Heart throbe

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A week past

Sua's POV

'GAH!!!' I'm so excited for today. 'What?! don't scream do you know your voice are loud.' Gahyeon scold at me. 'Why are you so excited?' Gahyeon ask me. 'Today is the day of ToKim fan meeting and my name is in the list. Oh my god I can die happily now!!' . 'Well I'm happy for you. What are you going to ask her?' 'hm..no idea I just excited to see her.'. I don't know what to ask to her but I just going to tell her how much I admire her.

'By the way where is big puppy?haven't see hew for awhile?' I ask Gahyeon. 'she have modelling activity today, so she can't attend school.' Gahyeon eat her bread. 'She so lucky. I want to be one but I'm too cute to be one.' Gahyeon look at me disgusting. 'Ya what with the face?!' I pinch her cheek. 'Gahyeon its almost summer break. Do you think we can go for summer vacay with other? Its been awhile we have fun.' 'Hmm..I don't know but maybe we can ask them. Are you going to ask Siyeon unnie?' I smile listening to Siyeon's name. 'hehehe of course.' 'is this one of your treat to have a good time with Siyeon cuz I ain't witness some 18+ scene ok.'my face suddenly become hot remember what happen at the studio last time. 'There's not going to be any scene ok just normal vacay.' Gahyeon just nod and continue her lunch.

After school I rush back to home. I don't care about anything I have a date with ToKim. I wear a good outfit and wear some make up. Siyeon gonna be jealous if I'm being to hype for someone other than her. Huhuhu.. I mean she don't have to be worry. ToKim is my idol but Siyeon is my baby. So she owned me.

Red Enterprise

Jiu's POV

A week past since Lily appeared. Yoohyeon took me back that night lucky Gahyeon and Siyeon was there that night. Nothing bad happen. I was worried about what happen but I try not to bother about it since my event is today. I arrived early at the office. Today I'm wearing white suit and black eye mask. I feel like a magician but I think I look great. The preparations all done. Huh~ I'm nervous.

I start by greeting my fans. They all happy to see me, of course some of them ask to take off my mask but I told them politely luckily they respect it. We play some games. My fans ask me about my novel and what inspired me to write the novel. Of course I didn't tell them that it was about me. I look at the screen and of course I found Sua. She was excited about this meeting. She wear make up too. That's cute.

Its Sua turn to talk with me. 'ToKim nim! I am your fan I'm sorry if my voice is too loud but I am too excited.' Sua speak excitedly. 'ahahha its ok, I understand how you feel. I am excited to see everyone too.' I smile at her. 'Omg you look so beautiful I'm going to melt.' she pretend to melt. 'No don't melt I will cry if you melt now.' I pretend to cry. I can see Dami was laughing seeing me acting like a kid. 'ToKim nim I feel sick. I need to vomit' 'eh are you ok? ' is she ok. 'wekk!' she pretend to vomit and make her finger shape of love. 'hahahah I thought you really going to vomit.' haish this girl I almost ask Gahyeon to go to her place. 'hahah sorry it was fun to see you hope we can talk again.' I give her love sign too.

Next is.. wait what? KIM YOOHYEON?! 'Hye ToKim nim.' I didn't know she will join this event. 'Hye Yoohyeon shi. How are you?' she look beautiful I guess she's at the company. 'I'm fine. Sorry if its too loud. I currently having a photoshot.' she smile. Argh she look stunning. 'Its fine. You look beautiful.' I smile at her. 'Thank you. I have read your novel from the first chapter and I have fun reading it. Your story remind me of someone that I love.' 'oh really? But my novel is thriller genre.' I know she was talking about me. 'I know but that's not it. It was the struggle the character facing and the feeling she have. She have to hide her pain, hiding the curse so no one got hurt but deep down she was in despair.' Yoohyeon look sad. 'Do you regret loving him?' I squeeze my hand. ' Its not him, its a her but no. I don't regret loving her. She's a wonderful women I ever meet. She have this beautiful smile that always warm my heart. When I'm with her I can't help but hoping time will stop. I want to do more things with her. No matter how hard things for us I want to be there, so she won't feel alone. I will love her.' Yoohyeon look at me as she speaking to the real me. I only can smile to her words. 'I'm sure she is so lucky to have someone like you.' ' and I am lucky to have someone like her too.' I swear I can kiss her if she infront of me right now.

After work I ask Yoohyeon if I can meet her for awhile. Dami of course some with me too since she want to meet her Dong.They both at the company having a photoshot. As soon I arrived I saw her, she was talking with Handong. 'Jiu you here.' she hug me. 'Hye Jiu. How's work?' Handong ask me and went to Dami. 'It was fine. I look at Yoohyeon and she look hot in that suit. The suit exposed her thin waist and her gray hair make her look mature. ' Do you like what you see Kim Minji?' she close her face to me. 'wh..what? Well.. you do look dashing but it's because your make up.' of course Jiu never be honest! 'wow tsundere Jiu is here. I'm going to leave both of you for awhile. Yoohyeon keep up with the performance.' Handong leave us. I kiss Yohyeon cheek and she was shocked by that. 'What? You don't like?' she smile and kiss my forehead. 'Of course I like it. Thank you for that, I think I can do my photoshot even better.' ok that actually skip my heart beat. This Yoohyeon can kill me. 

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