started to sneak down the stairs but paused when I looked outside to see a car. Rockys car. I bit my lip and peered I to the kitchen. Ross and Rocky were having a silent conversation, while Ratliff was crouched over a passed out Rydel.

Rocky shoved Ross against a wall and his words came a bit louder and more rushed. I strained my ears but only got parts of it. "Why..... Protecting her..... Shouldn't..... Never..... Plan..... She isn't...... Kill her...."

I started to go closer but there was a tap on my shoulder and someone's hand slapped over my mouth and turned me around. Jack was there with Hope clinging onto his back.

He had keys in his hand and motioned to the door. He went in front of me and popped it opened, silently. He nodded his head and I slipped out into the rain. Jack ran over to Rockys car and unlocked it.

"Why his car!?" I cried out in alarm.

"He slashed the tires on all of ours."

"But the roads are flooded Rydel said...."

"He managed to get in, so we can get out. Now get in!"

I hesitantly got in and buckled up. Hope was wailing in the back seat. "What about Ross!?" I yelled over her as he started up the car.

"He wanted me to get you guys out of here!" He hit the gas and we tore out of the driveway and into the night.

Sorry for the short chapter! It's just a filler because I have a ton of stuff going on in my life right now but soon I'll update a legit chapter I'm sorry I love you all!

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