Chapter 39.

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* 2 years later *

"Ross! Don't let him go down the stairs alone!" I called out as I watched an unstable short blonde run down the hall.

"I won't!" I saw Ross run past the door and I smiled. I slid in my earrings and turned around to see Sam sitting on the floor, sucking on one of my blankets.

I smiled and picked her up. "No honey, we can't chew on that." I tugged the blanket away from her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "Should we go see what daddy's up to?"

She squealed and clapped her hands together. I smiled and picked her up, bringing her downstairs. I watched as Ross scooped up Johnny and Stormies eyes light up, reaching for him. Johnny squealed in Joy and reached out for Stormie, a large grin on his face. I smiled and watched as Ross gently play with his hair, a small smile on his face.

Riker stood behind Stormie and gently rubbed her shoulders before scooping up Johnny and gently tossing him into the air. "You better hope you don't get your daddys looks, and you end up looking more like your uncle Riker."

"Haha." Ross scowled, rolling his eyes. The doorbell chimed and he jumped up. "I'll get it!" he opened the door and Rydel pushed passed him and into the room. Ellington came in behind her with a bottle of wine and some sort of lunch dish. Rydel came over with a big grin on her face.

"Can I hold her!?"

I smiled and held Sam out for her to scoop up. "Be my guest." Rydel quickly grabbed her and floated off to the ouch. Ryland and Mark were outside on the grill, laughing, and cooking up our lunch. I sat down next to Stormie.

"Have you heard anything from Rocky?" I gently asked.

She shook her head. "I don't know if I should be happy, or sad. He did horrible things to you and others. Horrible and unforgivable things, but he is my son. I can never stop loving that boy no matter what he does."

I gave her a hug. "I'm sorry you lost him."

she smiled, drying a few tears that had slipped out of her eyes. "I'm just glad you saved him." She motioned to Ross who as sitting next to Rydel and laughing at something she as saying, face full of excitement.

I shook my head, turning back to her. "I didn't save him. He did that all on his on, he just needed a little push in the right direction." I couldn't help but smile and turn again to Ross. He was still laughing, and made eye contact with me. His smile only got better, and I felt my chest tighten as my eyes started to water. Who would have thought I would come this far. Who would have thought a man like Ross Lynch could change for the better, and become such an amazing father. My attention was pulled away from him as I watched Riker approach Rydel. I smiled as he quickly stole Samantha away from her and began to smother her in kisses. He loved that girl so much. He loved them both, but he always had a stronger bond with Sam. 

My attention was pulled away as the phone began to ring. "I'll get it."I called out and quickly jumped to my feet. I opened the sliding glass door and moved my way inside. 

"the phone is ringing!" I heard Hope call out. 

"I know my sweet baby girl, I'm coming." I placed a sloppy kiss on top of her head. "Go outside and grab Ross, I think the food in the oven is ready to come out." I picked up the phone as Hope galloped out of the room. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Daniela?" A familiar voice asked. Where did I know her from?

"Yes, this is. May I ask who I am speaking to?"

"This is Doctor Hill."

Oh! Duh! Doctor Hill. Of course that voice sounds familiar, she was my Doctor. Duh. A warms smile spread to my face. "Oh! of course! Its always a pleasure to hear from you, how are you?"

"Good. However, there is something I must... inform you about." her voice sounded tight, tense. Something was off. I've never heard her sound like that before.

"of course, is everything okay?"

There was a pause. "we were running some tests on your chirldren. the standard, everything you asked for and contented to. The DNA is so similar we almost didn't catch it...."

I felt my chest tighten again, but this time, not in a good way. I began to get tunnel vision, my knees shaking.

"Dani, are you okay?" I faintly heard a male voice call. 

Dr. Hill cleared her throat. "tell me, have you ever heard of heteropaternal superfecundation? It occurs when two of a womans eggs are fertilized by sperm from two different men..." her voice drifted off, becoming so quiet I couldn't hear. I turned around, the phone slipping from my hand. Riker stood infant of me, his eyes full of worry. He held Samantha in one arm and she looked at me, her big brown eyes full of tears. "mommy?" 

I looked between the two. "I'm going to be sick."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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