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(That's her outfit when she goes to dance practice.)

The whole day was boring As usual and in lunch I spent my time in the library studying. I have friends from the dance team. I'm not popular at all people actually think I'm a nerd. I used to get bullied a while back but since I came to high school it stopped. I really needed to study so I went to the libary, I have to pass this test in order to graduate high school. Schools going to be over in 5 months but I'm freaken out about college and everything. I already know what I'm going to do I want to be a dance choreographer sounds dumb, but it's what I want. When I told my parents what I wanted to do they said that's not a real job, and to grow up. I just don't get why they can't support what I want to do and be.

I quickly walk to the girls locker room to change into my dance clothes. I enter and see no one's here, there probably all dressed out which means I'm late.

I quickly change into some tight leggings pants and a tank top but I put a sweatshirt over it. I slip on my shoes and take off my glasses I get all if my hair and put it in a tight ponytail before walking to the school gym.

Once I'm inside I see everyone stretching and Tieing their  shoes. I turn around and see the new kid from this morning Zelo. He sees me staring at him while he stretches and winks my way. Not a good impression on the dance captain. I clap my hands to get everyone's attention which means 9 people. We have a little bit people on this team because we're advanced which is Varsity and I chose them. I'm also the Captain for JV but the practices are in different days. Like the Advanced has it Mondays & Wendsdays, and JV is Tuesday's & Thursdays. So my only free days are Fridays and the weekends.

"Okay so as you guys know we have a dance field trip coming up this Friday"I say and everyone cheers.

"What time do we leave?"Kiesha asks she's one of the best dancers on this team.

"Were going to skip school that day, so we will be leaving early like at 6:00am"I say and everyone groans.

"We have to prepare our dances if we want to win this competition, JV will be performing before us so I'm going to need you guys to stretch without me, so when I'm performing with JV I'm going to leave Kiesha in charge "I say and nod to Kiesha which she returns.

"Ok you guys can practice on the other side of the gym, because I need to let someone try out"I say and see the rest of the team run to the other side.

"Kiesha, Jay and Brandon come over here"I say and they nod before coming.

I look at Zelo and see him already starting at me smiling. Okay. I nod for him to come over,  see him jog over and I smile at him.

"Ok guys Zelo wants to try out he had some experience so I think we should be the one making the decision" I say and Jay snickers I glare at him.

"Something to say Jay?"I ask and he laughs. Jay and me always had problems he was the one that bullied me in middle school he still kinda does but nothing major.

"I can't believe your the dance captain"He says smirking.

"And I can't believe you made the dance team"I say and give him a fake smile.

"Ok Zelo, do you have a song you would like?"I ask.

"Uh yea it's in my phone can I plug it in?"He asks and I nod for him to.

He plugs in his phone to the speaker and gives it to me to press play. I see him go to the middle of the gym and prepares him self.

"Ok good luck"I say and press play. Once the music starts I realize it's not English it's Chinese or Korean. It has a fast beat to it.

Deception(Zelo B.A.P)Where stories live. Discover now