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' Hello my name is Lee Jiyoo. I am 6 years old. When I grow up I want to be a doctor so I can help everyone. I love my family. My mama work as editor and my mommy work as model director. I love them both even they can be over protective sometimes.' I look at my parents clapping with other parents. Today is my graduation day from kindergarten. I can't wait to finally enter a real school. After the graduation ceremony my parents greet me. 'Our little bunny finally grow up!' mama held me and kiss my cheek. 'I'm not small anymore mama. I can write my name now.' 'hahah to us you always a baby Jiyoo.' mommy pinch my cheek.

'Jiyoo someone want to talk to you.' mama give me her phone. 'Yooh!' 'hey kid!' a women smile from another line. She's clearly at her work place. 'Yooh when can I meet you? I miss you.' this is Yoohyeon, my parent's friend but she always ask me to call her Yooh. 'I will be at your place after I finish my work ok. Do my bunny want anything?' she always like to spoiled me 'hmm.. can I see Cherry and Pie?' 'sorry bunny, they at my parent's house but I can bring you a new lego set.' lego?! yes! 'I take that as yes. See you later kid.' I past the phone to mommy. 'Hey yooh don't spoil her too much ok. ' 'hahaha oh come on. I hardly meet her Dong.'

At home

'Dodo! I'm home!' I called my dog. 'Jiyoo go clean yourself first. Your aunties will arrived here soon.' yeah! Looks like I will received more gift. After awhile I heard a noise from down stairs. I assume that's aunt Ddua. 'Hey Jiyoo.' 'Ddua..I can't..breath.' this is aunt Ddua, she always this energetic. 'Babe let the kids breath.' and this is her wife aunt Siyeon. 'aww..she just too cute. Sua pinch my cheek. 'How about me?' Yugyeom pout at their parent. 'Of course our baby also cute.' they kiss their son.

'Dami where is Gah?Why she so late?' Sua ask mama who busy preparing ingredient for bbq. 'I think she's..' ding dong. 'She's here.' mommy get the door and aunt Gahyeon appear with Yooh. 'Hey. What taking you guys so long?' Gahyeon give the gift to mommy 'Yooh taking too long to pick a gift for Jiyoo. You know how much she adored the kid.' they both laughing. 'Yooh!' I run to the tall women. 'Jiyoo..I miss you so much.' I kiss her cheek 'I miss you too Yooh.' 'how about me?' Gahyeon pout. I went to the fox look like lady 'I miss you too aunt Gahyeon. You look so beautiful.' 'hahah thank you baby.' she kiss my cheek. 'Here ice cream. You and Yogyeom can have it' Yooh give me the ice cream. Yugyeom and me just too happy. We went to play at the front yard with Yooh too. Others busy preparing at the kitchen.

Dami's POV

'Honey look..' Handong point at the direction where Gahyeon was sitting. She was starring at the air. 'I'll go to her for awhile.' I kiss my wife cheek. 'Hey Gah. What are you thinking?' I sit beside her. 'Oh Dami. Sorry I didn't realized you here.' . 'How is work?' I look at her 'everything is fine just busy as usual.' I hold her hand 'You still thinking about that night?'. I can see the pain in her eyes 'huh~ I try not to think about it but it was too hard.' ' know its not your fault right. We tried our best but we can't change fate.'. I can see tears start forming in her eyes 'Gah I know its hard for you but..' I look at Yooh who playing with the kids 'she hurt too. You remember how bad it was back then. Sua was traumatized that Siyeon have to be with her almost everyday. You went into bad depression, me and Handong didn't leave you at all. We take care of you eventhough I barely went through the day without thinking about Jiu. Yoohyeon went through the hard time alone. She keep herself not talking to anyone and almost end her life.' it was bad back then. Everyone barely make through their sanity. I was hardly do my daily routine not remembering Jiu. Sua having nightmare almost everynight making Siyeon having hard time. She decided to take Sua as her patient. Yoohyeon didn't talk to anyone, it was lucky that Sua was there at the time to pay her a visit.

'I know Dami but its hard to accept that she's gone. We have been together since we were kids and not a day we apart.' Gahyeon cry. 'I know Gah.. but we had too and its no one fault. Yooh blaming herself for putting the dagger in Jiu's chest. At first you blame her too but you both know there's no solution that night or we all will die.' I still remember what happen that night. It was too much for us to accept it. Everything gone in a blink of our eyes. 'If its not because of you Jiu's life will be harder than before. I believe she happy now. She's not living behind the sunglasses anymore and all that thanks to you.' I smile at her. 'You want to know something?' she look at me 'The final chapter of lie actually have a happy ending. You know back then Jiu told me there will be no happy ending but surprisingly there is. Do you want to know what is the ending?' Gahyeon nod. 'The girl finally broke the curse and have a happy family with the one she love. She have a daughter, a family. I think that's what Jiu want.' 'what's the daughter name?' I look at Jiyoo who playing tag with them 'Jiyoo' I smile at Gahyeon. With that Gahyeon broke down, crying all her heart. I hug her knowing the pain she keep to herself, the miss that she never able to release. 'Thank you Dami.' Gahyeon hug me.

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