Chapter 8

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"We need to get you both out of here now."

"Ross they have my dad! I'm not just gonna leave him!" I cried. Hope looked like she was about to cry. Ross locked my door.

"I don't care."

"Then your at least taking Hope first!"

"Fine........." He crawled out the window as I picked up hope.

"Dani no." She cried.

"Shhhhh. I'll be out soon ok?"

I handed her off to Ross and quickly unlocked my door when he wasn't looking and snuck silently down the stairs. My dad was on the floor, face full of blood, groaning. Rocky kicked him in the side and I covered to mouth to keep from
Screaming. I needed my dad...... But I can't take in Rocky. Not alone......

"Shut up. Or we'll do a lot worse to you and your daughter." his eyes filled with fear and he frantically looked around till his eyes met mine. GO! He mouthed. I bolted up the stairs and into my room.

Riker was sitting in my
Bed, looking through pictures. I shut and locked the door. His head looked up and smirked when he saw me.

"I was wondering where the beautiful Daniela had gone. How are you tonight lovely?"

"I was pretty good."

"I can tell by all the little kid play toys littered around the room. Are they Hopes? Where is the cutie? I'd LOVE to meet her."

"She's at a friends." I said through gritted teeth.

"Ohhhh bummer. Guess I'll just have to make due with you."

Riker was slammed against the wall and punched. "over my dead body." Ross growled.

Riker laughed. 'Ohhh always so good to see you little brother!!"

Ross liftedhim up and threw him into my dresser. They where both yelling at eachother as Ross was about to punch him, a gun shot went off. I screamed and covered my ears. Ross froze mid punch.


He held up his hands. "I don't control Rocky and you know it."

He fit in one more punch and pushed Riker into the closet, tying the two handles together with one of Hopes jump ropes that scattered about. "NOW WE NEED TO GO!" He roughly grabbed my arm and yanked me
To the window. He held me to his chest and I closed my eyes as he got us down. We then ran to his car where Hope was screaming bloody murder. Ross stepped on it before I was even buckled, weaving in and out of cars.



"YOU COULD'VE TRIED!"I yelled, over Hopes screams.


I crawled back seat to try and comfort Hope. As soon as I sat down next to her she latched on to me and her crying ceased. Ross let out a sigh of relief.

"I don't have any regrets not getting him. That could put you in danger. And frankly. I don't give a shit about your dad or anyone else."

"You don't like me......." Hope asked in a soft voice. Ross went silent and guilt spread across his face. Hope was soon asleep and I crawled back up front.

Where are you taking me?"

"My house."

"You can't take hope there......."

"I don't suppose you have any other family?"

"Not here......... But you can't take us to your house. What happens if they come back!? Won't your neighbors hear?"

"Eh they're used to screaming, loud banging, and chicks coming home."
He shrugged.

"Yet another reason I can't bring hope!" I hissed.

"I may have another idea....... I'll tell you about it tomorrow." After about an hour we pulled up to a old house. It wasn't much. 2 floors, lake in the back. But it was surrounded by trees in the middle of nowhere. "They don't even know this place exists........."

I nodded my head and wiped the tears that had slid from my eyes. His hand found mine. "Are you ok Daniela....."

"Ross I know you don't care about your parents but my dad and Hope are the only thing I have left....,.."

He got out and slammed the car door. He went over and got hope then helped me out. "Ross I can carry her." I said, barley able to keep myself upright.

"C'mon." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and led me inside.

"Where's the blankets for the couch?" I asked.

"What do you mean........?" He questioned.

"Well I'm not
Gonna sleep on the couch without pillows and blankets."

"Cause your not sleeping on the couch at all. I do have a bed."

"Well I don't wanna make you sleep on the couch. "

"Good cause I'm not gonna." He said.

"Ross we're not sleeping together.... Especially not with Hope here!"

"We did it before.....
Besides what's the big deal with having her with us?"

"I don't feel comfortable.........."

He rolled his eyes. "Relax I'm not gonna do anything geez." He motioned me up stairs and into his room. It wasn't anything like I thought it would be.......

I pictured it mesh with various sex things laying around, and dark with women's clothes littering the floor.......

But it was nice. White with a big fluffy made bed with wooden floors, plain grey walls with a bookshelf dresser and closet.

Nothing sentimental pictures. It was kind of weird.

"Not what you were expecting?" he questioned.

"No not at all........" I muttered. Ross stripped off his shirt and threw it to the floor. I couldn't help but look. he had a sleeve that covered both arms and a couple that went on to his chest. He had abs...... And very muscular arms. And several scars on his chest with burns. He pulled a sweater and sweatpants on. He rummaged through his closet for several minutes and finally pulled something out. He threw it at me. It was women's shorts, one of his sweaters and a princess night gown.

"Before you freak out the girl stuff was my sisters and the sweater is mine. I'm gonna go get a beer. want anything?"

"Drink water instead."

He left downstairs and I sighed. I tried to sit hope up but she would just slump back into bed. I eventually managed to change her into her pjs and myself. Ross came into the room with some water. "Where's she sleeping?"

"She'll fall off if I put her on the edge. But if she's in the middle-"

"She'll be by me. Don't worry....... I won't do anything." he looked at me as he got into bed. "Your gonna have to trust me eventually."

I set Hope down and she curled up into Ross's chest. She reached out for me and pulled me closer. She has us so close, I could feel his breath on me. I pulled the blankets up and thought about what Ross had just said. One thing was for sure..............

I couldn't trust him.

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