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Yoohyeon's POV

'What the fuck just happen?!', did I just witnessed a smoke came out from her body? Gahyeon look at me 'Yoohyeon, help me bring her to her room.' wait, they staying together? I just help Gahyeon bring the women to her bed room. After that Gahyeon went to kitchen, clean up the mess. I help her and still curious about the situation, 'Gahyeon, what was that? What happen just now? And why you stay?'. Gahyeon look at me, take a deep breath and explain. 'Yoohyeon.. that was my cousin Jiu. She's not a bad person.' 'Not a bad person?! are you blind? She was about to kill you.' answer me disbelief of what just came out from her mouth. 'That's not her. It's complicated. Anyway it will be fine. Don't worry. You can go home, I can clean up on my own.' she just continue cleaning. OH SHIT, I forgot my job!. ' sorry Gahyeon, I forgot , I need to go back to the store. Call me if you need anything.'

Next day

Jiu's POV

I open my eyes, my head hurt like hell. What happen? I thought to myself.What time is it? I look at the time and its 12.30 pm. I hear a knock and a girl looks like little penguin enter my room, 'Gahyeon, why are you still at home?' looking at the girl bringing a tray of breakfast. 'it's ok I took off day today. How is your head?' she sit beside me. 'it's a bit painful' I saw a mark on her neck and I knew what happen. 'Gahyeon, did I do this?' looking at the mark that still new. 'it's ok unnie, its not your fault. I'm fine. Don't worry.' She smile. ' I'm sorry Gahyeon, I don't know what happen yesterday. It was.. suddenly I feel furious. All the words start to play inside my head.' she hold my hand and look at me with a smile on, 'don't worry unnie, don't bother with their words. You can't satisfy everyone expectation. People don't see your beauty.' I feel sad of her words but at the same time I'm so grateful that I have someone like her in my life.

'unnie.. I think its better for us to go to psychiatrist today. Its been awhile right. You have been too busy with the new novel. That's probably one of the reason it start to came out' I thought to my self for awhile and agree with Gahyeon's suggestion. 'we'll go after lunch.'

At hospital

'Hye doc..' I enter the room. 'hey Jiu, Gahyeon too.. how have you guys been?' asking the women in white. 'I have been ok, thank you for asking.' Gahyeon looking at me frowning ' unnie don't lie. Lie only for kids' haish this girl. ' hahahah.. have a sit first. Now Jiu, tell me how you feel?' would you like to have cup of tea?' standing the women. 'ya sure siyeon...' she stand up and make cup of tea for us.

' I see something bad happen' Siyeon looking at me with serious eyes. ' how did you know?' she point her finger to Gahyeon's neck. Oo..ok. ' well... It was yesterday. I don't know what happen, maybe because of what happen on that evening.' I told what happen on the evening. Siyeon listen to every words that I said, same goes to Gahyeon. 'I see.. Basically its all because of they are triggering you. Jiu, its not your fault, don't worry. But you have to learn to control your thought. You do know what happen when its take over your body.' I know what will happen and I don't want to hurt anyone. ' I can give you sleeping pills to relax your body. Take it when you start to feel uneasy. I'm sorry I can't do much since magic are not my field but this is the least I can do for you.' Siyeon write medicine description and give it to me. ' it's ok Siyeon. It should be enough before the day.'

' Siyeon do you want to join us for lunch?' I ask my friend here. Although she's my psychiatric but she also my friend. We actually getting close after I became her patient. 'Unnie can I invite Sua? She fell bored without me at school even just a day. This little bird won't let me live for a day.' I just chuckle at Gahyeon statement. 'sure. Ask her to meet us at the restaurant.'

At the restaurant

Everyone siting waiting for the food, but.. why this girl keep staring at me. I know Sua but who is this tall girl?. ' hye Gahyeon's friend. May I know your name. I know Sua but I have never see you.' I ask the girl. 'I'm Kim Yoohyeon, you can call me Yoohyeon.' she sitting next to Sua. ' Unnie when the food is coming? I'm dying here...' Sua whining, pretend like she's gonna die. Hahah honestly this kid abit weird sometimes but I'm ok with her. 'soon.. just wait for awhile.' I feel staring from Yoohyeon, it so intense that I feel weird. 'Ya Yoohyeon, why are you starring at Jiu unnie like that? You having crush on her?' eh?! this girl actually ask her like that? ' Are you crazy Kim Bora?! I won't fall for a psyc..' just she about to finish her words, Gahyeon suddenly ' YOOHYEON LET'S GO TO WASHROOM!' she did not let the tall girl finish her words and just drag her away.

Gahyeon's POV

'Are you crazy?! you can't say that infront of Sua.' I push Yoohyeon and looking at her piss off. 'What do you mean? I'm not lying. She is psycho.' she explain annoyingly. 'listen she's not a psycho, its complicated. I can't explain to you. But for now, please, please just keep it a secret from Sua.' I beg Yoohyeon. She just nod. We went out and sit with them.

' Guys, you have to try this meat. It so goood..' Sua don't bother of what happen just gobble the food. What you expect from her? A genius question? 'Hey Gahyeon, who is the girl next to Jiu? She's pretty' Sua whisper on my ear. 'she's Jiu unnie doctor and yes she is PRETTY' I highlight the words and look at SIyeon. ' ya, keep it low.' Sua look at me.. ' Did you guys talk bad about me?' we just laugh ' hahah friend's here just thought you are pretty'. I see Sua drinking the cool water to cool herself. 'thank you Sua' Sua cannot hide her excitement and punch Yoohyeon's shoulder. ' the hell, that's hurt!'

Yoohyeon's POV

'How old are you? You seems young.' I ask JIu who infront of me, ignored the rest who are still teasing each other. ' I'm 19' wait, she's same age as Sua? ' you same age as Sua?why are you not at school with us?'. ' that's because Jiu unnie is a genius. She graduate early than us.' Sua answer. 'are you usually wear sunglasses?' everyone stop and staring at me. 'her eyes are sensitive to light. It can be hard for her to look at others. That's why she's wearing it indoor too.' Siyeon answer my question. Is everyone going to answer my question instead of her?.' there you have the answer.' Jiu simply answer.

'unnie, can we go somewhere after this?' Sua ask Jiu. 'I can't..I have to..' Gahyeon try to give an excuse, ' it's ok, don't worry about me. Go have fun. Unnie going to meet Dami for awhile.' shouldn't she be resting after what happen yesterday?. ' are you working?' I ask her. ' yes, I work as freelance.' thats cool of her.


Sua's POV

'guys do you want to watch movie? by the way Yoohyeon, you not working today?' I ask the tall girl who just drinking chocolate milk. 'no. I got fired.' she simply answer that. 'What?! I thought you just started? you must be terrible at handling people. Did you greet them You Should Not pass? HAHAHAHAH!' me and gahyeon laughing so hard imagine she doing that. ' Ya, do you want to die?!' Yoohyeon show me her fist.

'Something happen yesterday. I leave the shop too long, after I return to the shop, the manager shout at me and fired me.' I just listen to her story but something caught my eyes. 'Gahyeon. What happen to your neck? did you do NAUGHTY things!? Gahyeon is a PERVERT!' Gahyeon cover my mouth. 'Ya keep it down! no I didn't do anything naughty. I got allergy and its bad.' 

'yeah sure allergy reaction..' Yoohyeon answer annoyingly. ' guys chill don't fight because of me.' looking at them proudly 'WHAT? EWWW..' the both answer disgustingly. 'HOW DARE YOU EWW ME... I'm cute, attractive little bird! be proud of it' I saw them walk away from me. 'YA, wait for me!'.

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