Night Change

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Dami's POV

Tonight I have prepare lot of things for our movie night. Movie check, popcorn check, pizza check, snuggy check. Ok nice everything is here. What missing now is my little kitten to arrive. Dind ding! Ok she's here, nice timing. I open the door and see my love wearing simple outfit, but she still beautiful. 'I brought cup cake for us' she show me the box. 'Thank you, come in.' I hug her as soon she enter. ' Dongie is so beautiful.' with that I can see that she was blushing. I'm so lucky to have her.

'Let's eat while enjoy the movie. I have choose a movie for us.' we both sit on the sofa enjoying the movie. Both are focus on the movie. Not long after I caught myself was looking at her. I can't help but think that she is so beautiful. 'Hahahaha...babe that's funny. Did you see that?' shes laughing, but then only she realised I was looking at her. 'what? Something on my face?' she touch her face. I hold her face and close to her, making our distance can be pass by air, 'Nothing...I just fall in love with you even more.'. I take this chance to kiss her. I can feel the spark between us.

'Shouldn't we watch the movie?' she ask me looking down to hide her shy expression. 'I can't help but wanting to look at you. Afterall its been awhile since the last time I see you this close.' I caress her hair. 'Don't you miss me too baby?' she look up to me and kiss my lips. I know she want it too, but she just to scare to admit it.'I do miss you and your attention.' Dong says.

I continue kissing her passionately. Slowly our body asking for more. Hand inside her sweatshirt. I feel her body warm, wanting me touch more. While her hand pressing my head telling me to kiss her more. I can't help but wanting to taste her more. I pick her up and lead to the bedroom. Putting her on my bed, taking off my shirt. Showing my bra and leaving my sweatpants. She also taking her sweatshirt off leaving her black bra and her short. Showing her white skin. I can't stop myself from being wild to her. Every inch of her body calling for me. Her voice begging to love her more. The night just shower us with the love we have until heaven show us how it feel.

Yoohyeon's POV

I'm exhausted from all the homeworks. God why all the teacher have to give us lot of homeworks? The time now is 8.30pm. Stupid bus have to be lot of people. The day can't be more worst. Erghh...I'm hungry, guess I just going to buy something from the convenient.

' Damn you Ji Hwan...' I heard a women cursing sitting infront of convenient. She must be broke up with her boyfriend. I can't see her face since she looking down and her blonde hair was covering her face. I just enter the convenient store, not bothering what happen. When I walk out the convenient, 'ehe~ stupid grandpa..ehe~ why?!!' the women suddenly shout. Dehel is wrong with this women. I look at her, Jiu?

'Jiu, why are you here?' I look at the drunk older. She have 2 bottle of soju. 'oh..Yoohyeon. Ehe...sit with me my little savior.' she pull the chair beside her. Haih..I have no other choice but to sit with her. I can't just leaver her like this. 'Yoohyeon...let's drink!', 'no..stop drinking.' I put the bottles away from her. 'aww..but I want it. You see I want to touch the sky like a bird...chirp..chirppp ehehe~' She totally wasted. Incoming call from Gahyeon, I was about to pick up ' want to be alone and I don't want her to be worry. Don't worry I will text her later.'

'Jiu you can't be alone here.its dangerous.' I try to talk with her but all she do is smiling. 'Nobody can touch me..the mighty monster Jiu!waaa!' she act like a kid when she drunk, but I have to admit she do look cute. 'Jiu.. you have to go back. Its not safe to be outside at night.', 'you are right..let's go. Where is my car key? Mr.Key where are you~~' ok that's it shes not going to drive in this state. 'Nevermind. You stay at my place tonight.' . 'yeah..Girl's night~' she shout. OMG this is so embarrassing.

We walk a few steps but then she fall. 'Get on my back. It will take the whole night to be at home if wait you to walk.', 'omo..piggyback. I'm a superman!!flyyyy!' she shout right next to my ear. God please stop this misery. Just I thought it will stop, Jiu decided to vomit on my shoulder. 'NO...not on my uniform. God, it stink!' I just continue walking to my house.

