Odd eyes

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Odd eye

Jiu's POV

'Jiu, do you like the new book?' I just nod. 'Do yo like the book more or mom?' my mom ask while caressing my hair. 'Of course you!' I hug the women that I love. 'hehehe.. my cute bunny. Do you want to have biscuit? I made just now, we can have with dad.' I smile when my mom mention biscuit. 'ok! I go get dad first.' she smile and leave. 'Dad, are you in the room?' I call my dad knowing he probably reading in his office. 'Yes baby, come in.' I saw him was sitting on his chair. 'dad let's have tea time. Mom made biscuit for us.' I tell him excited. Without let him finish his words, I took his hand and walk out from the room. 'Faster dad!' the old man just follow me to the dinning room.

'Mom, let's eat.' I call my mom but suddenly everything dark. 'Mom... Dad?' I call both of them, 'Where are you?Mom! Dad!' I shout. My heart start to beat faster. I look around but all I see is darkness. 'Jiu...Jiu ..' I hear my mom call me. 'Mom?' I follow the voice and I saw the light. 'Mom...' I saw a women standing, I only see her back. I was about to go to her but 'Jiu unnie...help me..' a blood suddenly come out and spill on the floor. 'Gahyeon? Gahyeon what happen?' I was about to touch her shoulder but when she turn around I see her stomach was open showing her organ and her mouth full of blood. 'Unnie...what have you done to me?', 'Gahyeon I didn't do anything.' I look at my hand and there's blood. A mirror appear infront of me and I saw my mouth was cover in blood. 'No..No...NO! Gahyeon!'

'They will die...and its your fault.' a voice appear from behind. I look back and I saw my self. My both eyes was blue, creepily smile and behind other me I see Dami, Gahyeon and my parent was smiling with blood came out from your mouth. 'and you kill them Jiu.' the other point at me, 'HAHaHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! YOU KILL THEM!' NO!!

'NO!!!' I woke up from the nightmare. Huh..huhh... Gahyeon? I run to the younger room and see that she still sleeping. I went to the bathroom, 'What was that?' I stared at my blue eyes. 'Don't you think its too much? I'm not a monster and I'm not going to kill anyone.' I wash my face but was shocked when I look at the mirror, 'Are you sure Jiu?' what?who?who are you?. 'Me? I am you' am I delusional now? Have I become crazy? 'No you not crazy, but.. I will say do not be confident that you can keep me forever. At the end of the day I will get out from this curse.', 'No, I'm not going to let you get out. Afterall we have make a deal.'. she scoof 'A deal? I didn't make any deal with you. Your grandparent made with me and you are a gift for me. Your body will be mine. If its not because of me, you won't be here.' she look at me with anger eyes. 'What do you mean?', 'You should ask the old men you trust so much..this is going to be fun.' just about i'm going to ask, she's gone.

Next morning

'Gahyeon I'm going to the hospital today and I probably be late. Maybe you can have dinner with other.' I told the younger. 'Why unnie? Are you sick?' she look at me worry with my condition. 'No, I'm fine. I just have things to refer Siyeon. Don't worry.' .Honestly, the nightmare have been bother me before but now I feel like its getting worst I can see her.

Gahyeon's POV

Jiu unnie decided to send me to school today. I saw my two bestfriend was chatting. 'unnie I'm going now. Take care ok.' I hug the older and get off from the car. 'yo foxy!' Sua greet me. 'Jiu unnie send you today?' she look at the car just drove. 'Yup. She have appointment today.', 'what?! she's meeting Siyeon today?' I just nod to the question. 'Is she sick?' Yoohyeon ask. 'No, maybe just something she need to clarify with Siyeon.' Yoohyeon just nod to my explanation.

At hospital

Siyeon's POV

Knock, knock..'come in.' I see Jiu enter. 'Have a sit. So..you come here and its not your appointment day. Something happen?' I look at the older. 'Siyeon..I think I might have delusion. I start to see myself in the mirror. I mean not like a reflection, I was able to communicate with her.' I was shock by the statement. I mean I know that she was depress and constant having panic attack, but I never thought of she having a delusion. 'Are you sure you are delusion? Have you experience this before? Maybe hear a voice inside your head?'. 'no, I have never experience this before. I know that I often having nightmare but..I never thought it can happen to me consciously.'

