Chapter 24

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The last day here. The last day with Hope.... With Ross.... With Jack.... I sighed and looked In to the mirror. I had changed so much. The once tan healthy looking happy blonde brown haired girl with bright eyes and turn into a skinny pale black haired girl with empty dark eyes.

I'd changed so much and it hadn't even been a year yet.... Summer was ending and I should be starting college but who knows what I'll do now....

I took a shaky breath as ran my fingers through my hair. Doesn't matter anymore. None of that does.... This is my life now and I have to try and figure out how to live.

I left the bathroom and bumped into Ross on my way out. His arms snaked around mine and he grinned. "Morning beautiful."

I rested my head against his chest. "Morning." I mumbled.

"Are you tired princess?" He asked, looking at me worried.

I smiled. "Noooo. I'm fine."

He picked me up and placed a kiss on the top of my nose. "You sure?"

I kissed his nose back. "Positive."

He carried me down stairs and I started to panic when I saw Hope and Jack were not present. he must've sensed what was happening, because he quickly spoke up. "They went to go see a movie and then are going out to eat."

I calmed down a bit but still felt a small spin in my chest. Jack didn't know but I only had a little time here and wanted to spend that with Hope. Ross pulled me into the kitchen and sat me down. He started to make me some French toast. "Hey Ross...."


"You like kids riiiight?"


"If something ever happened to me.... Would you take care of Hope?"

He tensed up and whirled around. "Don't say that."


"Nothing's going to happen to you. Ever."

"Ross.... Humor me...."

"Yeah.... But nothing-"

"Promise me. No matter what...."

He sighed. "I promise you...." He rested his forehead against mine. "Now let's talk about something else..." He placed a few soft kisses on me before turning back to the food. "So since we have the house all to ourselves what do you want to do Ms. Daniela?"

"Hmmmm. I don't know. What would you suggest?" I asked as he slid a plate in front of me.

He sat down next to me and took a bite, thinking. "Mmmmm.... Whatever you would like."

I smiled. "C'mon.... You pick."

"Wellllll You never agree.... But I'd like to point out that we are alone and have a verrrryyyyy comfy bed-"


His jaw dropped and he went silent for a while. His mouth moved but words failed him. he took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "What...."

He wanted to do this.... He has for a while.... and I wanted to make my last bit with him special. i jumped up and grabbed his hands, pulling him into me. I started to kiss his neck and my hands slid into the waistband oh his underwear. "I said alriiiight."

"Are you sure.... I mean.... If you don't feel comfortable.... I-"

I laughed and gave him a kiss. "C'mon. Let's go."

He lifted me up and started up the stairs.


"You couuuuuuld join me in the shower too ya know." He said, slipping his boxers on.

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