At home

'Argh! God you are heavy!' I sigh looking at the girl who on my bed. I need to clean myself first. The smell is killing me. After I done shower, I clean Jiu. Since her clothes smells bad due to the alcohol, I just put on my shirts for her. I must say, changing her was challenging. I can't keep my heart calm. Her body is tempting. Shit! Stop Kim Yoohyeon, you are not a pervert. I take off her sunglasses and just put beside the bed.

I look at the side, see her eyelashes. She look cute when she sleep, more calming than usual. At first I was hesitate to touch her hair, but I can't stop myself from touching her hair,mesmerize by her beauty. With that the I fall asleep.

Next morning

Bam! 'what the heck?!' argh my head. Jiu kick me from the bed. I try to push her, 'Gahyeon stop pushing me..', 'I'm not Gahyeon, now move.' with that Jiu wide awake. 'you! What are you doing on my bed?!' I look at her disbelief. 'First you kick off from my bed, now you say that I'm on your bed.' I raise my eyebrows. It took her awhile to observe my room. 'You at my house. I brought here last night because you are too drunk.' She massage her head, probably because of the alcohol last night. 'ok..ok.. don't need to yell at me. I will make up to you.' she look at me.

Wait, did I just see her clearly? Did her eyes half blue? 'what?' she ask me. Touching her face then she realized, 'Omg my sunglasses'. just she about to take her sunglasses, I snatch it. 'Give it back.' she get up from the bed, try to take it from me. 'No.', 'I say give it back.' she was forcing me to give her. Tuck! Oh shit. 'Did I just hear the sunglasses snap?!' I show my hand and yes it snap. 'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!' she yell at me. 'I'm sorry. It was an accident, I didn't mean to brake your sunglasses.' Jiu sit on the bed. ' I told you to give me right! Now how am I suppose to go out? People gonna be freak out because of this eyes.' she cover her eyes with her hands. I kneel down infront of her try to take her hands off, so I can her eyes. Unfortunately I make her cry. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I was stunt by your eyes. They are beautiful. It's ok, don't worry. I'll be your eyes for today. Afterall I already late to school, so why not I help you.' she look at me and nod.

Meanwhile at school

From:Big puppy

Hey gahyeon, sorry I'm not coming today. I have things need to do. Let me know if there is anything I need to do.

To: Big Puppy

Ok..take care.

'She's not coming today.she said she have something to take care of' I told Sua who playing with her phone beside me. 'who?Yoohyeon?, 'yup' I simply answer. 'you ok?' Sua ask me. 'You have being so quiet today. Something happen?' she look at me. 'nothing. It just that Jiu unnie didn't pick up my call nor chat me. I worry about her.', 'oo..come on Gahyeon, she's an adult not a 5 years old kid. She probably sleep at her friends house.' haih.. I just hope so.

'Nae Gahyeon..I have something to ask. Don't you think that maybe Yoohyeon having a crush on Jiu?' huh? Why would Yoohyeon having a crush on Jiu unnie. 'Why would she have a crush on Jiu unnie? They barely know each other.' . ' But don't you think that Yoohyeon have been asking about Jiu alot, and last time about that 'Friend', I'm sure it was about her.'. Now that Sua mention it, Yoohyeon do ask about Jiu unnie alot ever since the day they fetch me. Do Yoohyeon actually have feeling for Jiu Unnie or was it because she know about Jiu curse?

'Nah.. she probably admire Jiu unnie. You know how Jiu unnie can be charming when she serious.', 'emm.. maybe. I mean I can see the point. Jiu are charming, beautiful and smart. So I guess its normal to admire her.' Sua explain. 'yup. Even you used to had a crush on Jiu Unnie. Hahahah..' yes, this little birdie actually used to had a crush on Jiu unnie. 'Ya! Just forget it. It was long ago. Now I have move on.' she pout, probably was to shy to admit it. ' Ya move on with Siyeon. Hahaha!' Sua then pinch my cheek, 'Shut up Lee Gahyeon or I shove you in the locker.' 

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