Life savior

512 37 21

Red Enterprise

Dami's POV

'Good morning to Mr.Jun and my fellow colleagues. Today I will present the idea for 'Lies' new chapter fan meet with our favorite writer TokKim.'. Today is the day for TokKim fan meeting discussion, but the problem still has not resolved as Jiu still not agree to meet her fan face to face. 'I have meet Kim last time and sadly she still not agree to meet her fans but however we have her today in our meeting.' I point at Jiu who sitting not far from me wearing a suit. 'Good morning everyone. I'm Kim Minji or known as TokKim for 'Lies' novel.' everyone clap at her introduction. 'I know that my behavior have being a problem to everyone but today I would like to propose an idea for the fan meeting.'. Jiu stand up and start to present her idea.

'I have discuss this matter with my assistant, Dami. She told me the details for the event but I'm sorry, I have to refuse the idea. The reason is because I have a trauma with crowded place and I'm afraid that if I do that It will cause a trouble not only to my assistant but will effect the company's name. I would like to change the idea to virtual fan meeting. I still going to interact with my fans but I'm not going to reveal my identity.' Jiu explain.

'Miss Kim, the idea are brilliant but however we will doing a face to face fan meet in future. I would like you to overcome your fear so you will gained more attention from the public.' Mr. Han voice out. ' I understand your concern Mr.Han but I would like you to give me time. Erasing your fear is not like fixing a toy. It takes time. Although I haven't interact with my fans face to face I still managed to give you a promising works. So I hope my personal matter are not too bothering you.' wow, for someone that are annoying like Jiu, she actually know how to handle things. 'if you say so, I would wait for that day.'

End of meeting

'Dami, can we talk?' I just nod to Jiu. 'What's up?' I ask the older. 'Dami its almost the day.' with that words,I feel scared. I know what she mean. 'when?' she sigh for awhile, ' 5 days from today.' I look at her knowing that she scared of herself and sad. She can hide everything behind the glasses but I have known her for 4 years, I know how she feel. 'I need you to do a favour.'. 'yeah sure, what is it?' I look at Jiu who hesitate with her request. 'On the 4rd night, I need you take Gahyeon far from me. Keep me in the store room and no matter what do not unlock the door. Keep me lock until the next day .' I know it sounds inhuman but this is the only way for her. ' I understand but please let me know If you need anything.'. 'also don't tell Gahyeon. I know she's aware of the day but its better to keep her away. I don't want to hurt her like last time.' I nod with her statement. 'how about the things? Have you prepare everything?' she sigh, 'yes, my old guardian have prepared it after I let him know of what happen last time. I don't even want to eat those filthy things but it seems thats the only thing will keep everyone safe.' who wont be disgusted? Eat raw and bloody animal.


'Jiu, I'm opening the door. If you are conscious please say something'. I ask the girl behind the door. ' The cloud is blue and calming' with that words I know its her. She love to look at the sky when there's too much inside of her head. I unlock the door and shocked by the scene. Blood all over the place, cow intestines spreading on the floor and the smell... its stink. I saw Jiu on the floor, staring at the floor with her mouth still covering blood cow and her shirt too.

'Jiu, you ok?' she nod but slowly tears came out from her eyes. I still see that blue eyes but its not bright when she on that state. 'Dami...I'm so sick of doing this. It hurt me everytime its happen. I hate this smell whenever I wake up. I hate to hurt things. Everytime I woke up it feels like I just done being a monster. I'm scared of myself Dami. Now I'm having animal, but what if one day I eat human? What if I hurt Gahyeon or even you?' she cry miserably. I know that she hurt. Its upsetting to see this happen to her.

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