Chapter 21

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3 hours later we were all at the water park. It was huge. 4 pools, 4 kid play sets, 2 teen kinda water slides play sets, water mazes and so much more.

We all grabbed seats under an umbrella and started to put sunblock on. Hope was jumping around and giggling, pointing to slides as saying which ones she wanted to go on. Ross and Jack went to the big slides. I hated them and Hope wasn't old enough so I stuck with her and we went to the little kid play area.

"Hey stay close to me okay?"

She immediately ran off. I followed her through the small little crawl spaces for the kids. We went down some slides and I watched her run under some water falls. Eventually Jack found me and he took over watching her so I could have a break.

I got some French fries and a smoothie then went back to my chair to sit down and eat. A soaking wet Ross came over and shook himself off right next to me. I groaned.

"Really? All over my fries?"

He smiled and gave me a kiss, taking some fries in the process. "What? No ketchup?"

"I don't believe in ketchup." I said, taking a drink of my smoothie.

Ross gave me a blank stare. "Sometimes I just don't get you.... At all."

I smiled and laughed. "Says the pot to the kettle."

He threw one of his fries at me. "So are you having fun today?"

I smiled. "I am. Thank you Rossy."

"Rossy....." He mumbled. "Interesting nickname."

I sat back in my chair and Ross gave me another kiss before leaving to go on a another slide.

I sat back and closed my eyes, relaxing. It was weird having him kiss me again.... Seeing as how we spent so much time apart. But as soon as I came back it seemed an unspoken word had passed between us and we had agreed to be back together. But did I wanna do this.... I had to leave soon.... Did I really wanna hurt him?

I couldn't stay.... Rocky would hurt them... And I can't stand the thought of that. But the thought of being with him scared me. He's the man that killed my father....

I have no idea what he has planned or what he will or can do to me. And that scared me.

I opened my eyes and sat up, shaking my head. I didn't wanna think about this right now. We were supposed to be having fun.

A while later Ross, Jack, and Hope came back soaking wet and laughing. Ross sat down and pulled on his Tshirt. "We should go out to eat. I'm hungryyyy."

"So am I." Hope said, trying to get her sundress on. I untangled the straps for her and helped her slide it on.

"Alright. I'm down for some food." I said. I put on my shorts and shirt and slid into my vans. "Let's go."

We went back to the car and got in. I say in the back with Hope and the boys sat up front. We played some games and listened to the radio until we got to our restaurant.

We went in and got seated in the back. We got menus and then ordered. The place was rather full and noise carried everywhere. Hope got some crayons and a coloring menu and starting to color in a shark and dog.

I smiled as Jack helped her color. My attention turned to Ross who was watching me and smirking. I raised an eyebrow. "yessss?"

"Nothing. You're just reaaaally cute."

I laughed and hit his arm. "And you're funny." He shrugged and slid his arm around me. I set my head on his shoulder and smiled.

"So did you have fun at the water park buzz kill?"

"Hey! Just cause I don't like water slides didn't mean you guys couldn't have fuuuun. And yes I did. It was great."

"Good. We'll have to go more in the future."

I mumbled something and the food was set down in front of us. I got some apple juice and a salad. We all started eating and joking around.

But eventually everyone finished and we left and went back to the house. Hope had managed to fall asleep on the ride home so as soon as we got back I brought he up to Ross's bed and tucked her in. After I went down to the living room and found both boys drinking.

I frowned and sat down on the couch. I turned on the tv and started to scroll the channels. Nothing really looked good, so I settled on a show called A Haunting. I hope it's good. I love scary things even though they never scare me.

Jack sighed and put his feet up on the coffee table. "So now that Hope is asleep.... We can have some fun."

"What do you suggest?" Ross asked, taking a long drink.

"Let's play truth or dare." Jack smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "What is this? Middle school?"

He smirked. "Well you obviously haven't played it my way."

Ross shrugged. "I'm in."

I sighed. "Fine. Let's do this."

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