A what?

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Hangdong's POV

'Hey babe.' I greet the short hair girl. She kiss my check, I love how she not hesitate to show her feeling to me. 'How is your day?I'm so hungry right now.' Dami pouting showing that she really hungry. She so cute but I can see that she have being so busy. 'Everything is good. Since my company just finish our event, I finally can breath.' I tell her about my company activity that just end recently. 'How about you? I can see that you have been so busy that you hardly go for a DATE with me' I highlight the words so she know how long I wait for her to go for a date. Its not that we never date, it just since we both working in a big company that providing entertainment and focusing on public need, our time can be hectic.

'Ucu cu cu..my baby miss me' she pinch my cheek and laugh. 'I don't miss you, who say I miss you.', 'really? Than I should cry because I have miss someone that don't miss me.' she show her cuteness. Ok fine that's cute! 'fine I miss my baby panda ok.' Dami smile and hold my hand ' how about next tuesday? I'm sure I can make sometimes for you.' I smile and nod. 'That so sweet of you, but if you are tired we don't have to go out. We can do indoor date.'. 'Sure. Anything for my Dong-ie'.

'Babe I have a favor to ask if you don't mind, since your event just finish' I look at her, 'yah sure.'. She look a bit hesitate, ' You see, I will be busy next Thursday but Jiu ask me to take care of her cousin since she will be out of town for work just for 2 days. Can you take care of Gahyeon. Don't worry, she's a good girl. Just make sure she's not going out or try to call Jiu.'. 'Why not?' I ask curious why can't Gahyeon call her cousin. ' Because Jiu going to meet an important client, so she can't be disturb. I will take Gahyeon the next day.'. 'Ok sure.. I don't see the problem.'. We continue our dinner and spend time together.

At Jiu's residence

'Gahyeon, I need to ask you something.' I call Gahyeon who busy watching TV.'What? I'm watching TV right now, can we talk later?' Gahyeon still focus on the screen. 'Did Yoohyeon saw everything that night?' I still focus on my laptop screen, typing my next chapter but Gahyeon suddenly stop and look at me. ' Unnie...she', 'I know she was here that night. She told me this after noon. Why didn't you tell me?' I stop and looking at her. 'Unnie I'm sorry but I don't want you to get worry. Plus it was one time. She not going to come here again' Gahyeon explain. 'Gahyeon, its not about she's coming here or not. What if she tell everyone? What if I hurt her that night?' I raise my voice abit. 'Unnie I don't ask her to follow me. She was suddenly there and lucky because of her I'm fine.' I was speechless by that. I have to agree, if its not because of Yoohyeon, Gahyeon probably die. 'Unnie, I'm sorry if you feel like Yoohyeon will tell everyone, but so far she haven't say anything not even to Sua. I trust Yoohyeon.' I remember the situation in the car this afternoon and I understand by what Gahyeon try to tell me. 'I understand. I..believe on her too' I say almost whisper.

Next day

Yooyeon's POV

'Yoohyeon.' in classroom.

'Yoohyeon.' in science lab.

'Ya Kim Yoohyeon!' Sua shout at me, 'Huh?What?' I look at her. 'What are you holding?.' huh? I look at my hand holding nothing. 'Plus the class already end. We not playing basketball anymore.What's up with you today?' Sua and Gahyeon looking at me. 'Nothing. I just have something inside my head.', 'why don't you share with us' Gahyeon and Sua sit. 'Well...I have a question. Just to be clear its not about me.' 'oo..ok sure. What is it then? Sua ask.

'So one of my friend ask me. That recently she met someone but they haven't know each other too long, more like acquaintance. So one day they met outside and spend time for awhile, but something happen and my friend comforting this girl. She feel worry when the girl look lost and having trouble. She decided to comfort her. She hug her,but..', 'but what?' Gahyeon ask. 'But..something inside her suddenly feel something. Her heart beat faster. Her mind suddenly full of that girl' .

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