The Untold Story

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Long time ago there was a witch. She was a nice witch, helping everyone who needs her help regardless their social status. She also have a nice and charming husband. Despite her blind eye, her husband never despise her. Her husband work as a dealer so he often went out for business, but it was fine with her because she understand the job.

One day, an old lady came to her. 'Can I help you?' she ask the old lady. 'Nothing. I just want to talk. I have been so lonely after my husband passed away.' she look at the old women and treat her nicely. They talked for hours. 'Mrs. Witch can I ask you?' 'yes sure ask me anything.' she look at the lady. 'Do you love your husband?' 'yes with all my heart. We have knew each other since I was a kids. He was the first guy that didn't run because of my blind eye nor despise me. He is a good guy.' she smile at the thought of her beloved husband. 'That so sweet of you, but if one day he hurt you what will you do?' the old lady look at her. 'I don't know. I've never thought of that because I believe on him.' she smile. The old lady hold both her hand 'Mrs Witch you are nice women but you have to know that life is unfair sometimes. Human change and so feeling. You are wonderful women and I hope whatever happen you will be strong to face it.' the witch look at the old lady weirdly but she just smile.

The lady was right, human change so their feeling. Love can change to hate, so the pain grow to sadness and build the anger. The anger that can't never reduce. Like fire that will only burn everything it touch.

One night, the witch walk out from her room to have some water. Her husband not beside her, so she thought he went to the washroom. As she walk past by the living room she heard her maid was making love. So she decided to peak a look from the door. They were making love but she can't see who is the man. Just she about to leave 'Jiwoo I feel sorry that we doing this behind master.' Jiwoo? My husband? 'it's ok she don't know after all she love me.' herheart break into pieces hearing that from him.

She open the door and look at them. 'Jiwoo what the fuck are you doing? You with her?! after everything I done for both of you, this is how you repay me!' Jiwoo jump out of the bed 'Nari this is not how it looks. I was drunk.' he try to convince the witch but it was too late, she heard everything. The witch see a dagger owned by his husband. She grab it and stab her husband. The maid scream terrifying. The maid was about to leave but she was stab from behind. The witch too hurt. She stab her husband multiple times, open his heart, took it out and eat it.

'Do you like the taste Nari.' a man voice appeared from behind. 'You feel pain don't you. Finish your meal, devour it as much the hate you have now. It stupid how you believe that your lovely husband just another asshole who use you for fame.' the man laugh. The witch stand and run to him to kill him but his move was too fast. 'You can't kill me you fool witch.' he take the dagger. ' I can make you forget this pain but its not free.' the witch who are in so much pain was now beg to forget this pain agree with the man. 'you will have my power and become the greatest devil. You will never die. When someone summon you they will find a sacrifice. The more subject you posses the stronger you become. However..' he look at the dagger.' This dagger will be your weakness. The moment someone stab you using this dagger you will die.'

'I don't care the circumstances just rid of this pain.' the man smile. The man suddenly change, his body produce a black smoke and get into the witch body. The witch scream in pain and after awhile the witch open her eyes. Both her eyes can see now. Ever since that day the kind witch turn to a heartless witch. No, more to demon. No more mercy just hate. She change her name to Lily so she can forget her old self. She kill anyone regardless kids or old folks. there is no humanity inside her.

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