'Jiu I need you to tell me everything. How you feel and how the image look like, it can be DID (Dissociate Identity Disorder) but we just hope its not since you are wide awake. I would like you to do MRI too, to see your brain wave.' she just nod with the explanation. 'Jiu don't be scare, if its DID or something, we can find a way. Its good that you actually came to me before it turn bad.' I try to comfort her.I remember the first time Jiu came here, its almost similar to me.


'Hye, I am Dr. Lee Siyeon, you can call me Dr. Lee. May I know why are you here Miss Kim?' I look at the girl infront of me. She have pale skin and small body. But what makes me feel weird is..why is she wearing sunglasses? 'You can take off your sunglasses, its not bright here.', 'I'm sorry but I can't.' I look at her, still trying to figure it out. As a psychiatry I usually read people expression from their action, tone and their eyes. 'Miss Kim as a psychiatry, I'm not only going to observe your action but also read your eyes movement. I'm not saying you will lie to me but it just a simple way for me to understand you.' for a moment she stay silent. I hear a sigh 'huh~ if I do that, promise me you won't freak out.' I nod. So she take off her sunglasses and I saw her other eyes are blue but it wasn't blue like a normal eyes. More like it will capture your soul, dark and sometimes you can see it turn to purple.

'I see.. that was you hiding from. It don't bother me, since I have seen other things but anyway what bring you here.' she was staring at me, now I know why she hide it. Its not only because of the colour but also it makes her stare intense. Honestly I kind a feel scared of the stare. 'I...had nightmare every night and its been a problem to me when I can't remember other things.'. 'I see.. Do you know any reason that maybe trigger you? Can be your childhood or anything that bring big impact on you.' she low her gaze, fidgeting her finger. 'My mom...her death.' I can see her sadness.

End of flashback

Ever since that day she have come here often. I have learned lot of things about her include the curse. At first I found it absurd until I had an emergency call from Gahyeon one day. 'Jiu for now we just need to wait for the result other than that there's nothing I can do. Try not to think too much, if you need someone to talk just call me or find something that can relax yourself.'. 'I understand... Thank you Siyeon but I'm going to need my medicine as usual.'. 'Ok sure.. do you have any plan after this?'. 'Yeah I need to go somewhere.' , 'Ok then..call me if you need anything.' with that she leave.

Jiu's POV

'Afternoon Mr.Yuu..Its me Minji. Yes, I have being well. Anyway can I meet you today for awhile? I will go to your place. Ok see you.' I call my old guardian Mr.Yuu. Mr.Yuu have being taking care of me before my mother passed away. Ever since dad was gone, Mr.Yuu have being like a father to me. He take a good care of me, play with me and even comfort me. Not too long after my mom passed away, I was taking care by my Uncle in America. Although we didn't meet each other, Mr.Yuu sometimes will send me her vegetables and meat.

Mr. Yuu's place

'Mr.Yuu..' I greet the old men who busy cleaning his farm. 'Haa..Jiu. You arrived.' he hug me and stare at me. 'My young lady have become so beautiful. Are you a miss Korea?hahaha' he tease me, 'hahah..Mr.Yuu if I become a Miss Korea, everyone probably having nightmare because of me.', 'Hush.. don't say that. You are beautiful ever since you are kid. Come on let's go back to my place. Mrs.Yuu probably making some food for us.' I just follow the old man. I can see he is getting old as his body getting smaller, his walking pace also slower compare to back then.

'Chagi..Jiu is here.' calling the old men for his wife. They are cute, maybe if my parent still alive they will look like this. 'O..JIu!omg you have grown up and beautiful now.' I just smile to the old lady and hug her. Mrs.Yuu serve us homemade lunch. Its been really long time since I have something that someone made. 'Jiu, what bring you here? If its about the night, don't worry I have call my workers to send it to your place.' the old men explain. 'No..its not about that. I wanted to ask about my grandparent, since you know them.' he look at me. 'What do you want to know? Your grandparent are nice people. They treat me like a family.' I smile knowing that Mr.Yuu feel that way. 'Is it true that...that my grand parent's make the deal with the devil and not the devil?. Mr.Yuu stop eating and look at me surprisingly. 'Chagi..can you leave Jiu and me for awhile.'.

'Jiu...how did you know that?' Mr. Yuu ask me with sad face.

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