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Gahyeon's POV

Siyeon unnie and me decided to meet Mr.Jo. After few hours we arrived at his place. It was just a simple house. We walk to his house and see an average age guy open the door 'Mr.Jo?' he nod. 'Hye, I'm the one called you just now.' he smile and let us in. He made us a cup of tea. He seems like a nice guy.

'So both of you come to see the dagger?' 'Rather than look, we actually want it.' he take a sit infront of us. ' I don't know about that. The dagger have been my family heritage. We have keep it for long time and only the one who need it can have it.' need it? 'May I know what you mean by need it?'. 'Long ago when my ancestor was lived, he told his daughter to keep this dagger and one day someone will come to get it. The dagger owned by his master, a witch I believe. Back then there was a witch who possessed the devil power after killed her husband and a women in her house.' Lily? 'do you know the name of the witch?' 'no. We never knew her name.' he told us.

'You see..' I show him the book. 'this book have cursed my cousin and I believe that dagger can help me to kill the devil. I have been looking for the dagger but only today I found it. I need it. I know it hard to believe but it happen long ago. Her grandfather made the deal.' I told him. 'Can I see her face?' I showed him Jiu unnie picture without glasses. ' I trust you. The eyes she have is the curse. I have heard it before that the eyes is the price for the wish. Everytime the subject are change, the devil will grow stronger.' I was shock by his explanation. 'You mean she's stronger now?' he nod. 'The more subject she posses the stronger she become. The dagger is the only way to kill the devil but my ancestor hide it from the witch because he was too afraid that she might kill his family. ' this can't be good.

'I see that you really need it. I don't feel like I want to keep it anymore afterall this is long enough for me to keep it. You can take it.' he give me the dagger, it was cover by an old clothes. 'Thank you. How much do you want me to pay?' 'don't need take it. Afterall we talking about someone's life.' I thank him. I look at Siyeon and she's smiling. I can feel the burden on my shoulder was faded. Jiu unnie please wait, we can do this.


'Phew that was easy Kim Minji!' argh the girl sweat alot. Why she have to fight so hard when we can do easy way. What's up with the glasses and this outfit? Is she attending some funeral. Now let see.. so she's meeting that girl huh. Then let's meet.

Yoohyeon's POV

What happen? Where Jiu is? I try to call her over and over but I couldn't reach her. The sun almost gone but she's not here. Kim Minji where are you? I try to call Gahyeon but she didn't pick up my call. Fuck! I run to the park we always meet but she's not there. I look for her at nearby street but she's not there. 'A 25 years old college student was found dead at G road. The cause of death still under investigation. However the body was founded in tragic way where half of his body was shredded.' I heard a news while I'm still looking for Jiu. Jiu please be safe.

Almost two hours looking for her, suddenly I saw her not far from the convenient store I used to work. 'ji..' WTF am I seeing right now?! did she just kiss another girl. 'KIM MINJI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!' I pull her away from the girl. 'you get away from her. She have a fiance' I glared at the girl. She role her eyes and leave. Now I'm looking at Jiu. Why she's not wearing her glasses? Why is she wearing this kind of outfit? She's wearing black dress and the length of the dress is short that it almost show her chest.

'Let me go!' she push my hand. 'Where have you been? I have been looking for you and you not even picking up my phone?!' she smirk and just ignore me. 'Jiu I'm talking to you.' I stop infornt of her. 'Chill.. I'm just having fun. Its not like I'm doing something bad.' she explained. 'You kiss someone else Kim Minji and we are supposed to have dinner together. Do you know how much I worried about you after you cut my call!' why she acting this way? Did I do something? 'Listen.. you can control that girl but not me. I can fuck whoever I want. So you can leave.' she push me. Wait what?She walk away from me. Don't tell me? No it can't be.

4 hours ago

Lily's POV

Finally after so long I finally can take over this body. This girl surely is stubborn. Why she have to fight so much knowing that this body will be mine. I mean look at her, what is she wearing? Baggy clothes and sunglasses. Its almost night. I hate this girl. I decided to walk since I don't know how to drive. Whatever its not my car. I went to bought an outfit that suitable me.

I'm looking at the mirror and I love how i look. Black dress showing some part of my body. I can feel the look everyone give me. 'Hey gorgeous, do you want to join me for fun tonight? I can treat you for drink.' I don't know this guy but you know what why not he can become my meal. 'Yeah sure. Let's go'.

He brought me to a club. I love how the environment here. The smell of alcohol and human for sure. 'Hey come dance!' I just follow him for now. We dance for a while until I can't take my hunger anymore. Instead of killing him on spot, I seduce him first. I close my body to him and kiss his neck 'follow me'. with that he follow me to outside. We kiss for awhile, he grab my ass and I can feel that his dick already hard. 'Let's go to my place. I can't wait to fuck you more.' he kiss my neck. 'Sorry but I'm not interested' 'what?!' he look at me, just about he speak another words I rip his neck with my teeth. 'Aa!!' he scream ing pain. I don't care how much he beg for me to stop. I devour half of his body. Not long after that I heard a footstep so I decided to get back to the club.

I clean my mouth make sure there is no blood can be seen. I saw a women enter the washroom. I can see that she wasted. I can use her to cover me and maybe become my second meal. So I flirt with her. I brought her to my place but she was too horny. 'You know you are really hot for a women although you have a weird eyes' she pull me to the side of the road, closing her body to me. 'I can't help but want you to fuck me right now.' she kiss my lips and wrap her hands around my neck. 'KIM MINJI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!'


Arghh I know that I said I want to see her but not while I'm having fun. She have been following me. 'Lily' I stop my step. 'so finally you realized that' I smirk. She walk to me. ' Bring back Jiu. What have you done to her?' she look furious. ' let me see..hmm nope. I'm going to have fun for now.' she push me to the wall. 'I SAY BRING HER BACK OR...' 'OR WHAT?! you are nothing but a weakly. You know why? Because you can't hurt someone you love. That is what love do.' I grab her collar.

'I know but I am your sacrifice right. You want me right. Hurt Jiu and you will never taste me.' she smile. I fucking pissed off right now. ' Huh? what makes you think you the only sacrifice I can have. Human change so feeling too.' I know that and that is how oblivious human is. ' hahahah!' what the hell is wrong with the girl? She laugh at my statement, what so funny about it.? 'I'm sure because...' she cupped my face and kiss me. I can hear my heartbeat, the warm feeling and the sound in my head.

'I love you Jiwoo and I will do everything for you. Jiwoo you with her?! you shouldn't be alive from the first place!' the old memory playing inside my head. I push the tall girl 'YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!' argh my head! It hurt so much. My knees on the floor. 'why I remember of that guy?' 'Lily? Are you ok?' the tall girl ask me 'YOU DON'T TOUCH ME FILTHY HUMAN.' Fuck it hurt so much. Lily enough! I feel suffocate. Slowly my eyes close. 'Lily...'

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