Chapter 19

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Ross had started to movie and got us a blanket. I had my

Head on his shoulder and he had an arm draped around my shoulder. I was playing with his hand and he looked like he was about to fall asleep.

I smiled. "Ross do I need to put you to bed?"

"Will you come with?" He asked, pulling me closer in.

"Noooo but I will tuck you in."

"Mmmm nah. I'd rather spend time with you."

I smiled. "if you say so."

He nodded his head and placed a kiss on my head. We sat in silence for a while till I finally decided to talk again.

"Ross what made Rocky so...." I was at a loss for words to describe what he was like.

He sighed and twirled more of

My hair in between his fingers. "Why are you so curious about him?"

"We'll after all he's put me through.... I'd kinda like to know more about him."

"Well you don't need to worry about him anymore. I'm back and I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

"Please Rossy...."

"I honestly don't know. He was a cool brother at first. We'd play and tease each other and he'd help me out with whatever I needed. Then he started sleeping around with almost every girl. I mean I did it too. Not as much as he did. But he enjoyed taking it to the extreme and ruining the girl after. He'd start hitting kids in school and I honestly just dont even know what happened to him. He used to be a great guy."

I nodded my head. "Did he ever have a girlfriend? like a steady girlfriend he liked?"


"Ever want one?"

He got silent and his eyes flickered ivermectin and then quickly went back to the movie. "Oh no. Never...."

"Ross are you sure he-"

I was cut off by his lips being placed on mine. "You talk to much." He mumbled. His hands wrapped around my waist and he signed with happiness.

"You're really bad at answering questions." I sighed as he moved down to my neck.

He laughed and pulled away. "I'm a master in the art of distraction." He kissed the top of my nose and got up to put in a new movie. As soon as he did he placed himself right next to me.

"This is nice and relaxing." Ross smiled and nuzzled his head into my shoulder.

"So what did you do when I left?"

"I went crazy. I had no idea where you were. It killed me on the inside. I just wanted you to be safe and okay but I always wanted to yell at you for being so dumb. Why would you go looking for trouble like that!?"

"I just thought I could help...."

"Don't you ever do that to me again. I was so worried...."

I wrapped my arms around him tighter and placed a kiss on his face. "You worry a lot."

"Promise me you won't do anything dumb?"

I sighed and put my head on his chest. "You're so weird."

I heard the door open and Hopes giggle filled the room. I got up and walked over to her and Jack. He was carrying a ton of bags and she was carrying several dolls. "Dani it was so much fun!" She giggled and sat on a chair next to the counter. Jack threw all the bags onto the counter and huffed.

"Heavy?" I laughed.

"Just a little." He sighed. "But hey I got you a little something." He went inside his wallet and threw me a small packaged thing. "I have more too."

I blushed as I realized what it was and quickly shoved it into my

Pocket. "JACK! Did you really get that with my little sister around!!??"

"Get what?" Hope asked.


"Yeah get what?" Ross asked curiously.

"Who's hungry?" I asked, hoping to change the subject.

"Me!" Everyone yelled at once. I smiled and started to cook some grilled cheeses.

"So how long are you staying for?" Ross asked Jack.

Jack shrugged. "Just long enough to make sure you for loose her again."

Ross rolled his eyes. "She snuck out. Not my fault."

"Well it was stupid and dangerous of you to let her do that!" He snapped.

"Guys chill out...." I said.

They both gave each other nasty looks but I gave them food and they moved on. I sat down next to Ross and started to eat.

After we were all done it was past 8. I helped Hope change into her pjs and put her to bed. She stayed in the living room with Jack. After I put her to bed I went up to the Room I shared with Ross. I borrowed one of his black shirts and crawled into bed.

He rolled in next to me and smiled. "Finally. So what did Jack get you?"

I laughed a little. "Uhhhh nothing. You look tired Mr. Get some sleep."

He sighed and gave me a kiss. "Alright."

He opened up his arms and I rested my head on his chest. Within the hour he was passed out. I soon followed him.

Several hours later I sat up with a start. My breathing was ragged and my heart beating fast. I looked around the dark room till my eyes adjusted. I saw Ross still sleeping next to me and sighed.

I was thirsty so I got up and went downstairs to get some water. I passed Hope passed out on the couch, with Jack on the floor next to her. Some random

Cartoon was on so I flipped it off and found my way to the kitchen.

I grabbed a cup of water and quickly

Filled it. I looked out the window placed over the sink and sighed.

I heard a buzzing near me and quickly tried to find the source. I sifted through paper until I found a cell phone ringing. I was guessing it was Ross's, judging by how beat up and old it was.

I'm not usually one to pry, and answer other peoples phone normally. Buuuuuut it couldn't hurt to answer. I hit answer and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, swirling the water around in my cup.

"Ahhhh Daniela." A voice cooed.


"You look great in black babe."

The cup fell from my hand, shattering.


Hey guys! Soooo sorry for the kinda crappy update. It's my birthday and I'm out eating. But anywaaaaaays has anyone who reads my book ever been to warped? (Vans Warped Tour) Wanna go? Going? Cause I just went and it was the best experience of my life. So if anyone as ever gone, inbox me so we can talk about it because ANDJEKEKSKKD. Alright. Love you aaaaaall :)

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