Deep Thought

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Handong's resident

It's been few day and my neck already recover from the night. However Dami having a hard time with herself. I know she's worried about me but at the same time I know that she was thinking about Jiu too. To Dami, Jiu is like part of her family. I decided to talk about this.

'Babe are you going to be like this forever? I'm fine now and I can go to work starting tomorrow.' I made her a cup of tea. She sigh with the question. I can see how frustrated she is right now. 'I don't know babe. I really mad with what Jiu done. I know its not her fault but until when I have to handle this? I don't mind if it was me but I do care when it happens to you.' she look at me. 'Listen babe. I'm not going to force you to stay or quit but if you really hate this job why didn't you quit 4 years ago? Why now? Because what has happen to me? No babe. Its not because of me and you know that. You care about her. You know she struggle and you see how much she was hurt. She's not only your artist, she also your sister. That's why no matter how bad your job is, how much you hate dealing with this thing, you still stay.. because you care about her.' I hold Dami's hand. I'm sure she understand what I try to say. 'Huh~ I will think about this just give me some times.' I kiss her cheek. 'Take as much you need.'

Gahyeon's POV

It's Wednesday and I'm going back to Jiu's place. I didn't go to school or talking to anyone. Not even to Sua. She have been trying to reach me but I need some space. I also didn't try to talk with Yoohyeonn, I don't feel like I will bring any goods to her.I arrived, the first thing I look for is Jiu unnie. The house looks gloomy. I'm sure she didn't go anywhere nor having a proper meal.

I reach to her room. I open the door and see the women sitting near the window. I can see her back. She look messy so her room. 'Jiu unnie..' I slowly walk to her. I sit infront of her, look to her face. As soon I look at her, her tears fall. 'Gahyeon you back..' I smile and hold her hands. 'I don't want to get thrown to alligator.' with my answer Jiu unnie chuckle and hug me. 'I miss you Gah..' I hug her back. 'I miss you too unnie. I'm sorry I'm late.'

I feed Jiu unnie. Although it's been few days but I can see that Jiu unnie changes. Her eyes was swollen, her lips was dry and some cuts on her body. ' Gahyeon can you dye my hair to black?' she ask me. 'Why? I like your blonde hair.' ' I just think some change will be good for me.' she smile. 'Sure I will do later. Now I want you to clean up and looking good.' I will help you unnie and maybe we can continue our life normally. 'Unnie can you bring me to Mr.Yuu house tomorrow?' she raised her eyebrows. ' You see..I might found a way to end this curse. And the answer is with Mr.Yuu.' 'What do you mean the answer with Mr.Yuu?'. I tell Jiu everything that my mom told me yesterday. At first Jiu was hesitate about it but later she agree to try.

At school

Sua's POV

In classroom, alone.

In science lab, alone.

Lunch time, alone.

I.AM.SO.PISSED.OFF!!! none of them here! Yooh still recovering from the accident and this foxy didn't pick up my call. Even worst I don't even know where is her house!! I have being so lonely without them. Sob..sob.. don't get me wrong, I have other friends but that two idiots is my bestfriend. This is gonna be long weeks for me. Maybe I can hangout with Siyeon today after school. Lets just hope she's free.

To: Siyeon

Hey..are you free today? Can we have dinner together?

From: Siyeon

Yeah I'm free after 5. I fetch you at school?

To: Siyeon

Ok. I'll wait! ^-^

Ok nice. Finally some good news! After school I wait for Siyeon. She fetch me and we going to have meat tonight.

At the restaurant

Siyeon's POV

I'm having dinner with Sua today. It's weird to see she's behaving this way. She have being eating the meat like a vicious lion. 'Is everything ok or you just hungry?' I look at her. 'Everything is not ok. Im so pissed off with my friends. I have been alone until today. None of them at school!' she explained with a furious expressions. 'Did something happen to them?' 'Well..Yoohyeon had an accident after we part last night and Gahyeon. I swear to god im going to kill that kid for not picking up my call and replying my chat!' she drink the cola like she's drinking alcohol. 'hahahah chill, chill...maybe something happen. You have to wait ok.' I try to make her cool down and I guess its working.

'Hmm...ok but still she can at least let me know about her condition.' I understand that she care about her friends eventhough she pissed off. I hold her hand and smile, 'well at least I'm here.'. 'I know and it makes me feel better.' she smile. 'By the way, last time Yooh ask me about some love advice I guess but I'm not sure if its helping.' she tell me while munching the food. ' What was it about?' I look at her. ' Well...she ask me what if someone that I love have this illness and it can hurt me, will I still love them?' why is the sounds familiar. 'and what is your answer?' I ask her. ' I told her I will stay and continue loving that person. I mean if I don't want to love that person why would I stay from the first place? And for me if I'm falling for someone that means I already accept their flaws.' 'even if they going to hurt you?'. she looking at me shocked at the question. 'Yooh ask the same things too. Sure it will hurt but I will try to stay for as long as I can.'

After the dinner I send Sua back. In the car I know Yooh was talking about Jiu but let's hope its not. I decided to call Gahyeon. I was right there's something happen. I told Gahyeon that I will meet Jiu when I'm free also I told her to contact Sua since she's been looking for her.

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