Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning to a bright bright room. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked around and couldn't see Jack. I stretched and went into the bathroom, brushing my hair and pulling on jeans with a shirt.

I came out to find him sprawled out on the bed watching tv. "Having fun?" I stole a handful of his popcorn and he gave me a look.

"Well after you did that, I don't know if I'm gonna give you your surprise." He huffed.

I sat down next to him. "No please tell me!"

He shrugged and started to eat again. "What's in it for me?"

"I won't kick you off the bed?" I offered up helpfully.

He rolled his eyes. "You must be such a joy to date!"

"Please tell me."

"Well I rented a car and thought we could go pay your sister a little visit."

My jaw dropped. "WAIT REALLY!?"

He smiled. "Yes really."

"Jack you're the best!" I jumped ontop of him and gave him a big hug. "I haven't seen her in forever. When can we go!?"

"Just leg me change. And calm down geez."

Jack took about 10 minutes as came out with his usual crazy hair and leather jacket. He grabbed car keys and we went outside to find a sleek black car waiting. He opened my door and I jumped in. He started up the car and we drove away.

"How far away is she? How do you know Rydel? How do you know where she lives?"

"Well not long. Maybe a half hour at most. And Ross told me where she lives. I got it out of him." He smirked.

I raised an eyebrow. "How? I got the feeling he doesn't really like you...."

"That's why you outsmart Ross. Duh." He smirked and made a sharp turn, forcing me to grab onto my arm rest and grit my teeth.

"And you're sure you passed your drivers test?"

He shrugged and turned up the radio. "So why, out of all people, did you trust another Lynch with your baby sister again?"

"I don't have any other family. Do you have any family?"

"Mom and a dad but I never see them. It's to hard to keep in contact with them. I don't really have friends. Having friends would imply that I trust people."

"You must be a blast at parties." I mumbled.

He smiled a bit. "You have no idea."

We rode almost the whole way in silence. We pulled up to a long winding dirt road with cherry blossom trees lining the road. "Is this really where Rydel lives...." I gawked.

"Yeah. Daddy's little princess. she knows how to work a guy."

Horses ran around the field and I watched them. We came to a small white house, with a pond to the side. I got out and nervously rubbed my hands together. Jack led me up to the front door and he pounded on it.

I frowned. "Hey let's be a bit gentle...."

"Not my door not my problem."

A talk girl opened the door. She's veeeeeery pretty. Long blonde hair with sparkled in the sun with warm brown eyes. She smiled. "You must be Daniela! Come in come in!" She gave me a tight hug then stepped aside to let me in.

I smiled a little and came in. "So where's Hope?"

"Upstairs .... We're about to go swimming. Care to join us?"

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