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I keep looking up at my ceiling wondering what I'm still doing in bed. I was supposed to get ready a while ago, but I can't just pull my self out of bed I'm too tired I stayed up last night finishing homework. I'm just tired of school I wish I wouldn't have to go but my mom wouldn't let me.

I get up from my bed and head to the restroom and look in the mirror. I look the same as always, long dark brown hair that passes my shoulders and reaches the middle of my back. I have brown eyes that take after my mom, and I had bushy eyebrows but not anymore since I had them waxed it freaken hurt, I also have a dimple and when I say a I mean only one. I am not that skinny or pretty, I always felt insecure about my body even though I shouldn't.

I get my tooth brush and put some toothpaste on it. I start brushing my teeth when I hear my bedroom door open, I step out of the bathroom brushing my teeth to see its my sister great.

"What do you want?"I mumble and she huffs we never had the best relationship.

"Mom wants to know if your ready but I can tell your not"She says smirking. She is so annoying even though if she does nothing, she's already in 5th grade and I'm a senior, my brothers different he's nice unlike her.

"Get the hell out"I mumble and she rolls her eyes before finally leaving. I swear she only comes to check if I'm ready to tell mom and get me in trouble then my mom will give me a lecture if how I always have to be ready blah,blah.

I spit out the toothpaste and rinse before heading to my closet, today I'm feeling lazy so I'll wear jeans and a t-shirt. I slip my black jeans on the a shirt that says Nirvana in huge yellow letters. I put on my black flannel on top before putting on my black combat boots, my mom always says I where to much black but I don't care. I grab my glasses and beanie and put them on before leaving my room.

I grab my backpack and start walking downstairs once I'm there I see my mom talking on the phone and my brother and sister watching spongebob as usual.

I get a hotpocket and put it in the microwave, while I wait for it I grab my phone and see its 7:30 school starts at 8:00, I usually ride my skateboard to school or walk. I hear a beeping and see its ready. I'm about to eat it when I hear my brother talk.

"Can I have it"Auden asks pointing his chubby finger to it, he's only 8 but he's already overweight.

"No"I say and he pouts.

"Please...."He says.

"Auden there in the refrigerator just get one and put it in the micro for 2 minutes"I say looking down at him he still looks sad.

"Please I'm really hungry" He says again.

"Auden mom made pancakes you just ate that you shouldn't be asking me for more food"I say and instead of talking he gets the hotpocket and runs with it to the living room.

"Auden!"I yell but he just laughs. WTF? My brother just stole my hotpocket, I look around the corner and see him eating it while laughing to whatever dumb thing Patrick is saying on the tv. I sigh and run my hands through my hair before making another hotpocket, once it's ready I go to the table and eat it. Once I'm done eating I wash my dish and grab my backpack and skateboard.

"Mom!"I yell.

"What Cass?"She asks.

"I'm leaving bye!"I yell back and exit the house. Once I'm out I take a long breath of the cold air, I fix my beanie so it won't fall I plug in my earphones to my phone and play some Nirvan. I drop my skateboard and get on.

I start riding while singing along. I push my leg faster, I always liked riding fast. My parents didn't like the idea of me riding a skateboard since I'm a girl but honestly that has nothing to do with it. I hear "Smells Like Teen Spirit" go on and I start singing and humming along.

With the lights out its less dangerous

Here we are now, entertain us

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are now, entertain us....

I start humming along to the end. I pull my leg back and push my self faster.

I feel stupid and contagious.....

Da Da Da

I look up and see I'm at the high school great. I never was one to join sports but I had decided to try out for dance instead and I have practice today . I slow down and flip my skateboard and pull it up . I start walking to my first period geometry. I hear someone call my name and turn around I see Mr. Hernandez my geometry teacher.

"Hi Mr.Hernandez" I say and nod my head to him.

"Hi Mrs.Sanchez, I actually needed to ask you for a favor"He says and I nod for him to continue.

"Okay so we have this new student coming from Los Angeles, and I need someone to show him around" He says.

"Um I don't know I'm not good at showing people around and stuff"I say and scratch the back of my neck.

"Mrs.Sanchez please I don't know no one else"He says and I look around for someone else, but hear someone approach us. I turn and see a guy a really tall guy. He has dark green hair and dark brown eyes he looks asian but like a hot Asian. Omg why am I saying he's Asian if anything he can be Chinese or even Korean, but it doesn't matter he's cute and he has dimples.

"Um excuse me where you going to show me around?"The guy asks and smirks as he eyes me up and down.

"Oh yes um this is Zelo Choi and Zelo this is Cassandra Sanchez" Mr.Hernandez says. I nod to Zelo and smile and he does the same. He seems a little shy.

"Ok so Cassandra was going to sho-"Mr.Hernandez says but is cut off by me talking.

"Mr. Hernandez I actually have to go talk to.the dance team about the trip were going to take"I say and stand on one foot to another not knowing what to do.

"Um well actually Zelo here asked me if we have a spot for the dance team"Mr.Hernandez says and I nod.

"Well um he'll have to try out then we'll decided. Have you dance in a actual team before?"I ask and look at him and recluse he's been looking at me the whole time.

"Um I actually been to a dance school before I moved there was one in L.A so I think I have experience" He says smirking.

"Oh ok then after school you can try out" I say and nod.

"Ok seems good, are you like the captain of the dance team"He says smirking and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"In a matter of fact I am, I'll see you at practice Zelo" I say and start walking to my 1st period when I hear him talk.

"Ok then see you at practice Cass"I hear him say but ignore the little nickname he called me when I don't even know him.

Deception(Zelo B.A.P)Where stories live. Discover now