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Jiu's POV

It's the day and I'm quiet nervous to go out with Yooh. We went out once together but this time its a bit different this time. I don't know why. I remember yesterday Yooh kissed my forehead. I was shocked by that but I didn't push her. Its comforting. I look at the time, it's 11am. I'm going to meet Yooh at 12 afternoon at the park. I wear black top and blue jeans and of course my sunglasses.

I walk out and good thing Gahyeon is not home. She told me last night that she's going to the library.I decided not to drive today. After awhile I arrived at the park. I see Yooh was waiting for me at the same place. She's wearing a baggy gray sweatshirt and a black skirt showing her long legs. That's cute.

'Hey, did I make you wait too long?' I ask her. 'No, I just arrived few minutes ago. I see we both wearing simple outfit.' she smile at me. Why she look so cute today? ' haha yea since the weather seems sunny. I thought I should wear something comfy.'. 'ready to go?' she show her hand and I just hold it without any hesitation. 'What are you planning today?' she seems so excited. 'I don't know. I'm not good at planing so I just take you anywhere that I feel like I want too.' ok that is so random.

Yoohyeon's POV

I actually have no idea where to go since I still learning about Jiu, so I ask Sua where should I go. I bring Jiu to have bingsu and she seems to enjoy it. After that we went to dog cafe. Jiu told me that she always wanted a pet but she can't. She afraid she will hurt them.

'Yooh, look at this puppy it so cute and fluffy' I can see that Jiu's eyes sparkle although she cover it with the sunglasses. She keep playing with the dog and I didn't forget to take a picture of her. She come to me ' Yooh hand..' I give her my hand and she pet my head. Wait, did she just make me looks like a dog too? 'ya I'm not a dog?!' I puff my cheek. 'hahaha I never say you are a dog but if you respond to my command then you are one, but don't worry you are a big puppy.' haish this girl. I pinch her cheek 'give me a commend again I will bite your cheek.' she just chuckle. She's cute and I don't mind getting annoyed by her.

We walk out from the pet shop and continue holding hands. 'Thank you for bringing me there. I really love dog.' 'Does that mean you like me too?' I look at her. 'I thought you don't like to be similar with dog.' ' I don't but I don't like to be second.' I can see that Jiu was flustered by that. ' are funny.' cute. We enter a small book shop. 'You like reading?' Jiu ask me. 'Yeah, but people usually didn't expect that.' I took one book, the title is 'Lie'. 'You like that book?' 'yeah. I like the story. Its complicated but thrilling.' I can see she's smiling. 'Do you like it?' 'I don't know...I have never read it but I bet it was nothing.' she look at other books. Is she serious? 'Are you serious?you should try to read it once. It was so fun and I can't help but follow every chapter of this book. Now that we mention about this book, it kind of remind me of you.' Jiu drop a book.

'haha..why would you say that? The story not similar to me at all' why she look nervous. 'are you perhaps...' she try to walk away but I hold her wrist. 'are you scare of thrill story?' she look at me and laugh. 'hahaha yes you got me. I don't like things that are scary.' I see. I didn't expect that she don't like it since she always have this dominant vibe. I bought the book and leave the shop.

' Say you think we can have dinner at your place?' please say yes, please say yes. 'Gahyeon will be at home.' she bite her lower lips nervously. 'it's ok. I'll talk to her. After all she parts of the missions right?' I know this is crazy but I really need to win this bet. Jiu agree and we went to the supermarket, bought the ingredient for dinner. On the way back to Jiu's place, I hold her hand tightly. I'm scared of Gahyeon respond.

