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Red Enterprise

Dami's POV

I have been so busy with the preparation and we only have one week left, but Jiu have being so distract these past few days. Honestly this is a problem for me too, since we have to get her approval. She have being starring at the laptop.

'Jiu' I pat her shoulder and she was startled by that. 'Sorry I didn't see you.' 'I know and I don't think you see anyone.' I sit beside her. 'Jiu is there something bothering you?you have been distracted alot.' I look at her. I can see that she was frustrated 'I'm sorry Dami, but it just getting bad than before.' I have been wanting to ask her about her hands but I was so busy. 'What happen to your hand? I want to ask before but I have lot of things need to be done.' 'it was nothing..'. I know her and I know that she's not the clumsy type. 'Jiu this is not you...and I'm sure it got something to do with Lily.' I hold her hand.

'Few days ago, she appear and we talk. It looks like she have something she plan to do and I know it's not a good thing. I was so mad about it, so I lost control.' she look down. 'I see.. Jiu for now I have nothing that I can do for you but I need you to be stronger than her.' 'I know Dami..but if she keep appearing like this what if suddenly she fully control me?' She ask me. She look devastated. 'Jiu no matter what I will keep you safe and if she do that we will find away. Please have some faith.' I know this is wrong but I need to believe on her. That's the least I can do. 'I'll try..' she smile. 'Good now I need you to focus on the event. We don't have lot of time. I need you to look up at the folder and done it by today.'

At home

Gahyeon's POV

I'm home alone tonight. Jiu unnie will be late today since she is busy with the event. After I had my dinner, I stay at the living room. I have translate most of the words in the book and I can say that I almost solve it, only problem is to find the dagger. In the book it may look like a knife but it was actually a dagger. In the book it says the dagger will separate the soul and if we make it before the sunrise I can safe Jiu, but if we not Jiu unnie will...

Let's not think about that, I know I can make it. I need to look for the dagger first. I look up in google. There is lot of paranormal stuff but that's not what I'm looking for. I read all the article but i couldn't find anything that look similar. 'huh~this is frustrated'. I'm almost there so please give me any sign. I try to look about the book. Google devil book. I scroll and somehow I found it. The writer name is there, so I need to find the detail of the writer. Maybe I can go tomorrow. Should I ask Siyeon unnie? Since everyone are busy.

To: Siyeon unnie

Unnie..are you free tomorrow?

From: Siyeon unnie

Yeah I'm free. Are you ok?

To: Siyeon unnie

I'm fine don't worry. I just need your help with something. Don't tell anyone not even Sua. Its important.

From: Siyeon unnie

Ok. I see you tomorrow.

Next day

Siyeon's POV

I fetch Gahyeon abit far from her place since she don't want Jiu to see. 'Hye unnie. Thank you for company me.' 'sure, but where are we going and what is the important thing?' I focus on the road. 'we going to Owl enterprise. I need to meet this writer. She wrote an article about the dagger and I think she know where the dagger is.' Dagger? I wanted to ask more but Gahyeon seems tired.

After an hour drive we arrived at the company. Gahyeon told me that she going to meet us at the lobby. 'There she is.' Gahyeon bow to the women. 'I see you the one who called me yesterday. Is there anything I can help you with?' 'I'm sorry to disturb you Mrs. Hwang but I read an article you wrote. About the devil dagger.'. Mrs. Hwang look at Gahyeon 'that article I wrote it long time ago. The article managed to caught most of horror fans but I'm sure it was just a myth.' she drink her tea. 'About that can you tell me how did you got the information?' Gahyeon continue asking. 'I got the information from one of my close friends and he told me that there is one guy he have this dagger, and that dagger have being past from his ancestor. Some believe that the dagger will be the key for the devil to die but up until today no one ever come to him.' is this dagger will help cure Jiu?is that why Gahyeon is here today?

'May I know his name and address? You see...I have lot of interest with supernatural stuff and maybe I would like to buy from him. ' I told the women. She gave us the name and the address. After the meeting we both decided to go to Ilsan. I can't keep waiting while Jiu is struggling everyday.

Jiu's POV

I just finish work so I texted Yoohyeon for dinner. I told her that I will fetch her from company. We both have been so busy with out work. Every night Yoohyeon will call me tell me how is her day. Sometimes she fell asleep but I don't mind. I enter my car and drive to the company.

On the way to the company my head hurt so much. Did I push myself too much? Let me out. What? You hear me let me out. I look at the back mirror and I see Lily. Why are so shock? Afterall that body will be mine soon. No you can't. Not now. No we have agreed that you will use my body when its full moon. You do know a devil never keep their words. She smile. FUCK YOU LILY! No I won't let you. 'erghhh it hurt so much!' I grip my steering.

Incoming call big puppy

'Hey where are you?' Yoohyeon ask

'Yooh..I don't think..argh!' so you meeting her, let me meet her too.

'Jiu are you ok?! where are you? I'll meet you' no she can't see me now

'No Yooh..don't come..' I end the call.

Come on Jiu, you know you can't stop me. Lily's hand slowly cover my eyes. Go sleep Jiu. No...no...

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