Christmas Gift

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Gahyeon's POV

'Jiu unnie I'm going to the park. Do you want to join?' I ask the girl who keep writing on her study room. 'No you go have fun.' Jiu unnie never come with me to play at the park.I mean we went few times but when there is no one. Actually I don't have lots of friend but I just love to play at the park.

'Hey look its the girl who staying with the freak. What are you doing here freak?!' a boy teasing me at the park along with his friends. 'I'm not a freak!' I glared at him 'yes you are. My mom said that your big sister is a monster so that makes you a freak too. Hahahah!' they threw me a ball and it makes me fall. They keep throwing the ball to me until my knee bleeding. 'Hey what are you doing to my sister!?' I look at the voice and see Jiu unnie was furious. She came to me. 'Its the monster. Hahahah' one of the boy mocking Jiu unnie. Jiu unnie ignored them until one of them calling me 'freak' again. Jiu unnie take off her sunglasses and stared at them I can see her eyes glowing, making them run. 'Gahyeon are you ok?' Jiu unnie ask me. I hug her and cry. 'it's ok you are safe. I'm sorry they tease you because of me.' Jiu unnie pat my head. 'No, they are the monster not you. They don't know you like I do.' I continue hugging Jiu unnie while crying. 'Thank you Gahyeon.' Jiu unnie smile.

I woke up from the dream, remember what happen back then. I can't help but cry abit. Someday we will have a normal life. No, soon. I look at the picture beside me, it was me and Jiu unnie when were kids. I went to the kitchen and see my only sister having her coffee. I hug her from back. 'Morning Gahyeon.' 'Morning unnie. I love you' she look at me weirdly. 'You know I have Yoohyeon right.' ' hahaha are you crazy? Of course as a sister.' I laugh at her but of course Jiu unnie know the love I have for her.

Today me and Jiu unnie planning to buy some stuff for tonight Christmas party. We are going to the shopping mall to buy a gift and grocery but somehow Jiu unnie looking so pale. I ask her to stay at home but she insist. She said she's excited for tonight. We arrived at the shopping mall and Jiu unnie looking for Yoohyeon's gift of course.

I bought Jiu unnie a sweatshirt to keep her warm. We went to the arcade since we rarely come to shopping mall. We play air hockey. 'Unnie you really bad at this. Hahaha!' 'not fair you keep push it hard!'. I had fun teasing her. Jiu unnie bought me an ice cream since I won the game. We took a picture together. Jiu unnie seems to have fun and that makes me happy.

'Gah can we sit for awhile.' Jiu unnie hold my sleeve. 'Yeah sure. Are you ok? We can go back now.' I look at her. I can see she's sweating although its actually abit cool here. 'No its ok. I just need to sit for awhile. Maybe because I skip dinner last night.' 'ok but make sure you have proper dinner tonight. Promise?' she nod her head. After awhile Jiu unnie start to have some energy. So we continue to bought some grocery. We was thinking to have a hot pot since the weather its cool.

Yoohyeon's POV

We are having Christmas party at Jiu's place tonight. I brought some sweet and gift for her. I'm coming with Sua and Siyeon. They pick me from my place. I guess you can say this is Sua first time to come at their place. As soon we arrived we are greeted by Gahyeon. I can smell of the ingredient and I saw my love doing the cooking. 'Hye Jiu.' I wrap her waist from back and kiss her cheek. 'You arrived? Go sit with them, its almost done. 'No I want to be with you' she just chuckle at my action. I love her smell and the way she look right now. Sometimes I wonder how can she make me falling everytime. 'Are you done staring at me?' she ask me. I didn't realize that I was starring at her 'hahaha I guess I will never stop.'.

Dami and Handong arrived. They brought a cake. We all having a hot pot and I must say Jiu is good at this. 'So lets open the gift. I can't wait anymore!' Sua excitedly went to the tree. 'chill Kim Bora.' 'how dare you call me with my full name right now? You make me feel like a kid.'Sua pout at Siyeon. 'Well you are sometimes.' Siyeon pinch Sua cheek. Hahaha they are cute.

'Here is for Gahyeon, Yoohyeon, Siyeon, Handong and Jiu.' Sua pass the gift. 'Nice I got a brand new make up and its from...Dami unnie.' Gahyeon hug Dami. 'Thank you, I really like it.'. 'I get a... bird pyjamas? Who give this?!' Sua looking a bit annoyed by the gift. 'It i thought you will look cute on it and maybe we can wear it together..' Siyeon speak lowerly. Sua who see Siyeon reaction suddenly change her tone 'I love it Sing.its cuteeee' liar I know you wanted something else. 'really?' Siyeon give Sua her puppy eyes. 'yes Singie I love ittt~' Sua smile. 'I get a new shoes. Oh my god its beautiful Yoohyeon.' I bought Handong a pair of high heels. 'Glad that you like it. It's a thank you for always taught me to be a good model.' Handong hug me. 'I get a jacket and its from Sua. Aww babe thank you. I can wear it to work.' Siyeon kiss Sua cheek. Lastly its me and Jiu. Everyone looking at us as we exchange the gift. 'I'm not good at it but I hope you like it.' 'me too and I hope you like it too.'. I open the gift and she bought me a necklace. 'Its beautiful. I love it.' she smile 'Happy that you like it. Do you want to wear it?' I nod. She gets up and help me to wear it. Now its her turn. As soon she open the box, she hug me. 'You make an album for us?' 'yup. I put all the picture we have together. It's not much but its the only thing I can came up with.' she kiss my lips making everyone shock by that. ' I love it. Thank you Yoohyeon.' she smile at me. I am so in love with her. 'ok get a room both of you.' 'really Sua?' I punch her shoulder.

'I'm going to prepare the cake.' she gets up. 'I'll help you.' Sua get up and went to the kitchen with Jiu. 'You really love her don't you.' Dami ask me. 'hahaha ya. She's perfect for me.' 'I'm glad that you can accept her insecurity Yoohyeon.' Siyeon said. I know that lot of people will be scared of Jiu but somehow that feeling never exist inside me. 'I don't know, I guess I'm just in love with her and someday I want to be with her when I start my day and end with her in my arm.' I look at the photo I gave to her. 'Thank you Yoohyeon for making Jiu feel she worth it.' Gahyeon hug me. 'and thank you Gahyeon for always with her.' I hug her back.

'Jiu!!!' Sua scream. What the hell?! 



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So here is my first fanart of Jiu. yup i'm a baby somia. you guys can check more on my Ig lylyana98

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