'Yooh..' Jiu stand infront of me. 'I know you worried about Gahyeon reaction but..' Jiu hold both of my hand 'I believe on you.' I smile knowing that. I can see that she meant her words. 'Jiu either Gahyeon allow me or not I'm going to tell you this.' I take one step forward to Jiu. Our face are close and I can smell her perfume. 'I love you Kim Minji and no matter what happen either you are Lily or the girl infront of me I'm gonna love you. I always thought you are beautiful.' I took her glasses off since no one is around and I look to both her eyes. 'You may hate this eyes, you may hate this life and you may hate the fact I have feeling for you but you can't control that I want you to be mine and I want to spend my everyday with you.'. Jiu stay silent for awhile but suddenly a pair of warm lips place on mine. We kiss and I can feel the spark. I feel like time stop for us. The kiss was different when she became Lily because this is Jiu and this is her feeling. Jiu look at me ' I like you too Yooh but I'm not ready yet.' I know she's not and I will wait for her. I caress her hair 'I know Jiu. I will wait, no rush. I just want you to know how I feel.' we both smile.

At home

Gahyeon's POV

I was exhausted this few days. I spend most of my times to translate this book. I swear to god it's not easy but as far I understand, the book is for sacrifice. Whoever made the sacrifice will pay the price. The price is to pay with their soul. Every full moon the devil will take over of the subject body and devour the sacrifice. Everytime they appear they will grow stronger until they able to take over their subject fully and when that happen the subject soul are dead. I was afraid knowing the end of the result. However, there is a way to stop from that to happen but I still not able to translate it.

'Gahyeon I'm home..' I hear Jiu unnie enter the house and another voice. Wait another voice? I look at the other person and it's Yoohyeon. 'Yooh what are you doing here?' I pull Jiu unnie away from Yoohyeon. 'Gah its ok. We went out together today.' Jiu unnie answer. 'Yooh didn't I told you to stay away from Jiu Unnie!' I ignored Jiu unnie and I can feel that my anger start to build up. 'Gahyeon look at me.. we are fine. Nothing happen. We just went out together and you can't keep telling Yooh to stay away from me ok. She's not a kid, she know what is she doing' 'Seriously unnie?! you think I don't know that? I know she's big enough but I try to keep her safe.' I look at Jiu unnie. 'Gahyeon we need to talk.' Yoohyeon tell me seriously.

Yoohyeon help Jiu unnie at the kitchen first since she bought lot of stuff. At first Jiu unnie was sad but then she was laughing. Its been along time since I see Jiu unnie laughing but Yoohyeon was able to do that. They were teasing each other. Jiu unnie didn't look worry when she's with Yoohyeon and I can feel that she showing her true self. After awhile Yoohyeon sit beside me.

'Gahyeon, I'm sorry and I understand your concern but..I refuse to listen to you. You are right about everything you told me but if you give me a chance I will become stronger to protect my self and Jiu. I can learn the spell you put on her last time.' I remember the spell but.. 'Yooh the spell didn't actually kill Lily. It was just temporary. To kill her is not easy and I still finding the way.' 'Gahyeon it don't matter how the spell works, I can help you. You know that you can't do this alone. I'm ready for everything that will happen. I just need you to trust me.' I look at Yoohyeon and I can see that she really want to help me. I look at Jiu unnie and I am happy to see her smiling like this.

We have our dinner. All the time I can see the interaction between Jiu unnie and Yoohyeon. I know that Yoohyeon affection towards Jiu unnie, but I never knew that Jiu unnie feel the same way. She never say it but her action show. She never let anyone enter her life easily. What makes me surprise is she does not hesitate to show her eyes to Yoohyeon.

Jiu's POV

After the dinner I only observe Gahyeon. She have being so intense around Yoohyeon. I'm scared of Gahyeon reaction. Is she going to accept Yooh or still building the wall. I trust Yooh and I'm going to let her handle this.

'i'm going back now.' Yooh was about to leave but Gahyeon didn't say anything. She just look at Yooh walking to the door. Gahyeon are you going to let Yooh go? I held both my hands nervously. 'Yooh..' Gahyeon called for Yooh, 'when you have time do you think you can company to the library. I can't figure it out alone.' Yooh growly smiling and nod. 'Sure! I will company you!' Yooh was so excited. Does that mean Gahyeon accept Yooh? I look at Gahyeon and she smiling at me. I can't help but hugging her. 'what? Why are you guys so happy?' Yooh leave happily.

'Thank you Gah..I'm so happy now.' I hug her. 

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