Chapter 7

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It had been a week. A week since i'd seen Ross..... Not that I was counting or anything......... I was sitting on the living room couch, watching Hope play with her dolls.

I still didn't know what happened to Ross that night...... Or how long he stayed........ He didn't text or call. And I haven't seen him around town. But whatever. I didn't need him in my life........ He wasn't good for me.

"No the dress is on the wrong way." I laughed as she tried dressing her dolls. She frowned.

"No it's not! It's better this way." She said, spraying perfume on her doll. I started to couch at the strong smell. She continued to brush her dolls hair.

"Hey. How about you and me go to lunch?"

She squealed. "Can we go to the mall an play in the kid set?!"

"Sure kiddo. Go get dressed."

She ran up the stairs and I started to pack a little bag for us. The doorbell rang and I sighed. Someone repeatedly rang it as started to bang on the door.

"Hold on!" I yelled, running over to the door and quickly opening it. Ross stood on the other side. he pushed past me, inviting himself in.

"We need to talk."

"Ross where have you been?"

"Long story......" He sighed. A Big Bang and little foot steps came from upstairs. "What's that?"

I looked up to Ross. His split lip, bruised face, tattoo covered arms, messed up hair, ripped shirt, cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and just a plain angry look on his face. Oh no.....

"Your gonna scare her."

I said.

"What?" He questioned. I yanked the cigarette out of his mouth and threw it outside. "WHAT THE HE-" I threw one of my dad's old sweatshirts from a hanger at him.

"Put it on!" I urged. He did and I smoothed out his hair as he slapped away my hands. "Smile you looked like you just killed someone."

"Well I didn't really kill him......."


"What are you doing why am I-"

"Daniiiiii! Can we-" hope froze at the bottom of the steps and her lip quivered. "Wh-who's he?"

Ross's face softened and a smile tugged at his lips.

"Hope this is my friend...... Ross."I said. She hugged the little teddy bear she was holding tighter and backed into a corner.

"I'm Ross......." He said awkwardly.

"I know."

Hope said.

"That's a really nice teddy bear."

Her face light up. "my mommy gave it to me before she left."

Ross raised an eyebrow. "Left......?"

"Is he coming to lunch?" Hope asked.

"Ohhh I don't know." I said. "Should we let him?"

She narrowed her eyes, inspecting him. "I like him." She finally said. I saw Ross let a little breath out and I smiled. Hope grabbed Ross's hand and they started out to the car. He buckled her in and then sat up by me.

We quickly went to the mall and right away Hope ran to the play area.

"So why did you chose to talk to me now?" I asked, sitting down.

"Rikers pissed."

"Wow. Great."

"No........ This isn't to be taken lightly. after what I did to him, and the fact that I still owe him, he's gonna do whatever it takes to hurt me." He glanced at hope who was climbing

Up a slide.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Id say leave...... But they'll probably

Find you. Daniela this isn't a joke. You need to be very careful. They'll start by hurting the ones you love to hurt you which will hurt me. And they won't stop till everyone you love is gone. And then, you'll basically let them take you."

Hope screamed and I jumped up, knocking my chair over. I looked over to see her playing a game of tag. Ross picked up my chair and gently pushed me down In to it. "Why are they doing this......."

He grab

My hands and pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry. I really wish I hadn't-"

Hope wedged her way in between us. "Can we get pizza?"

I forced a smile to my face. "Yeah. C'mon let's go."

She turned to Ross and held out her arms.

He gave me a confused look. What does she want? He mouthed to me.

"Pick her up." I giggled. He picked her up but held her arms length away. She giggled and swung her feet, reaching for him and clenching and unclenching her fists.

I braved his shoulder and put my lips in his ear. "Like your hugging her." I whispered. He slowly moved her closer to him and she giggled. We started to walk to the food court.

" Have you ever held a kid?"

"I don't typically like kids."

"Do you like me?" Hope asked, twirling Ross's hair around her fingers.

" I really do like you hope."

She unclipped the pink necklace and put it on Ross. "I like you to Rossy."

I could see the horror on his face. "It's so........ Pink."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a big hug. I couldn't help but laugh. Ross clearly wasn't used to this much affection. Those two grabbed us a table and I got pizzas and pops. I sat down next to Ross and Hope sat across from


"That necklace looks good on you." I whispered to him, watching Hope color on her place mat and eat. He looked nice like this...... A real smile on his face, and not that annoying smirk. A big sweatshirt on no tattoos....... And that necklace really completed it.

He rolled his eyes. "AHAHAHA. Thanks."

I smiled and shook my head. he took a bite of pizza and sighed. "So where are you going after this?"

"I have to drop Hope off at my dad's work. They have a dinner thing."

"Oh so I get to meet your dad and sister in one day. Perfect." he smirked.

"Yeaaaaaaah no. You are NOT meeting my dad."

"What!? Why not?" He stuck out his lip.

"You're not exactly...... ready to meet my dad."

" Oh I think I am."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright. But please be good."

"Baby I'm always good."

He smirked.


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